5 (Lesser Known) Secrets Why WA Forums Will Work For You

Last Update: August 13, 2010

Welcome Fellow WA Buddies!

Hello new buddies!   Greetings seasoned buddies!  

5 (Lesser Known) Secrets

Why the WA Forums Will Work For You

Secret #1) You want to access endless numbers of members. 

Think in terms of exposure and referrals.  Referrals on your name appear in the forums the more you help people here.

If you're new to WA, it's confusing in the forum because * WA works for you once you work it more".  It's another chicken-or-egg scenario.  Just keep going into the forum even if you're clicking on a few topics.

Head to the forums daily.

Look at the issues people are:

* Talking about when  they can't readily solve a problem

* Look for times where they're problem-solving as a group

* Look for topics when someone wants a tutorial published

These are all openings for you to take an action and find a way to answer their questions, even if it means researching a subject yourself.

Find a solution.

Then e-mail someone individually or form a new forum topic.  You'll get e-mail notifications when someone responds to your new thread.

Lately, my most valuable forum help appears when I visit with individuals and I get the most current forum (topic) updates ...thinking about the WA Blog & Funnel System from Kyle & Carson.

*** When you see how the forums work, you see how different markets think. ***

Connect to others and ask, "Hey, what are you doing?" 

The forum gives you a chance to zero in on topics of discussion related to where you're at. 

Sometimes -- you won't find a quick answer so keep on working.   

Bug anyone and everyone who will share tips and "proven ideas". 

Sometimes --  you'll get information that isn't very accurate or if it is, you may not yet know how to apply it.  This is ok.   Your mind will fill in the gaps when it's more ready.

Sometimes -- you will get amazing information there.

Yes -- you DO want to learn from the best.

Yes -- you DO want to find out what works.

But.., in general, you win BIG when you "pick peoples' brains"...even when they're new members!  You guys are the best teachers!

Your success is connected to identifying 1, 2, or 3 other individuals who will interact with you on a regular basis.  

In the WA forums, you get a chance to find people you want to work with.

"Sift and sort" through the numbers until you find 3 major pros.

I'm amazed to see how many members don't yet know that their success is connected to locating and building a team!

2)  In the forums, you want to find out what others are doing in A, B, C campaign order.

To do that -- you want to click on topics you're drawn to at any given moment. 

Trust yourself.  You will attract information to you based on what you're thinking.  Try to be +++ when you're doing this so you're not attracting information that's not so hot.  I've talked about this challenge in prior posts that you attract what you think (by Laws of Attraction).

3)  You'll begin to see how others blend their own marketing campaigns into their posts and blogs

4) You see others driving traffic to their sites through blog and forum use.  It takes a while to see this. 

Follow all WA rules whenever you can. 

You will see others using hyperlinks in their forum posts (and on their blogs)... sending people to their content.  With care I say this --  sometimes you'll see immediate offers. 

HINT:  Top pros will give you more content before they send you to a product/pay page.

HINT:  Google has been banning marketers who publish websites that looking like "opportunity" websites.  In fact, "they shut down 100,000 accounts with the last hit", (Kyle & Carson). 

You want to be sure that in your own campaign that  you're offering helpful content, audios, videos, downloadable reports and pdf files giving people interactive links to check out your articles, blogs, and related sites. 

Aim to be subtle in your marketing, and give people time to see what you're about before tossing in your offers.

5) You get great content ideas for your own campaigns!

  • Align yourself with marketers who make sense
  • Use the forums (and other areas on this site) to find marketers you want to emulat
  • Please don't try figure out everything on your own.  The Internet is vast and intricate now that Google has really expanded it's algorithm
  • Updated content is forthcoming on Google's algorithm for those who want to know.  For new folks, it can be a "huh??? issue"..., but for those who are headed right into pay-per-click, you'll want to check out this post.


Internet marketing is one industry where you can exercise the power to influence MASSIVE numbers of individuals.  "The more people you sincerely and honestly help, the better you'll be paid", (Armand Morin and Harv T. Eker)

Please stay tuned on this blog for additional content coming to support WA Blog & Funnel development. 

Toasting Your Success Using Proven IM Means,


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