I am tired of being negative.

Last Update: July 04, 2010

Just decided today I am not going to think about anything negative in my work, business, relationship, life and whatever else comes my way ever again.

If you think about it when you think about bad stuff they seem to materialize and the more they materialize the more you think bad stuff. Even with the smallest things, everything you want is there right in front of you all you have to do is stop thinking "this might", "I hope", "don't know", "it won't" etc. Things can only turn around and get you what you want if you say "this will", "I know", etc.

My mind has gone the wrong way and I am getting what I thinking about, so some change is needed and from now on everything I look at will be in the best way possible I want to feel good everyday of my life. Everything will work in life and we can get everything we want if we use our minds and just get positive about everything and everybody in our life.

Thanks for reading this, I just feel very good today and life is there for the taking stop being scared to live the life you really want.

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AndreErasmus Premium
Don't know what okra is Joan, it does not sound very good. It is so easy to slip down this dark road. Chocolate cake sounds much better.
jatdebeaune Premium
It's an awakening Andre, it's the moment you realize that you have a choice. You can choose to be happy (positive route), or you can choose to be miserable (nothing to be gained route). May as well be happy. I'd rather eat chocolate cake than okra. Do you have okra in South Africa? Well, maybe fried it's alright. You are so right about attracting the energy you put out. Every time someone here has talked about an IM frustration, myself included, they follow it up the next day all positive with an important lesson they learned. So you see, there's a gift in every experience. If worrying could change things for the better, I'd volunteer. I can be a veritable Greek chorus, but it's not the right path to follow. See successful outcomes always. You are creating every second.
Louise M. Premium
great post! That's the mindset that will take you where you want to be. :)
maureenhannan Premium
I understand. I really do. The bad things you lose sleep over and "churn" over rarely ever do materialize. And, even if they did, what good would the worry and angst do? This is a biggie for me--and I've noticed that people with fertile imaginations can be both the biggest worrywarts AND the most unfailingly positive folks. It really does seem to be a matter of directing where you'll let your imagination go. I actually have a few friends I've coached to keep me from "catastrophizing." I'll start going down a road of how bad things could get...and they are instructed to rein me in quickly. :-) Humor is a great anti-catastrophizing tool! Best wishes, Andre...life is GOOD. ~ Maureen