Another Blog Dropped Into Google's Abyss!

Last Update: June 29, 2012
What on earth are you supposed to do?

I'm a good marketer, can market just about anything.
Know how write good content.
Know how to use the social media sites; Twitter, Facebook and many others.
Most importantly how to make money online.

But what I just can not handle is the obliteration of yet another site by Google.

This site is an exact match domain name, but according to Google that is a no go, you can not have one of those and we will punish it.

Here's the site -

No harm can be done to it now.

Now I have no sites at all of my own which are purely mine.
All the ones that are left are part of a Joint Ventures.

Exact Match Domain Names - Seriously what are Google up to, does that mean that sites such as Facebook are going to be dropped like a stone or how about Twitter.
Just imagine the legal consequences and costs involved if Google did.

Will these have an effect on Brand Names where a website is created using the same name for the domain name.
It is still an exact match.
Only time will tell.

As to what I am going to do, I have absolutely no idea at the moment, except to leave wordpress blogs alone for a while.


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Marcus Premium
Sorry to hear about this Neil...what does Google Webmaster Tools tell you? One over-looked area on the there is HTML improvements under 'Optimization'. Give it a look because it often reveals things that Google might later act on if you don't pay attention. I have first hand proof of that happening.

Also check out for some awesome data on your rankings.

One more thing, this could be temporary (as you know), so don't panic too much just yet!


Bigman Premium
Hi Marcus, will have a look at that site.
In Webmaster Tools there no errors at all, which is really odd.
No broken links, nothing to give any idea.
Except when you look at Google Analytics, everything is just a flat line.
Zero visitors, zero bots, absolutely nothing.
This is something I have never seen before, ever.
jchilders Premium
That's ARE still indexed though, so maybe its just reorganizing like Marcus said
mission0ps Premium
Bookmarking that link captain ... where do you find all this stuff Marcus?
Malablues Premium
I had a site that was flatlined for weeks. GA said my site was being tracked. Tested tracking a few more times over a few weeks only to find that GA was NOT tracking. I re-installed GA code (took a few tries) and didn't get any data for a couple of days, but eventually I started seeing tracking data.
David_S Premium
Hi Neil, I had dozens of page one keywords ranking well and saw some slipping recently along with traffic. I, like you know SEO well and do it white hat all the way so it sucks to lose what you worked for. Now I am working on social signals etc to hopefully help. I have great content and no spam. The only thing which is weird is my exact match domain still ranks no 1.
Bigman Premium
You might be lucky as I know not all sites got hit and there has been a lot criticism over this. May just wait and see.
Bigman Premium
Affiliate Disclosure Page? I have the Cookie Plugin which links to my Privacy Policy which in the UK is what I had to do.
jchilders Premium
unfortunantly, since it's a .com and not address, it might fall under the US FTC's thumb (or at least they think it does). I'm not really sure, but that's all I could think of.
David_S Premium
Jay is right since its a .com you should have the disclosure on your affiliate sites. that is for certain.
nathaniell Premium
I understand your frustration. I'm still struggling to recover from these changes. I'm not sure where to go next - just trying to truck along articles and content.
Bigman Premium
If you have any major server errors as backlinks, like ones from sites that don't exist anymore. These are impossible to remove. If you have a large amount then the only option is to start again with a different domain name.
jchilders Premium
if the sites are gone, shouldn't the backlinks disappear eventually too? Maybe in a last ditch effort, see if they will 'wipe' the record of your domain and let you start over? Like Bigman said though, might be easier to move the content to another domain and start fresh that way.
jchilders Premium
Wow! Not accusing or anything, just wanted to get more info... Any crazy linking going on? Was it thin or a developed site? Did it drop for all keywords or just the one it was an exact match for?
Bigman Premium
No crazy linking at all. Everything was done by the book. What I will do is add in the Domain Name, can't do any harm now.
jchilders Premium
Took a quick look. The only thing I noticed, and not sure if this would get their panties in a bunch, is there is no 'affiliate disclosure' page saying you make money from referring people to the products.

That sucks though..maybe it is just being bounced around? or did it get totally de-indexed?