Writing About Holidays After They're Over and Pin It

Last Update: April 19, 2012

Before joining Wealthy Affiliate, a friend introduced me to pinterest. I really enjoy the site. I found that my blogs were receiving a lot of traffic from my own pins and the pins of others.

Then, I joined Street Articles and Wealthy Affiliate, and started more blogs. It seemed like using Pinterest was a wonderful way to get traffic because the people who repin or like what I've written will naturally pin my pins. Then their friends would, so would their friends, etc.

About a week after Easter, I went a head and wrote about an idea for celebrating Easter with kids while focusing on the real meaning behind the holiday. I was shocked that my blog post received more than 100 repins and likes within a few days.

At the beginning of the Easter related article, I mentioned that I was either late for Easter this year or really early for next year. I recommended that, either way, people could use the idea and bookmark the page for next year.

My advice? Even if the holiday is over, write about your experiences and suggestions. Pin and share with your favorite social apps. People will bookmark it for next year.

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jatdebeaune Premium
Holidays come and go so fast that you don't always have enough time to write about them while you are still in the holiday spirit. If you're at all like me, you are in the Christmas spirit from November through February. If you can fill that space with good info, both before the big day, and after, then your window of opportunity is greatly expanded. That is also true of my interest in reading about holiday ideas. If you have a Christmas website with products, then you have to get going in September, even August. Thanks for the good tip.
Beckywahm Premium
Thank you for your insights, too. That is good advice, too. I often write about things that last all year. That was my first holiday-related post, so I had no idea before writing my post.
BIS Premium
This is such good advice. I often think - I've missed a window of opportunity to write about something, but I shall remember this as a great tip.
If I had a Like button I would press it.
kyle Premium
Coming soon to blogs near you :)
Beckywahm Premium
I like your user name! Thanks for the compliments :)
kyle Premium
A wonderful idea...this can actually be done with all of your activity, not just yearly holidays. It could be done here with WA...it could be done with your travels, it could be done with your meals. Your experiences are likely worth sharing and if they are within your niche, you can attain a good deal of traffic from Pinterest.

Excellent post!
Beckywahm Premium
Thank you. I didn't think that anyone would be interested in holiday ideas after the holiday was over. I usually wait until a month or so before a holiday to check out any ideas to share with my kids.

I have found that my other experiences have been interesting to others, too. Thanks for the suggestions.
kyle Premium
Yeah, but the pictures are never posted until after. With Social media being so popular, I think people are becoming accustomed to see events posted and talked about after the actual event takes place, not just leading up to it.
Beckywahm Premium
That's a good point that you make: I couldn't have taken the pictures to get them pinned until the actual event. Thanks for adding to the conversation. Much appreciated.