A keyword with 74000 searches and 0 competition

Last Update: June 17, 2011

That's right. And that's 74000 EXACT  searches by the way.

And the keyword is *drumroll please*


I guess a lot of people just randomly search it to see if their internet is working.

The websites on the front page have absolutely nothing on them. So, if you are looking for some free random traffic, try building a site on the keyword. You can probably monetize it with adsense.

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andys43us Premium
Yeah. I actually found it because I was checking if my internet is working. The reason why there is no competition is because people aren't really looking for something when they type that phrase. So whatever the results are on the first page don't really interest them. I would think the traffic that those pages get are very less. So unless you have a very enticing title, don't expect a lot of traffic from those searches. Rocktivity - Yeah, it can be a product name. Like an acronym for something. Could also be an internet meme. As D_____ as D_____. As dreaded as dumbledore? I am not very creative :(
jasonr Premium
How did you find this out? By accident?
smadronia Premium
For jokes and giggles, I went and grabbed asdasd.co. I have no idea where it will go, but I think I'm going to give it a shot.
Thanks for the tip :)
rocktivity Premium
Sure you can monetize it -- just make it the name of a product, LOL!
jatdebeaune Premium
Did you discover that Andy? If anyone knows about it, then why isn't there competition? Nice phrase. I can see it used in lots of ways. Thanks for sharing.