Hard Work & Smart Work

Last Update: October 21, 2009

Working hard is part of the process of success. There are very few jobs that you can climb the ladders of success without making some good efforts and giving your best.

Working smart is also important. The reason is obvious - if you have been meeting with failure after failure then it is wise to make the changes.You cannot have a different result without changing your present approach and method.

Failures are not bad in themselves but only if they provide important lessons for you to learn. In every failure, there are nuggets of truth to gather. You have to evaluate your failures  and make the necessary changes. For example,by producing the sheer volume of blogs and websites, you are not guaranteed successful sales. Therefore, it is good to pause for a while and learn from those who produce successful blogs. Make honest appraisal and then change accordingly. 

To be a successful internet marketer, you have also to be perpetually aware of the changing situations around you. You have to constantly find out what your potentialclients might need. That is why in WA University, you have beenencouraged to do a lot of research and background works.

Every niche can work but you still have to find the one that works for you. Finding and locating the right niche are the hard work that you have to encounter. Learning to find your appropriate niche fast is the smart work that you need to pursue.

 The key to locating your niche is within you. You have interests, expertise and talents that other people may not have. When you offer these to the internet market there will be people who are willing to pay for your service.

In Affiliate Marketing, it is the same. You are offering other people's expertise and make money through the commissions earned.

You can also offer your expertise on your blogs, lens and websites. People who have problems will need solutions. Therefore when you offer good solutions, you will soon be recognized as an 'expert'. The readers whom you have helped will listen to your advice and also recommendations of products such as ebooks and equipments etc.That is when you begin to make money online.

Therefore, do not give up. Like what Kyle and Carson  often admonish - only those who persist and continue in IM will have a good chance of success. No matter what you are doing, understand that nobody can be a success by quiting. Combine the hard work with the smart work, you will ultimately be able to achieve your dream of becoming a profitable internet marketer.

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