About ARBie
Joined October 2009
First experience with a computer 1975. Programming with IBM punch cards in High School.

Air Force Veteran.

First real computer owned..Atari 400XL with a Tape Drive

First IBM compatible in 1986 Tandy 1000. Learned and used Bulletin board services etc. Modem cost me over $300.00

Haven't bought a new computer in nearly 22 years. I've built all my computers up to Now.

I am an A+ Certified Computer Technician and Hold 4 different Microsoft Certifications..

Got started with eBay about 1998 and still do eBay on occasion. Have made 10's of thousands of dollars doing eBay.

Dabbled with eBay and Amazon for years. Studied affiliate marketing around 2000 and made lots money with Adsense and other marketing methods. Sort of got out of Internet marketing when Google started to make things difficult and eBay started raising their prices.

Decided in 2007 I wanted to retire early so jumped back into affiliate marketing and IM. Accomplished my goal on June 26. I quit my job and am happily semi-retired. I have made a 6 figure income from IM the last 2 years and I hope I will continue to do so.

Joined WA in October 2009 to see if there was anything here I could use....didn't participate much until after I retired....I can't really say there is much here at WA I need. I am seriously thinking about quitting.
ARBie's Accomplishments

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Heart2Heart Premium
You are right .It is not possible to master more than one thing at a time. I like what you say about article writing, does it work for you? Do people respond by buying w/o all the foefies. Oh can I add you as buddy.?
jatdebeaune Premium
Appreciate the way you pare things down to essentials. I have also been questioning the need to write so many articles. Another thing I question is keyword density. 2% density makes your article read like you can't write (if it's an article of about 700 words). I want them to read what I write. Boils down to common sense.
aRBie Premium
Simply write like you are talking to someone. If the keyword density is 1% or 3% and the article is good and sounds right. Let it go. You write articles for people to read not for search engines to rate you on.
webkab Premium
Good information. Thanks
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
rob1957 Premium

Hi aRBie, Maybe this site might interest you as it did me.
aRBie Premium
Thank You. Its a good page. By the way I thought I added you as a buddy but I think I deleted you instead. I don't know how to get you back. Sorry. Try again and I will add you. Thanks again.