3 Golden Reasons Why You Should Become A Premier WA Directory Publisher !

Last Update: January 21, 2011

Welcome WA Buddies!

Offering humble apologies to the 4 buddies I accidentally deleted yesterday.    Please know that you are very important!  If I missed you, would you kindly re-add me as your buddy?    I strive in all of my posts to sincerely find out what is challenging you so that I may offer helpful service.

The goal of my posts strive to:

1) educate you ahead of time ...preparing you for extensive publishing

2) help you achieve world class standing...as it fits into WA education

3) plant comprehensive marketing seeds in your mind so it will sprout forth when you need it most.

I have been individually encouraging WA buddies to advertise their WA WordPress Express system, consistent with the new WA directory (Street Zines). 

What a clever idea Kyle & Carson have.  If you can't rank highly with other directories, then create one!  Do you see how this idea could spread to other places/needs on the net ?  It's history in the making !

3  Golden Reasons Why You Should Become A  Premier WA Directory Publisher

1)  Let's begin with the most obvious winning strategies best suited to your campaigns --

Most of us want free traffic. 

Any work you've added to prior publishing directories serves as a major warm up for this directory by helping you more readily promote your sites for your ever-growing Internet marketing empire.

2) Strongest Page Rank For Current Sites  --

The work we did last year by leveraging the WA Blog & Funnel will apply to this directory !

  • If you reside at the top of Google's #1 page, you can receive anywhere from 30 - 45% of the total clicks happening on that page
  • People will have to hunt a little bit for you if you're sitting in the natural traffic section (page rank 3 - 8)...but that's ok
  • You will attract higher quality people to you when they take more time to find you
  • You won't be spending $$ out in paid advertising

(Crazy clickers who love to click on #1 paid listings won't be clicking on you. That's actually an advantage because they're just surfing and they don't yet know what they want.)

3) Ground Floor Positioning -- 

Those who work to be at the top of this new directory for any topic will be solely positioned way ahead of the masses...not only because they'll be testing new WA tools and techniques prior to public release, but they'll have a distinct advantage over hundreds of thousands of latecomers.  AND.., they will be positioned well ahead of many other people trying to achieve what's before you right now. 

The highest positioned authors will be able to gear their campaigns towards the tools that work!  That means a boost in affiliate earnings...and or better still... additional gains applied to your own product creations.

For You, The WA New Comer 

This new directory gives you a lifetime break to increase visibility for yourself. 

  • When other webmasters don't want to write their own content, they will borrow from your articles
  • In so doing, these webmasters virally spread your name on the Internet for you

Think in terms of a virus and what it does. 

Someone picks up your article..., or in the very least, you obtain very high quality backlinks from Street Zines leading back to your sites (in any topic). 

What you get is the "added weight" of Street Zines and WA connected to your sites.  This means...your sites gain more credibility with Google... even though your sites might not yet be "authority sites" (extensive in their pages and content). 

This means...you get another benefit by shaving off months and years from your article marketing schedule.  That's what I call a Belated Merry Christmas.

Because Kyle & Carson will be able to obtain very high rankings for this publishing directory in time, it's a good idea to start preparing article content now.  Even if you struggle, you only learn by doing.

If you're new and don't know what to write about..., just pick a passionate subject. 

Write on a blank piece of paper, but keep your writing helpful, rich, and focused on helping someone solve a central problem. 

This is the best way to write unique content. 

Even though WA suggests that it's time-consuming to write your own content (and it is), the more you do it, the faster you will get at putting words down in print!  This gives you some freedom from having to struggle with keyword phrases because the content is "reader friendly".  Google seems to be moving in more intuitive directions, but no one knows entirely what they're doing.

In the very least, you can strike a balance between writing your own content, rewriting 3 similiar articles blended into one sensible version, or outsourcing what you need.  I do all 3.

I sincerely hope this post helps.  Please feel free to post your comments.  The only way we can supremely give you what you want and need is to hear specifically from you!

In the meantime, kindly keep digesting...processing...and reading.  You're becoming someone very, very powerful.  That's a promise.

Absolutely Toasting Your Success Online,




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jatdebeaune Premium
Haha! Just signed up!
Labman_1 Premium
This does sound exciting. Signed up yesterday.
jatdebeaune Premium
I'm very excited about the WA street articles directory. Thanks for clearly outlining the opportunity. Where is it located so that I can sign up?