About AngelinaJames
Joined June 2010
I am a wife and stay-at-home mother to four young children. While my husband has a stable job, we could really use some extra cash to make life a little easier for our growing family.

I began searching for online employment in 2007. Back then I was convinced that it was impossible to make money online unless you were a computer guru. After receiving an $8 check for a survey I'd taken, however, I began to realize that there are legitimate ways to make money online. I began writing articles for various sites in 2008 and have found that avenue to be fairly successful, but just not enough.

I first read about Wealthy Affiliate back in 2007 but did not have enough money to invest in it at the time, and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to do it because of my lack of computer knowledge. But now I'm ready to take the plunge and make this work. I'm very excited to be here!
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Sherion Premium
Hi and Welcome to WA! Let me know if you need a buddy and if there is any help you need let me know and I will try. I am a newbies. Been here 3 weeks and in lesson 3.
AngelinaJames Premium
Hello! I am in lesson 4 now. It's hard to keep everything straight, but I'm going to keep trying! Good luck to you! Keep in touch.
scubaprokg Premium
Hi Angelina.. Thanks so much for the comment.. I appreciate it.. Well I'd love to keep in touch.. I see you have some experience in Writing Articles.. that's good.. would love to get some help from you in the coming weeks.. all the Best, Emi
AngelinaJames Premium
I'd love to help you if I can. I've been writing articles for a couple of years now, but haven't done much affiliate marketing. I'm hoping WA is the key to success!
babyboomer20 Premium
Hi Angelina, Just stopped by to welcome you aboard!! Glad to see you here. Congratulations on taking this step to "Owning Your Life". Wishing you all the Success in your LEARNING to EARN!! Would it be OK if I added you to my Buddy List? I'd like to be your friend... Please feel free to add me. Marty : )
AngelinaJames Premium
Thanks! I'm very excited to be here!
CGollihue Premium
Welcome to WA!
AngelinaJames Premium
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
AngelinaJames Premium
Thanks! I can't wait to get started!