Goals Setting Made Easy !

Last Update: October 15, 2009

 I would like to give everyone some easy steps that I use when I set my goals .

1. When setting my goals I don't set limits on myself . (I dream if everything was ideal what would I have , and what would I be doing.)

2. Make long-term and short- term goals . (1yr., 3yr, 5yr, 10yrs goals)

3.Write 5 things that you already completed in your life . (it can be big things or small things) 

4. What kind of person must I become to be, do , or have these things.('It's not what you get that makes you valuable , but it's the person that you become.')

5. Know the why behind every goal that you set . ("The purpose is stronger than the object") (" When the why gets strong enough the how gets easier.")

6. Some of your goals should include you working on your mindset. 

7. Make failure not an option ..

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