Google Gives You a Place to Complain

Last Update: July 10, 2012
Have you been affected by Google's Penguin Update to their own algorithm change then Matt Cutts of Google has given a link to a site where you can submit your site if you think you have been wrongly hit.

This is what the form looks like;
It is self explanatory of what you fill in.

Here is that all important!



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Shawn Martin Premium
Have not seen this yet.
fishing Premium
My golf site is up and down all over the map lately first page to third back to second then to page 5 now on page 4......just crazy.....I should be selling
Bigman Premium
I have the same problem with one of my newer sites.
In fact I have stopped seeing what page it's on, because it's never the same one either.
muskyblood Premium
Great, thank you Neil!
Bigman Premium
I have used it myself and I really don't know as yet if it will do any good but if you do not try then you will never know.