Posts by BIS 23
A common theme in the Live Chat or blogs are people worrying about poor conversion rates (ie number of visitors compared to those purchasing items). Having been asked to look at some people's sites and see if I have any suggestions how they could improve their sites - these are just a few things that I have seen1. Lack of quality content. Kyle, Carson, Jay and others consistently tell members that they must provide 'quality content'. Keywords may get visitors to your site, but the
A few weeks ago Kyle posted a link in the Live Chat about Easelly an infographic software program. It came at a good time for me - I was struggling to do some work and was giving myself a headache so it was a welcome distraction.Oh what a joy - I'm a visual learner and naturally creative - so as soon as I saw the program I was determined to have a go. Over the next few days I inwardly screamed as I worked with my own lack of knowledge and the limitations of the program which is still being t
Over the past few weeks there has been a rush of new members in the Wealthy Affiliate community which is great. Some people are excited, some apprehensive, some frustrated, some worried, some disillusioned ... These feelings can vary on a day to day basis but from observing the Live Chat, reading people’s blog posts or some of the personal messages I have received – I can see a common thread emerging and it is the issue of asking questions. So here are some of the issues that hav
I struggle with perfectionism.  Not in all areas of my life (thank goodness) but certainly with anything creative.  So anything internet marketing related can be quite painful at times. My first degree was in fashion and I agonised over my fashion notebooks going backwards and forwards over the pages.   If there was just one drawing  that I didn’t like, I would rip out the whole page and redraw it.  Then I would get upset because I would have a notebook with
For someone who’s always banging on about being organised and completing tasks, it may seem odd to say leave a job half done, but it’s not as crazy as it sounds and it’s an approach I use daily in my article writing to avoid suffering from writers block. Now I know that some authors are very sceptical about writers block, believing that it is a myth and an excuse for laziness. I don’t agree. I absolutely love article writing and I have a large collection of ideas to
You’ve just signed up to WA. You’re incredibly excited and you set to work with enthusiasm to set up your first website and you look forward to your first sales coming in. You’re impressed by all the training materials and you ask lots of questions in the forums. You don’t find it quite as easy as you thought you would but you're pleased at the amount you’re learning. You spend every spare moment you have on your site, learning SEO (Search Engine Optimisatio
One of the hardest things you can do when you’re starting out on your IM (Internet Marketing) and setting up your first website is choosing the ‘perfect’ Wordpress theme.  First problem is what constitutes the perfect theme ‘aesthetics?’, ‘layout?’, ‘functionality?’ ‘ease of use?’ ‘plugins?’  It’s probably a combination of all those things and others I haven’t even mentioned.  And the weight that each issue carries will depend on your own views and ta
Sometimes it doesn’t matter how much you plan or schedule it can all go awry at a moment’s notice by getting distracted. This is what happened to me yesterday.  I knew exactly what I planned to do – complete a video that I’ve been struggling with and create a banner advertising a free webinar.  I also wanted to complete 5 half written articles and schedule a month’s worth of tweets for one of my accounts. Perhaps that list sounds ambitious but I was quite confident that if I
When you first try your hand at IM (Internet Marketing) there are so many new things to learn it can appear overwhelming.   Keyword research, buying a domain name, deciding on a niche, setting up a Wordpress site, getting to grips with article writing and SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and worrying about where your pages and /or site are ranked in Google or Bing or Yahoo ... Those that are new to IM are always advised to choose a niche that they’re really interested in for their first w
If you’re just starting out in Internet Marketing (IM) , have you thought bow you will measure your success?  For some members it is when they’re earning enough money to give up their day job and become their own boss, for some it’s earning some extra money to supplement their income and for others, it’s not about money at all, it’s just an opportunity to learn something new.   One of the above examples may resonate with you or perhaps you have a different measure of success.