About Belgianguy
Joined July 2008
Ok, let me tell you something about myself!

I'm 26 and I live in Belgium. I have always been interested in the internet and the possibilities it offers, but I have never tried to make money online.
That's about to change now! I like a challenge, so as of today I'm an Internet Marketeer :-)! And with the help of all you wealthy affiliates I think this is going to be a great experience!

I'm looking forward to learn with and from you, and if there's anything I can help you with, just let me know!
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StacieT Premium
Hi B-guy - was reading your posts to Belinda and thought I'd buddy you.

Us newbies gotta stick together!
Belgianguy Premium
Hi Stacie! Thanks for leaving a message on my profile! I've added you to my buddylist!
Newbie power! We are the future ;-) !
DidierN Premium
Hi nd welcome to WA. I am also from Belgium athough I live in England. WA is a great site and has an awesome support system so you'll find great tips here. I have been with WA one month and I will be launching my new site next week. Anyway my friend, welcomeand good luck at WA.. GO FOR IT

Belgianguy Premium
Hi DidierN! I really like your h20vacations-website! I've been skiing since I was 6 and snowboarding for about 10 years now, but wakeboarding is something that I would really like to try too(in the not so distant future)! Let's see if I can 'sponsor' a h20-vacation with internet marketing!

Good luck with your websites and WA!!