Posts by Beckywahm 6
July 02, 2012
I recently started using link cloaking on my sites to prevent link hijacking and stripping. I was about to sign on with a new advertiser. I am glad I thoroughly read their terms of service, which prohibits link cloaking and masking. I can still use their service as long as I use the links provided by their company and keep them transparent.What is Link Cloaking? Instead of having your affiliate link looking like this:
Hello everyone!Thanks for dropping by! I have spent the weekend working on my blog and trying to follow the recommendations of my WA followers. I would love to know if the changes I made have helped or hindered the appearance and usability of my site. This is what I did (and hope it will achieve): Disabled many of my plugins (load the site faster) Got rid of the floating Social Button (make my site less annoying) Increased the size of my font (12 px to 14 px) and changed it from Times New
June 14, 2012
I spent an hour or two perusing the web looking for related blogs and other sites so that I could make comments and see what my competition is up to. Instead, I was taking notes about site set up. What makes a site more appealing and user friendly? One of the advantages of looking at blogs within my own niche is that I have discovered that my site isn't as user friendly as I hoped. So, tonight, I made more pages that make it easier for people to find more of my posts.For instance, my blog is
Every person that I know has many interests that they can write about. I bet that you are no exception. I certainly am not. Which ones will be interesting to other people and which will be easy to write about on a consistent basis? Before joining Wealthy Affiliate, I already had a niche blog about my experiences with working online that I wanted to share with others. When I joined WA, the training suggested that I purchase my own domains. There was a domain sale that allowed me to buy domain
Before joining Wealthy Affiliate, a friend introduced me to pinterest. I really enjoy the site. I found that my blogs were receiving a lot of traffic from my own pins and the pins of others. Then, I joined Street Articles and Wealthy Affiliate, and started more blogs. It seemed like using Pinterest was a wonderful way to get traffic because the people who repin or like what I've written will naturally pin my pins. Then their friends would, so would their friends, etc. About a week afte
The day after I installed adsense to my blog, I get a lovely form-message saying that I can no longer use it on my blog. My blog is fairly new, so I added some posts that were based purely on personal experience relevant to my niche- all G rated and not plagiarized. My analytics suggest no suspicious activity or unnatural clicking. The only way I can think their problem could be was that the formatting on a lot of my posts got messed up- the editor wouldn't let me make natural paragraphs w