#1 $$ Making Secret, 3 Resources Helping You Hugely

Last Update: September 14, 2010

Hello WA Buddies!

Welcome new buddies!  To maximize the use of your membership, bookmark everything to death.  Bug anyone and everyone and pick their brains.  Your success depends on your ability to form strong connections and profound marketing ties lasting a very long time.

Welcome to those of you who have  been here for a while.  As with any subject, there's no such thing as a poor question.  There are poor answers so always check your information many times over until you get at least 3 - 5 solid confirmations.  Then you'll know you're accessing standard industry content. Moving into the reason for today's post.  

If there's 1 thing I can do for you -- it is to spare you unnecessary, costly mistakes.

#1 $$ Making Secret -- MARKET RESEARCH -- Segment By Segment

3 Prime Resources Helping You Hugely

Let's play a game.  I'll step into your mind for a moment or two...if that's ok.

Let's conduct a test.  If you are seasoned, your most successful campaigns occurred because you knew your market very well.  In fact, you knew how your markets broke into smaller groups --  you were probably able to breathe for them!

When you ran a campaign that sunk, it hit bottom in the La-Brea Tar Pits, never to be seen again!  It was mainly because you skipped the #1 most important step -- research and you made assumptions about what people wanted and probably didn't need.

New folks -- while I can probably hear you moaning.., research is THE phase marketers overlook because it's the most time-consuming phase in your business.  I'll prove it.

Offline business owners know:

* Their lives are on the line before they open their doors

* Smartest ones don't dare skip this step

* Businesses that do are gone 6 months later or sooner

* Ones that do are in business 5 - 10 years and longer

* Successful businesses know their markets intimately and they dominate their markets!

EXAMPLE:  This part is repetitious....sharing what I learned long ago.  23 years in the martial arts taught me to look at my market intimately, find out how they broke up into smaller groups, thereby locating the bulk of repeat business from 1 or 2 segmented groups. 

They were:

1) Tiny Tigers - Age 5 - 8

2) Teenagers - Age 12 - 17

3) Adults - Age 18 - 25

4) Parents - Age 25 +

5) Those who wanted to be black belts

6)  Those who wanted to be trainee instructors

7)  Those who wanted to be certified instructors

8)  Those who wanted to be masters

9)  Those who wanted to be school owners and masters.

Can you see the ladder of progression people want?  It's normal to "want and look for" a progressive program moving you forward!

See if you can find ways to layer your campaign so that you hit all levels of progession.

Seek to answer -- which groups will be and are most profitable?  Head to Amazon.com.

Biggest $$ in my school was made in the Tiny Tigers realm and at Masters Level.

I learned this because I operated part-time clubs 10 - 15 years before I opened my commercial doors. 

You won't have to take this long.., but the smart market researcher could NOT have told me what these segments were.  It took the entire industry 15 years to spot 5 yr.- old trends.

The most common family members were 2- 4 in membership.

They lived in homes and there were 1 and 2 family incomes...middle class mainly...with some professionals tucked in.

Median income was = $75,000 year...the sweet spot.

By the time I opened the full-time school, I knew what the emotional levels of people in martial arts were experience-wise at each rank level...

I knew how they evolved at individual levels...

I knew how they evolved as a group...

I knew what the main purchasing psychology was behind motivations to feel better, increase self-worth, increase balance and coordination, increase family involvement, improve group interactions, meet the need for status at higher levels of rank attainment, certify people, and more.

I knew what they needed and would pay for, and I knew how everything was bundled and leveled (by layers of membership).

So what am I doing at WA?  Testing.

I'm testing network marketers and affiliate marketers.

I'm testing beginner - advanced marketers.

I'm testing phases of development and evolution.

I'm looking at progress.

I'm interacting to see how you learn best.

I'm identifying what you want most.

It's market research..., and I intend to develop a full-fledged business centered around many different levels of pay.

I see what you struggle with and need to know. 

I look at what you buy and know what you don't want..

I see what you'll pay for regarding specific things.

I look at the different ways you learn Internet marketing as you either work alone or together.


To bring you the best help available anywhere..., to encourage loyalty between the 2 of us or in group form, and to structure lucrative business at several levels of business.

So..., research is a dry run mitigating, managing, and offsetting business problems long before they occur. 

I relate to you all at levels...good and not so hot to see how you respond. I'm only after a response. Hot or cold -- it doesn't matter.  You tell me exactly what I need to know -- things are working or they aren't.

Follow My Example

So..., if you do these precise things here at WA, you will know your markets!  This information gives you clear power to help people shape their lives for the better... but you can't do it if you're pushing people to buy things they'd rather not.

Market research helps you can anticipate what people will need before they tell you.

