When Things Don't Go As Planned

Last Update: April 18, 2012

I bet everyone has had this happen at some stage or another.

Well today I was going to do some more research and writing for a tutorial I'm doing, write a blog post on my blog and do some work on another website that I'm in a JV with.

Instead at 14.34 in the afternoon I have achieved absolutely nothing.

Last night a friend of mine turned up and we had a few bottles of cider along with a good chat about this and that. He left in the early hours and I went to bed at stupid o'clock this morning. I have a thick head and everything is exactly as it was yesterday.

I know the moral to this is not to drink but it's really hard when a good friend turns up with a few bottles and says, "fancy sharing one or 3", because it would be rude not to!


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Couldn't be as bad as when I was 15, I was with a friend who had been kicked out of his mother's house. Two storeys, we climbed an extension ladder to get to the second floor bedroom and he brought a case of ale from downstairs. It was warm and nasty! We drank about three quarts and someone came home! We had to get back out the window and down the ladder fast. I was plastered, missed the rung and went down feet first about 18 feet. I barely felt it, got up and staggered off with no incident (that I was aware of at the time.)
fishing Premium
Motivation can be a very fickeled lover.....lol....damn.....lost it again......beer makes it all better....
Bigman Premium
Rofl, I know exactly what you mean.
Trek-shooter Premium
This is whats going to happen to me tonight with the Chelsea Barcelona game on got alot of people coming round and the drinks will be flowing, got in from work an 3 hours ago and still haven't done any IM work looks like I am going to make a move with it all tomoz haha
Bigman Premium
You can be forgiven for not doing anything today, have a lot of careful planning to do for tonight. Cold beer to sort out and the food.
urn357 Premium
lol don't even need beer to get you off track in my case. I've been in this "lazy" mood for a few days now. The moods come and go. Ready for that motivation stage to kick back in.
Bigman Premium
So you are possibly suffering from procrastination.....lol.
urn357 Premium
ummm yeah and no. I honestly just don't feel like doing squat. I just like to go home from work and sit on the porch and watch the trees sway for a couple days. That's my mood right now
urn357 Premium
speaking of motivation etc. I need to get on a more specific schedule. Right now I need to build more backlinks because my sites dropped in rankings since the blog network mess. Any suggestions on what you do or did do daily to get on some sort of set backlink building schedule?
morlandroger Premium
Know the feeling. Little proper work gets done after beer
Bigman Premium
That's the problem, motivation has left the building....lol
morlandroger Premium
Typos increase exponentially too