Thieves of the Internet

Last Update: December 04, 2010

How would you feel if your site started to rank after a couple of months working to get it there and then the next thing it just disapears into thin air never to be seen again.

 One of our affiliates on Clickbank decided it is a good idea to copy our index page exactly as is add some javascript code for their affiliate link and save it as a page on their site, they even put their own copy at the bottom of the site saying copyright belongs to the author.

We found 3 pages like that on three different websites. I am not quite sure why they do that. We discovered this through Google Analytics crawler error pages.  The link looks like this and each link has 3 links to it from 3 different sites and those links leads to what looks exactly like an older version of our index page. So in effect Google sees 3 duplicate sites and that could be why our site is not ranking anymore.

 When you go to these websites they have a long list of products they sell at the bottom of their page. Clicking on the links to other products we discovered they do this with all the products they sell - copy the vendor's site and add code to it for their affiliate link.

Here are the links to these sites. Just scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Health and Fitness for example go to the vendors site and see they are exact duplicates of the vendors site.

Definitely not the way to go in affiliate marketing.


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morlandroger Premium
One consolation is that the english is appalling. Almost unreadable in some cases.
If they are straight copies and therefore potentially breaching copyright then it would be worth contacting their webhost. Here is what Ezine articles suggested to me I do about articles and what Hubpages asks you to do if there is copied material on their site Everysite is different of course and it may depend on where the hosting is but you never know it might just get results. Roger
AndreErasmus Premium
We've reported them at Google, blacklisted them as our affiliates and asked Google for reconcideration of our site. We also alerted some of the vendor sites known to us, hopefully they will get into action as well. The damage has been done and our traffic is slowing down but will hopefully be up and running soon. First time I have seen anything like this. Thanks for the comments.
Sherion Premium
It reminds me of a month ago when my article was stolen. They still have it on their site. This all makes me very discouraged and it really makes me just want to quit because what good is it to do all the work and then someone just takes it. What can be done for you? Can't you get some advice from some of these top buddies here at WA? Where is Kyle and Carson?
WRI Premium
These kinda thing smake me wonder about getting into campaigns were ya have to give your affiliate links to a web master. I may be off base here, but I am very cautious.
jatdebeaune Premium
Wow! Go after them Andre. That's absolutely lousy! Send your attorney after them. Is this common practice? Nerve! Let us know how you handle it and what happens.