About Naab
Joined May 2010
The Naab Noob Newb Newbie of all times.
And dont forget... im a beginner...

And im norwegian so please forgive my english spelling!!

Things to do:
Everything I do today, do it better tomorrow!

This could me me.. almost...
Naab's Accomplishments

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DABK Premium
Hello. Welcome to WA. I'll forgive your English if you forgive my Norwegian. I don't know one word in Norwegian.
That's bad, isn't it?
If you have questions, I got answers I no longer need.
DABK Premium
Start with the Action Plan. Then search WA for every concept, term you come across in the Action Plan that you don't know well. There are a lot of short tutorials on pretty much everything.

The Action Plan gives you about a week to do each lesson. If you finish sooner, really search WA for tutorials and the forums for discussions. Search for things related to what you're doing in the Action Plan, till you know well the concepts you're dealing with then.

If you're advanced in some areas, practice and go to Search WA for more advanced tips. The forum too.

Enjoy og takk for the 3 words.
DABK Premium
Search for: keyword research, finding keywords
Search for: using siterubix
Search for: article marketing (it's free, except for the sweat of your brain)
Search for: pay per click
Search for: how to find a product to promote
Also, if you go to the forum and find interesting posts, see all the posts the poster posted.
Takk for the complement. I thought I was ready for my next 3 words.

Also, go to www.squidoo.com and create a free account and look around.

and www.ezinearticles.com
and www.hubpages.com read less
Search for: keyword research, finding keywords
Search for: using siterubix
Search for: article marketing (it's free, except for the sweat of your brain)
Search for: pay per click
DABK Premium
Also check private messages, I sent you one.
Naab Premium
Hi and thanks :=)
Hei og takk
Now you know 3 words in norwegian ;p
I only have 1 question that i tryed to figure out yesterday.. Where to start?
Naab Premium
I am doin that, but searching for what? I cant search for stuff i have no idea what is.
But only a few more days and lesson 3 is rolling :)
hahahahah.. "og takk for the 3 words" amazing :=) Very fast learner!!
Naab Premium
Im gratful for all advice i get, but i dont think you (or anyone) actually understand how noob i am.
I want basic, basic basic. :)
Naab Premium
Thank you so much. Im on it right now!! PM read and replyed :)
Naab Premium
4,5h in..
Could someone reminde me.. what did i just spend 39 bucks on? And why?
Kan noen fortelle meg hva jeg nettopp brukte 253 NOK på? Og hvorfor?
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Naab Premium
Thanks u so much.
And Gz beeing the first post on my space :=)
Naab Premium
Just talking to my self
Naab Premium
The noob naab newb newbie beginner of all time