Just one sale Please!

Last Update: March 05, 2011

Ok, not trying to sound all dramatic though thats how its gonna sound. Please just give me one sale that I actually earned myself. Just to justify all this time and effort I'm putting into trying to make this work. That's All I'm asking.18 clicks on the buy now button in 2 weeks and 0 sales... Come on... When you click the link it takes you exactly where you would expect to be there is no suprize. So why not buy?

Just seems like im putting all this effort into it and nothing. Not to mention I'm in Afghanistan deployed. The only computer access I get is in the commanders office. Seems like every one is laughing at me because I talk about it so much and if i have free time im here working on it. Commander has spent litteraly hrs trying to discourage me. Telling me ill never make it. Its just a scam... Dont you realize you cant out compete..... Just give up....

Starting to sound like hes telling the truth even though I know its all in my head and only a matter of time.... Im just getting frustrated with it all.  Wont give up but dam just give me one sale so I can say hey I told you I could do it...

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dgmills Premium
Definitely keep at it and it will pay off. Don't listen to the nay sayers. When I was in the army and close to ETS and talking about my college plans there were many nay sayers. Often they are just jealous because they lack the self discipline to pursue a real dream themselves. As far as success, the old question goes "How does someone get to Carnegie Hall...Practice, Practice, Practice. Check out my profile and my new sites under construction. Maybe we can collaborate in the future. I can write but content, content, content is a major challenge in what we do.
Cheers, Dano
wandah Premium
I hear your frustration. Its not easy if you do not have a cheer leader cheering you on. Take easy on yourself and try to pick up some postive reading material, positive affirmations, anything that will help balance out the negative feed back you are getting.

staying in the Forums here, reading positive success stories and just keep on learning all you can piece by piece and it will come together.
I have been in your similar situation of feeling overwhelmed and this is not going to work.
You need to kick those thoughts right out of your head and keep on going.
What is your why. Why do you want an Internet Business. Some thought on this and writing it down , reading it everyday will give your the strength and determination it will take to be successful in this game.
Keep in touch,