Chance to make NEW marketing software :P

Last Update: March 23, 2011

Ok so I just became aware that my girlfriends uncle is a software designer. After talking with him he offered to help me out by making me some software to help with marketing. I told him if he can come up with something of high quality that i would more thank likely be selling it. 

Anyways long story short hes cool with it. Now my issue is what should this great software do in a place where there are already thousands of throwaway programs that sometimes do what is promised and sometimes not.

I know one of my biggest issues with marketing is content writing but then again that's more of a learned skill than something that can be out sourced to a computer.  So I'm reaching out to the world of WA for some ideas. Where are the tools that you have at your disposal falling short?

 To me back linking is where I have most of my issues. Maybe something that takes social bookmarking to the next level or maybe an all in one tool that does twitter facebook and bookmarking all in one, with the option of adding your own sites into the list? I don't really know but I'm happy to have some input. 

So now the interesting question.... What in it for you? Well i need a way to beta test this new software so....  I'm thinking here would be one heck of a place to start and build a reputation and also gather some reviews.

So please throw a dog a bone here and toss me some of your needs and ideas for a software tool that would really help out the average or even experienced marketer.



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