WA Needs to Clean Up Its Act

Last Update: July 18, 2010

I think its about time that Wealthy Affiliate had a Terms of Service (TOS).

There are Wealthy Affiliates, Intermediate Affiliates, Juniors and everyone else in between  that are promoting Black Hat SEO software, websites, practices. 

There are several pieces of software being promoted out there that require you to enter your ID and password for all your social bookmarking accounts. This is a violation of most of the TOSs of the bookmarking accounts. 

There is nothing wrong with using bookmarking sites to bookmark your own new posts and your websites. But...

When you use these things in programs that promise you 1,000 new backlinks...That is known as spamming which is a violation of the TOS of all the rest of the bookmarking websites out there. Not to mention the TOS's of all the major, minor and insignificant search engines.

If you can't get a website Ranked using WHITE Hat methods then you have no business being an Internet Marketer. If you have to Stuff The Ballot Box to get your Website to #1 then that only means that your site doesn't belong in the #1 position.

There are also those that advocate outsourcing to real people to sit all day and make comments and posts and social bookmarks to raise a websites ranking. This too is stuffing the ballot box and the practice needs to be banned.

Many people complain that Google keeps changing the rules. The #1 reason Google keeps changing the rules is so that the pages they give THEIR CUSTOMERS are relevant and the best the web has to offer.  When you have countless DISHONEST people figuring out how to buck the system then Google acts. They act by changing the rules so that only the best relevant sites appear in their Search Engine Results.

Now I admit I use things like Comment Kahuna...but I go to the  websites and I make the comments and post my links myself. I am not spamming anyone and I'm not using any automated comment software.

So I ask Kyle and Carson...When are you going to clean this place up?  Its time WA had a TOS.




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aRBie Premium
Your picture has a little one. Would you care if there were those here who promoted Child Pornography? Old Saying..."If you turn your eyes away from an injustice and say nothing...then you must be alright with it."
NEA03 Premium
Who cares. Grounds for dismissal?? I think you are still heated up over that discussion you and Andy had in the forum. I personally don't care what others promote, I'm busy trying to write articles(and make them better,ugh) to care about what others promote.
aRBie Premium
The TOS I'm referring to is what is promoted on WA. The promotion of spam software and Black Hat Seo practices should not only be banned but should be grounds for dismissal from WA.
iFaith Premium
And how does WA enforces this TOS? It can have a perfect TOS, but WA can't force or oversee people in how they operate their own online practices. Where are these promotions taking place - right here in WA? Or elsewhere?
I agree with you that people should use honest ways to promote their sites. The Internet already has a lot of junk on it as it is, and the whole emphasis about connecting a customer with a product that he wants to buy sounds like it's all about helping people. The black hat methods that you refer to seem more like taking advantage of people. We should definitely all choose to take the higher road. As the Executive Director of one of the companies I affiliate with is fond of saying, "Let excellence be the only authority."