I Love Google or Not!
1. Google may be a nightmare at time when it loses that all important article that you have taken ages to write - don't worry it will return.
2. My Site hasn't ranked what do I do? - keep adding more relevant content, create Backlinks and perform Basic SEO, Meta Header Descriptions, Tags etc, Boring I know, but it does pay off.
3. Always be on the Lookout for ways to improve your sites - create or add a background colour for your site, nothing too bright otherwise your visitors will be reaching for their dark glasses or just click off.
4. I make no money from the Adsense on my Site - take a look at Ad position, colours, sizes and location, subject matter, all these can impact your earnings.
5. What is Organic Traffic? - this is Natural Traffic, visitors have found you by typing into the Google Search Box a querry or question., you have the answer!
Finally tell yourself that you Love Google even when you would like to wring it's neck because learning to Love Google can be very beneficial.