About Barefooter44
Joined May 2009
Hi my name is Marty. I live in Orlando, FL. I am still new to computers but I am determined to make money with IM. This looks like a great program. I can hardly wait to start making some money witth this WA.
I am still striving to get my first million in the bank. I know WA is going to help me get there and beyond. My goal is to be debtfree by 2011 and a goal of my first million in the bank by Sept. 2012.
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Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
angellviews Premium
Hi - Like cocobolo, your picture peeked my curiosity, very pretty. I lived in Tampa for 12 years before relocating here in North Carolina. I miss the beauty and the weather in Florida....just don't miss the traffic. Good luck with your goals!
Internetgranny Premium
Hi Marty,

Thanks for the gold - not sure how I come to deserve it but thrilled to get it nevertheless. I love your photo!
I've added you to my buddy list - you're just a bit ahead of me in the 8 week action plan. Let's keep in touch and compare notes.

cocobolo Premium
Barefooter, that picture attracted me to your space as I was curious as to where it might be. So Florida it is I guess.
We sure can't accuse you of having timid goals can we. A cool million in 40 months! Sounds good to me, wanna race? It seems you & I share the bane of a lack of computer skills. Good luck from the old guy.
cocobolo Premium
Good morning Marty. I'm with you on the sunsets. I've only had my computer and digital camera for a bit over a year, and I must have well over 500 sunset pics in there already! Crazy! As for the winters here, well, we are right on the water, so it is the temperature of the ocean which moderates our winter climate. This last winter was a dandy. One of the longest and coldest, not to mention windiest on record. We usually don't get much snow here, sometimes none at all. We got a total of 4 feet this year. Florida sounds REALLY GOOD when that happens!
Barefooter44 Premium
Hey Keith.
Thanks for the post on my profile. Sounds like a fun challenge to me on our first million. We both started around the same time. By the way, that picture is in Orlando, FL on the Lake I live on. I love the sunsets, it's my favorite time of day. That sounds pretty neat living on an island. I don't know about the winters up there though. I like the winters here in Florida.
Let's go, let's go get that first million in the bank. Ready, set, go.
To Your Success,