7 Prime Q's Involving Web Hosts

Last Update: January 27, 2011

Welcome Back WA Buddies..., Guys and Gals!

Reading this post could potentially save you hundreds and multiple thousands of lost $$'s!  During the course of my research, I share findings consistent with what I know all business owners must address. Today, I share 2 major resources. 

One of the biggest mistakes marketers make online is that they try to use free web hosting or cheap web hosting.   Please know that there are pitfalls to doing both.

  • Successful e-business owners must anticipate and plan for  problems before they arise

It is necessary to offset risks by being informed.  That way you can recover quickly and more affordably.

Your most costly lessons will be the ones you didn't research in advance like:

  • Being armed ahead of time will spare you the potential loss of your business
  • Saving cash losses due to unnecessary web fines
  • Reducing risks associated with major website down-time
  • Sparing lost customers because of slow page load times or content they can't find
  • Being banned because you've been sharing web space with sites that are nothing more than spam.
If you know that most spammers don't invest much in what they do, they use free web hosting.


Protect family assets you've worked hard to accumulate.

I cite:

  • Mike Young Internet Marketing Attorney

Google him online and check out his blog.  His blog is one of the most organized blogs!

There is a major reason why WA is priceless.  Kyle & Carson have learned that by investing in a series of powerful servers, it's better for everyone involved.  That way, they're reducing their future risk and yours. 

It is also good to have your own hosting so that you can backup your sites on the web hosts server.  

7 Prime Q's Involving Web Hosts


I will continue to share more insights so please stay tuned !

If you leave your comments/suggestions at the bottom of this post, I can offer more insight or post more about the things you should know but don't yet...mainly because if this is your 1st enterprise, you can't know until you've been through the mill.  We don't need that kind of learning!

Toasting Your Success Using Proven Marketing Means,



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Labman_1 Premium
Part of what makes your posts so powerful is helping all of us less experienced to avoid the pitfalls of this experience. Thanks. GFY