Accelerating Happy Outcomes

Last Update: April 08, 2011

Hello WA Buddies, New & Seasoned Players !

I'm going to step out on a limb to share more masterful content to move you in amazingly, wondrous new directions..if you're not already there. 

This content is brought to you with great love and respect...and it is a bit long so pick up your favorite beverage and give me your undivided attention.  I'm about to tell you what millionaires and billionaires do to really turn their lives around in the best of ways.  I'm not talking about a business person who flips and strips the public.  You know who those people are.  They leave a trail of destruction in their wake and they seem to get their way no matter what the consequences might be.  This is about healthy living without violating one law or even one ethic.  



Thanks to of our most amazing WA members and upcoming masters of marketing.  She urged me to share this content with you in the hopes of explaining what hasn't been clearly explained (that you are actually moving in profound directions but you may need more encouragement). 

Some of you may not be able to get out of your own way for good reasons.

We live on an Earth that's filled with energy.

People around us affect us with their energy we'll call thoughts and behaviors.  Some are ++ and some are really toxic.

In a prior post, I took another risk to tell you about smaller parts of yourself called sub-personalities.  I talked about how they actually get in your way.  A few examples involved going back through your life at different ages.  Well..those parts still have awareness...but because you're older and wiser now, they don't know that you've moved forward.  So...these parts of yourself exert their influence in your life because they're using old roadmaps.


Update Your Mental Roadmap

Smaller parts of our own self affect us...and this energy (whatever it may be) interacts with Natural Law.

Your Unconscious Mind May Be Slowing You Down

CEO's get this kind of help, but they may not necessarily share what they're doing.  That's because this can be edgy reprogramming and the masses are just now becoming more aware that there's more than meets the eye to everyday life. 


It's important for you not to get lost in specific messages...and to focus on the essence of what I'm saying.  You will feel the impact of what's being offered in your heart center. 

If your heart constricts, this post is not for you. 

If your heart remains open, what I may be able to help you see where things have been going awry in your business/life.


Try Not To Judge Yourself 

Keep in mind that your human process (learning and advancement) is right for you. 

Everything that has happened to you in your life has been meant to bring you into your greater self.  No one system, religion, organization, or person can tell you what is best for you. You are the true expert of your life.  Your mind can conjure up all illusions and have you believe it.

Your heart can never lie to you.  It has the power to alter your life for the better...within weeks...and just a few years.


To Succeed, Be A True Influence In The World

Now here's where things may get misconstrued.  To find your most powerful self have to stop directing your energies in ways that do not benefit you or the highest good.  That means...people who deny you payment or exchanges in effort cannot be a part of your work.

Because you have free will and choice, you can either create misery for others/yourself or you can create joy..., or you can do both.  This affects the success of your business.  There's no judgment, but you are not free to create full success if you're busy blaming others for your problems/faults/lack of X or Y.

Do what has to be done to create your success.  


In order to get out of your own way, you have to stop projecting the lower emotions coming from ego onto others.  You can do this by focusing on thanking others for what you do have...and let go of what you don't have.  I know this part takes repeat effort and time.

Your challenges are uniquely suited to help you find your true self.   There are many wondrous solutions out of any situation, and they need not create pain.  We all these situations designed to help us see what we weren't ready to see we can move onward.

But..., to begin to cut through the fog in your life (if it persists)..., you have to assume that you are fully in charge of your life,  no matter what others around you ever say.  You have to set up your success so that it's not connected to judgments of others.

You are you.

Others are who they are.

You can only change yourself.


If you're OK with what I've shared thus far, we'll keep going.

The most effective way to completely heal (and stop spinning your wheels) is to admit that you have full say about what happens in your life. This includes business. 

If we apply business success to your personal life, it's imperative that you realize who you truly are -- pure love in human form.  Therefore, your true essence is unconditional love.

You are already evolved.  You may not know it or realize it.

Your spouses can't limit you.  Your family or employer can't limit you.  Only you can say how far you'll go to get what you really want most.

All individuals walking around on this Earth are complete beings...-- they just don't remember.  


Moving Into A Balanced Mind/Heart

Now what we're about to do is take a quantum, safe leap forward in your life. This is a very big one if you want it and are ready for it.  It can spare you decades of difficult learning.

Freely be willing to move into your mind/heart apart from external or  internal fears, and be willing to move into what's called RIGHT-MINDED ACTION.  I call this ethical living at integrated levels.  Others call it being spiritual.  Some call it being politically correct.  Whatever you call it, it means looking out for others in balanced unison with looking out for yourself.  It's hugely rewarding.

