After 3 months of not so much action....

Last Update: April 29, 2010

Hi guys, I have been here for more than 3 months.

When I  joined WA, I read everything in the first 7 days, and started my own website on 1st Feb.

I just checked my clickbank account for how much money I made and here are the stats for the first 3 months.

Feb - I made $40 worth of sales.

March - I made $28 worth of sales.

April - $158 worth of sales. (I might sneak in a sale or two before April runs out, so keeping my fingers crossed)

So as you can see I am improving.

All the sales came from just one product of clickbank.  I did other campaigns, but they were not successful. Well, at least not yet. I believe I cannot make a sale until some of my stuff is ranking on Google and for my other campaigns nothing is ranking on Google yet.

This was mainly due to poor keyword research and going for obvious keywords. I can still rank for them, but it will take time, so I will slowly work on these campaigns for a while.

I learned a lot from these and started digging in keyword research a lot. I found a few good keywords that I will try to rank for.

A lot of time in these 3 months was wasted on not taking action, and thinking too much before taking action. Although thinking is an important part of IM, overthinking leads to procrastination and we all know that sucks.

That is the reason I wasn't able to achieve as much as I would have wanted to achieve. But I have learned a lot more than I wanted to learn.

I am constantly fighting with procrastination and trying to get my ass to take more action. I believe I do not have that drive that most people have. I have the will, but not the drive. But I am pretty sure I am getting there. I am thinking less these days and doing more.

I hope on taking a lot of action in May. At least  4 more campaings and a lot of backlinking for the previous ones. If I start earning more, I will also try a few PPC campaigns. I have $100 sitting in my adwords account thanks to Drew,

Here is to a month that will bring a lot more sales to everyone who has been working their asses off. Here is to MAY. 



P.S: My birthday is on 27th may. I want to have at least one more successful campaign before that. :)



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Robg1 Premium
Good stuff! If you can identify what made your successful campaign work you might be on to something!
jatdebeaune Premium
That's wonderful Andy. Don't discount all you've been learning. You had to get some of those goodies under your belt. It'll pay off down the road. You have a handle on things now, so you're sailing.
Rob Lee Premium
It's great that you're so dedicated to improving and growing. You must be doing something right if you're getting even a few you just have to multiply that! Good luck!
andys43us Premium
Thanks Pete. That's the plan. :)
Slugger_mn Premium
Thats great! Keep it up(: Just keep growing and growing- haha