About Internetgranny
Joined June 2009
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martha4510 Premium
Hi Internetgranny/Isabella
You and I had the same problem - life got in the way for me too. I love this site as it is all laid out for you - the only thing left to do is - Action. I like how you set your goals. I just joined but if I can be of help to you just let me know.
Internetgranny Premium
Hi Martha,
Good to hear from you. I too prefer to take care of medical problems with herbs - and, better still, prevention. Looks like you'll have lots of experience to offer in the pet niche. I've chosen the pet niche, and will enjoy the topic if I can get my head around all the technical stuff.

I've added you as a buddy and would love to hear of your progress. I also think that a group of people with the same aim and a few other things in common can encourage each other and each contribute a bit of their expertise so that everyone moves forward faster.
Bye for now
corkycarl Premium
Hi Isabella, I'm a Great Grandpa many times over.
My Daddy would often say he would try things if he were younger. What has age got to do with it? So! Here I am.
I've had several websites but removed them and decided to start over again at the beginning, thats why I chose WA
Internetgranny Premium
Good to hear from you. Hope things are going well for you. You are certainly a great example of age being no barrier...
DavidSchmidt Premium
Those are great goals you have there and are absolutely reachable. Love your screenname..
Internetgranny Premium
Gosh, David, judging by your Debt Relief site you're already an experienced website builder.
Your daughter looks really nice - appreciate the time with her and make the most of it - they grow up so fast!!!!
KeithJ Premium
Just follow the 8 week plan it really works.
Try choosing a Clickbank product to promote and write a Squidoo lens - see the lesson on Squidoo.
That would be a good start
Internetgranny Premium
Hi Keith,

Thanks for the advice. You are roughly a week ahead of me in the 8 week action plan, but you seem to have experience and knowledge already from other sources.

I am adding you as my buddy and will let you know how I'm getting on. And I'll shout if I need advice, e.g. on a clickbank product. I've taken a quick look at your blog, but like Vicky (goddess) I don't want to get myself too distracted by looking at them. Want to get on with what's in the 8 week course first or the week will be over and I won't have got anything done.

Dennis Premium
Great stuff you got going on there. Welcome to W.A . All the best. If you have a problem let me know men.
Dennis Premium
Thanks for your reply. Have some Gold while you at it.
Internetgranny Premium
Thanks for the offer of help. I've actually found the forum is a great place to read up on things. Many people have the same questions as I have and so I can get lots of answers without even having to ask.
Internetgranny Premium
Thanks for the gold, Dennis. That's really kind and generous.