Simplify Your Work, 3 Big Why's

Last Update: January 19, 2012

Hello New Buddies!   I  added you as friends and you are very appreciated.

Hello Seasoned Players.   What you are about to do online will blow your mind.  This is said in good ways.  It is not what you think it is -- being fearful or any of that stuff -- that is corporate programming instilled in you to keep you in the consumer's seat.  

In today's post, I bold words so you can read them.  Then... I actively respond to Kyle & Carson's "Day 19"  WA 30-Day Word Press Club to tell you what I've accomplished using their system. 

The day is fast approaching where I will be entirely working from home!

THANKS KYLE...THANKS CARSON.  YOU GUYS ARE LOVED BEYOND BELIEF.  The one dream I've had for 16 years now is the ability to do just this.


Let Go of Quick Outcomes

Rule #1 -- Try not to focus on the # of sales you need to first make, even when incoming flows of $$ are not yet there.  I know this is tough.  Keep your day job going so you can work your business right.  I'm doing this too..., but the results are incoming and they have been the past year.



I'll tell you what happens online when you take simple, consistent action, and you will actually enjoy this process.

I simplify my steps.  As you read this post, no matter which words I really use, you should be able to feel the conviction. 

Conviction is everything because it sets the mood and tone for any business, it spells out through direct action what you intend to happen (build interest, attract people to you, and get paid well for what you love to do most). 

This is called "magnetizing".  You do it all the time to create your life...but you are most likely not so aware of it.  


Magnetizing Business To You

The truth behind reality is that we are made of energy.  Money is energy.  Business is energy.  Words in print are really only energy.  Your work is a force for good.

How to accelerate the appearance of your online business:

1)  There is love in your heart...and intuition in your brain.

Okay -- nothing new there, but the emotion that you feel...called "emoting"...puts forth ideas you first hold about life (spirit), later left for actual emoting....and even later...appearance in reality (manifestation).

Desire sits in the heart...and in the mind.  It sits in other energetic centers too. Enthusiasm is heart-centered.  It takes into consideration the well-being of others.  This part is important.  I ask you to see the connection between what you think and do today, and see how it relates to what appears tomorrow and the day after...and so on.

When you emote well-being, you activate money long before it appears.  We know that true wealth is had when it is done with the right spirit.

If you're okay with that

2)  Start writing

You are putting your ideas print...through action...out there in cyberspace.

Don't worry if you can't isolate keywords ...or worry whether or not you're getting responses on your first 50 posts.   What will happen over time is that the precise keywords will appear in your reality!  Keep your eyes wide open.  It won't happen in the ways you think it will.

Then.. try to remember that it takes time to build content under your name.


You Are Building Your Online Image

As you work, trust Kyle & Carson.  They are not building their lists.  They are helping you build your list!  You are leveraging their expertise.  They are spending their lives on you.

Your blog connects to Wealthy Affiliate, a MAJOR Internet authority website. 

This 1 thing gives weight to your blog, without you having to kill yourself for 5 years just to get it indexed (as can be the case with poorly constructed websites).

3)  Repeat the process pages but put 1 post on 1 page.  This is very important because it builds up the weight of a blog, thereby improving the clout your blog carries.  It also makes it easier for people to find you.

4)  When you find a product or a service you like online that you want to add to your blog, do it.  You can edit out anything you don't want later on.

5)  Repeat the process

Work from your heart.  Think...and feel (emote) well-being.  This will connect you to the well-being of other people (the paying ones)!

If you're bummed out about anything, stop. 

Change your activity and do what you love.  It might mean taking a break from this activity and going out for a bike ride.  Whatever it is -- select what you really want to do...and do it. 

You will be refreshed and ready to work...say...the next day.

Be confident that more will come, and it will.


3 Why's

Firstly -- When you work from your heart, you work from joy. 

You are naturally urged to take action when your energy flows, at times you are most open. When you are energetic, you work without struggle...when your ideas flow well.

When you are tired, you rest.

When you force yourself to work at times where you are most tired, you will make a mess.  I've done this, and it only costs me more time cleaning up what I wrecked while tired.

So only work online when you are jazzed up...and happy.  I visit with you when my heart is open.

I know this is all counter-intuitive because you've been taught to push...and be disciplined.  BUT..., your soul will tell you..." right now".  Don't push.  The time is not yet right. 

Your mind will insist on running the show.

What your mind cannot really see clearly is that your blog will go thru a natural evolution, and timing for success might mean that you have to alter some beliefs before you can attract more pay into your life. 

When your heart is open, it is more attuned to people...right at the time that they are open, and receptive.  Your heart knows this.

Your brain often gets stuck on How To... leading you into paralysis.

Secondly,  when you work from your connects you to everyone, the part that people sense. 

However technical you become, you will rarely...if ever...hear individual's ask you..."How technical are you"? What they will ask is..."Can you get the job done?...When?...For How Much?"

You can network until you find a tech guy.  You can network until you find a SEO guy.  I've already done that part for you.


Businesses Want Outcomes

Businesses want things like:  "Get my phone to ring"...or "Get my website indexed fast".  That's where you can potentially enter...or not.  You will find natural ways to pull in what you already know.

Your success will boil down to 3 things.  1)  How well you connect...and 2)  How sincere you are (and how well you listen)...and 3)  How you negotiate outcomes.

Technical stuff can come your way with repeat application, learning...and skill set acquisition.


Thirdly -- What You Really Want To Know

In the time I've been doing these simple things, I have:

1)  5,000 eyeballs looking at my content -- okay they're hits...nothing to brag about really...

2) 488 comments on my WA blog...nothing to brag about...

3) 58 are authentic, but they're incoming from global places...

4) 5 asked me to contact them !  BINGO.

They're spreading the word about my name, and they're telling me..."This person can be trusted".

That's how it works. 

I've got emails.  I've got room to negotiate and find out what people want.  I'll have to build these relationships...but now the business is incoming.

It's not $$ on the blog.  It's connections you're after.

I've got the tech guy who can build the beautiful websites.  I've got the SEO expert who can get the website ranked and indexed....but now I've got the ability to approach an individual, negotiate terms, and cut the deal!

That's the core truth.  Please feel free to post your comments.  In business, there's no set way to do anything.  All you need is heart, soul, mindfulness for discernment, and you're in the game.

Toasting Your Success Online...Absolutely!






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Labman_1 Premium
Wow, Barbara, you don't stop in very often but when you do you have a huge impact. Thanks for the reminder. Passion is where its at. When it comes from the heart the doors will open.
bkb2012 Premium
Labman...hey there! Good to see you're still in the game. I am here, but I have been building up the following outside of WA. It's meant spending more time there to get the ball rolling. I am also consulting in the IM what I am learning there will be brought back here to WA. I'm glad to hear from you again! Happy New Year. Stay in touch! Barbara
meknowsu Premium
This is interesting I will follow you during your journey.
bkb2012 Premium the photo! Laughing. It's good to meet you. I have majorly powerful content coming soon enough. I have only cracked the first egg! I will be bringing very simplified help to show people how to set up and get their campaigns going strong. Hang in there. You will become very powerful, as long as you believe in yourself. There's a new breed of Internet marketer coming and the pros know it! bkb2012...Barbara
jatdebeaune Premium
Hey, where'd the blog go?
bkb2012 Premium
Hey you! How are you doing? I have been keeping my head down...working 24/7...barely able to rest because so much has been happening. I have boiled down the Internet marketing content to ease folks here into greater success...but it means that my campaign must be rolling along too. How are you? My blog comes and goes as it is "in progress". What are you struggling with these days? bkb2012...Barbara