I've Caught Up, Finally!

Last Update: April 20, 2012

It's been a long day today, worked on 2 blogs or I tried to work on 2 blogs at the same time and nearly came a cropper, thankfully it didn't happen.

The music related blog had nine new video's added today, should have done these through the week but you know what happens.

You plan your week on Monday then things go pear shaped and before you know it, it's Friday.

The new site is coming along nicely, it isn't live yet, I like to use the Under Construction Plugin to stop Google from viewing the content until ready.

Privacy Policy and Disclalimer have been done, About Us Page done.
I should explain this is another JV site going up.

Just been adding some additional content in the way of more Pages and Posts, I never like a completely bare site to go live.

As much as I do like to use free themes, there are times when a Premium Theme is better. My business partner likes to use the Headway Theme so I have gone along with that.

Possibly by tommorrow or Sunday at the very latest the site will be going live.

Then it will just be a case of adding content on a regular basis.


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Alam Premium
Are you adding content by yourself or are you outsourcing it to add content..
Bigman Premium
Add it myself, write about products, services, etc then post. Not all have affiliate links in, most are just for information to start with. The promotional stuff comes later, well that's the plan.