Early Impressions of Wealthy Affiliate

Last Update: June 11, 2010

I've been spending a lot of time poking around the Wealthy Affiliate site since I joined at the end of last week. All I can say is that this site is AMAZING! I am sooo mad at myself for not joining years ago when I first heard about it. I can only imagine that I'd be making quite a bit of money now instead of struggling to make ends meet every month. But there's no time like the present. I can't focus on the past now, I can only move forward. I'm so excited about the future of my online career right now. In fact, I've never felt so confident that I can actually make a decent living online.

It's hard to know who to believe when you're working online. Everyone is just words and a picture on a screen. You don't physically meet anyone. You don't know who to follow and who to trust. I have tried many different ways to make money online. I have always feared paying money to make money. That is why I was never willing to pay for the Wealthy Affiliate membership. I also feel that I wasn't serious enough in the past to take this step and devote myself to making it online. I felt it was too hard to piece everything together before. But not now. Wealthy Affiliate lays it all out there, in words that any one, regardless of internet experience, can understand.  I'm just so excited to be here!

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Carrie Premium
Welcome to WA, although I'm new here, too. I understand what you mean about not trusting folks on the Internet. Like you, I've taken a long time before signing on here. I'm definitely impressed with the site and educational opportunities. It's great not to be spammed to death. Best of luck to you.
Jamie Smith Premium
Nice to have you in the WA family!