About Anthony2791
Joined March 2008
Hi everyone , my name is Anthony Williams , and I am new to the whole internet marketing -make money online field . I started here with wealthy affiliate about a year ago, moreover I left for a while and now I am back ready to set my goals , and make some money online .

I would love to meet some new people here with wealth affiliate hopefully we can build a money making team , and a motivational group.

One of the main reason that I left wealth affiliate the first time was because of my lack of motivation to keep to my goals.

So this time around I will be looking to chat , and stay connected to my community here at wealthy affiliate.

Please request to be my friend if you are not already . I would love to build some friendships , and motivational partners.

To your success and mine ..
Anthony W
Anthony2791's Accomplishments

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peaches Premium
Hello Anthony, thanks for inviting me to be your buddy. Try Try again, one only fails when they quite trying to succeed Her's to your success.
anthony2791 Premium
Thank you for the encouragement. That is so true ..
To your success ...
Honey Premium
Hi, Anthony.
What you said is so true. It's hard to stay motivated when you're going it alone. That's the only downside of being independent. But now you have a community of nice people who are like minded to help you stay on track. I'm still trying to learn my way around this site (I find it a little overwhelming) but I did put you in my buddies. Feel free to contact me anytime.
anthony2791 Premium
Thank you Honey , and by the way I love the name ..
I look forward to learning and making some real money ..
I will keep contact , and maybe we can be motivation to one other ..
Internetgranny Premium
Hi Anthony,
Yes, it's not easy to keep motivated and keep going. That's what I actually find most valuable about Wealthy Affiliate - the sense of belonging to a community. Reading how much others are doing, how they are getting up an hour or so earlier in the morning to get articles written, lenses published etc. is very motivating. You've got a lovely family!

I've added you as a buddy and wish you lots of success.
anthony2791 Premium
Thank you Internetgranny, what you wrote is so true ..
Thank you for the love .. I am really looking forward to setting goals , and staying plugged in this time ..
Which I know will make all of the difference this time ..
To your and my success ..
anthony2791 Premium
I am back ! I left for a while and now I am back I am looking to stay connected to this community here at wealthy affiliate ..To yours and my success..AW
anthony2791 Premium
Hi everyone my name is Anthony Williams , and I am new to internet Marketing . I am looking forward to learn all that i can so that i can quite having to work for other people and have time freedom. I also hope to meet new people and to network, and build upon new friendships .So make me your friend and lets get this money.