Ching Ching Hallelujah!!

Last Update: April 14, 2010

Folks I've been building and praying for a ray of sunshine via a sale in my Clickbank account.  After all the nights of pushing myself to stay up after my kids go to bed when I would love to just go to sleep,  I really needed a little inspiration.

 Well tonight I got it!!

I have the CBNotify tool loaded in Firefox, so if I get a sale, it shows down on the bottom corner of the window.  Normally, its all zeros down there.  I'm so used to seeing those zeros that I rarely even glance at it anymore.  

That's how it was tonight.  I was just online doing my usual stuff and didn't even notice it.  I decided to glance at the time and there it was. 

I stared at it for a few seconds like a goof ball :-) before running upstairs to tell my husband!

My landing page is a squidoo lens which is about two weeks old and my articles were published within a couple days after that.  I submitted articles to Ezine, Associated Content, Articles Base and GoArticles.  My articles have about a 50% click through rate and I've had about 30 visits to my Squidoo lens.  Of those 30, 21 have clicked out to the sales page and now a sale! So it didn't really take a whole lot of traffic.

Tonight, I've gone from being so tired I wanted to pass out, to so pumped that I don't know if I'll sleep tonight!

On to the rinsing and repeating!



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jatdebeaune Premium
Wonderful story. Thanks for sharing and congratulations!
Jane Doe Premium
Congrats Angelle. Very happy for you on your sale. May there be many more where that one came from and may you have great success still.

I love these kinds of posts as it just inspires me to try again and again even if I don't see results just yet, I figure if you can do it then I can too.

Good luck to you and many many more sales for you.
forkintheroad Premium
Congrats! I'm a newbie and your story has inspired me!
Slugger_mn Premium
Awesome Job! You were just saying that you were going to do this! haha, who knew right(: haha Now keep doing it over and over again! Congrats again!
Jamie Smith Premium
Congrats on your success Angelle! Pumped and inspired are both great qualities to have in business. Wishing the WA family great success 2nd Quarter 2010 and beyond.