EXAMPLE:  Market research helps me zero in on what you really need the most --- making $$ from home..but doing it in the least amount of time and training possible.  This is not an easy need.

I sculpt messages visiting with you to spot emotions and triggers..not to manipulate you but to sincerely find out what's really going to satisfy your needs on the back end, long run of business delivery.

I know -- 1 out of 2,000 will hit their goal.  It's a harsh reality.

Which 1 are you?

I think you're the 1...so believe it and it will be!

So market research makes your business operations very clear.   It means the difference between knowing your stuff  and serving people extremely well VS. looking like a lunkhead in public or taking a stab in the dark.

It tells you which business activities pay well and it shows you which ones aren't really worth your attentions.

Now..let's leverage teamwork to see how it helps you in your research.

When you work with WA buddies, you become a top pro because you get to test peoples' interests/passions.., and you can help them assess their markets.  This helps you identify how to split your campaigns in multiple ways...done over a longer period of time.

When you are working online, you only want to work just 1 campaign first.

Teamwork Helps You Spot Key Resources

Now...add many brains to the mix even though I can hear a few of you moaning...adding humor.

Chances are --  you've had some ok and no so ok work-related experiences involving a team.  We've all been there. 

You'll be relieved to know...., there are many poor managers out there.  They have to be extensively trained to be self-aware..., and they have to be "2-by-4-ed" in the head to be sensitive to others.  That's unfortunately one way sculpt some leaders, but it's not the best way to develop individuals. 

You can do a lot more with people by helping them see their best sides! 

We pull in setting a proper mood and tone, incorporating all team member's ideas, molding team development by aligning strengths to preferred tasks, and working out agreements.  When you do these things in small or larger number, your buddies protect your back when you're least looking.

EXAMPLE:  Head to Mike Young, Internet Marketer.  He's watching your back by tackling Internet marketing, legal disasters before they happen to you. 

Read his blog often, but try to get as much content as you can by just reading and learning.  

2 Other Resources

#1)  Glenn Livingston, Ph. D., --

Glenn has trained people like Perry Marshall (author of pay-per-click advertising using Google Adwords).  Glen was a private practice psychologist turned Internet marketer, but he is a master of consumer purchasing psychology and you'll want to study his blog.  Don't run for the pay button on his $95/membership site just yet.  Just enter a search under his name and you'll see a little bit of his stuff reflected in this post.

Learn what you can for no-out-of-pocket $$ whenever you can, or pay for biggest help at lowest possible costs.  All of the resources I share at WA do just that.

If you pay for anyone, he had better be a master of traffic.  I share those names in future posts so please stay tuned for more help.  The goal in doing this spares you pain, losses of your business, and more.

Notice how Glen talks about isolating smaller markets he dominates entirely simply because he knows how to form bonded relationships with his buyers long before they appear.  

*  Read his blog to learn what motivates buyers, and see if you can "glean key information" that is free.  I call it "finding golden nuggets of information designed to help you operate lean", 6-sigma business machines.

#2)  Perry Marshall

* For a small investment, you can find his book or e-book...Google Adwords.  It will spare you major cash losses when you go into pay-per-click advertising.

Perry Marshall is a world class pay-per-click advertising expert.  His book titled, "Google Adwords", sold for a tidy sum of $2 or $3 million.  To date, other books written on this subject pale in comparison to Perry Marshall's work so it still stands the test of time.

Before you dive into any paid advertising, please look at WA's ppc certification coursework.  This credential will help you market yourself to other individuals and small businesses.  Please take the time to study these 2 prime resources.

You'll be glad you did.

1 last thing.  Go to Glenn's blog to see why research is the #1 $$-Making Secret.  Please don't buy his $95/month program.  You get get a lot of content online at no charge to you.  I promise.

In due time, I'll offer more product and service reviews.  For now -- the goal is to keep your $$ in your wallet.  Just Google his name.

Feel free to tell me what you think about these resources.  They'll blow the socks off your feet and show you what you thought you knew but didn't.

Toasting Your Success Using Top Marketing Means!



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jatdebeaune Premium
Great advice Barbara, as always. I love Perry Marshall, and haven't read as much of Glenn Livingston as I should. I know he has valuable things to share and that the two are very compatible in the way they think. I respect Perry Marshall's values.
Barbara, hi and thanks for some amazing information, yet again! I am so with you on the self-belief aspect, funnily enough, I just posted blog on this topic before reading yours.
I'm off to check out Glen's info. now
Patmb Premium
Hi Barbara

Thanks this is a very informative article. I am fairly new to WA, I am stumbling around with Internet Marketing at the moment. I can clearly see where I have been going wrong, thanks to reading your article, I will now do my research properly.
Take Care