You Have Full Abilities To:

* become a major source of inspiration to others

* encourage others

* mentor/teach

* you are you...pure and worth your weight in gold.


2 Major Realities Of Life

Here's what blew me out of the water and you may already be there with me.

You can either learn through struggle or you can learn through joy.

Many learn through pain.

So many people are so negative at this time...that you are now needed to shift the energy in more positive ways.  You can do it through your business.

* weight loss

* financial healing

* music

* painting

* anything that inspires someone else to be better by improving their lot in life

* however you want it to appear, you have the full power to create anything you want in your life all works together to impart the healing so many are now asking for and desire.


Shed Struggled Thoughts

There's no martyr-hood in this kind of thinking.

Be ready to be abundant in all ways.  That means that it's perfectly OK to ask others for payment at the time you render services.  It's OK to set limits with your family so you can get your research/work done.

If it's 1 million for whatever you offer -- people will pay it and you can create it in your life.

If it's $10,000 for something -- they can pay in increments.

If it's $999 for 30 sessions, they can pay. 

To not do so means that you're keeping yourself in choice.

So we shift the value you bring to others...and it starts here.


If you can accept the 2 main realities of life, then what I'm saying is that it's time for you to be abundant beyond anything you could ever imagine.

So how do you become abundant if you've been taught that love is limited..., money is limited, energy is limited, and time is limited?


Reverse your thinking on the spot.  Once we do this, the subconscious game is over.  Your mind will entirely accept and manifest this reality if you don't rethink what's being shared here.


Money Is Unlimited

* proof -- the gov't prints more $$

* humanity hasn't run out of $$ as long as we've lived on the Earth

* we've mistakenly swallowed a nasty pill some wealthy folks have perpetrated on the masses to perhaps hide a good thing

* we have enough $$ to make everyone living on this Earth a millionaire

* you are already a millionaire in net heart

* now all you have to do is pull your abundant heart into your daily life, and it will tell you when someone is stepping over the line or trying to take unfair advantage of you.


Love Is Unlimited

* you don't have to be good looking to be loved

* you don't have to be tall...or be a certain weight to be loved

* it's your Divine Right to be as you are...wherever you're at in your life now

* there are others who already accept you as you are


Time Is Actually Unlimited

* here's where we've been fed another "hill of beans"....probably by ourselves at levels we don't fully see

I'm being funny here.


Let's step outside of yourself and go to a mental level.


Energy is Actually Unlimited

Here's the neat part.  You and I are sitting a mental level.  It's real and I know you're here as sure as you know I'm here.

We are safely connected and there's nothing you can tell me that will be rejected.

Guess what?

You're now sitting at the level of the soul. 

I can send energy and happy thoughts to you.  You can send energy and happy thoughts to me.

Better yet...we can pull this energy from the Universe by using our greater selves to do that work.  That's where your soul comes in handy.  It knows precisely what you need before you know it yourself.

So and I are connected instantly and all is safe.  Nothing unhappy can happen at this level unless you invite it into your life.  I don't so you can follow my lead.  Always surround yourself with a sphere of light and only think about the most evolved souls you will connect with and want. The rest will leave you alone.

* at soul levels...time does not exist in the sense our brains suggest...and energy comes to you every morning as you sleep

* when you first awaken, you can feel it

* if you slow down for 10 minutes...focus on the energy because it's already coming to you.



OK... so you've been confused.  If it's marketing, start with the action plan.

If it's $$..., 


Toss the mass belief out the window but keep the baby!

Begin by relying on your inner messages and draw from your inner wisdom. 

Pay attention to the wisest part of you.  It's slow to anger...and it actually has all of the solutions to your life NOW.

At the soul level, I am here with you ...helping you find solutions you want now.

Your soul has full power to attract amazing love into your life....and can't be high-jacked by some external power...and don't tell me that the devil made you lose some $$.

Your soul has full power to attract complete abundance into your life.  I am speaking from decades of experience on this point.

Your soul has already solved everything that has ever challenged you.  

You've had troubles because you've made other people your expert.


Hang With Me....I Promise...This Won't Be Nutty

Whether you believe this part or not, it doesn't matter.  Indulge me.  You have nothing to lose by implementing what I'm about to suggest. you want amazing love.

Here it is.



Here's where things begin to fall apart.  So if we (as humans feel bad on the inside at any point in time), we learned as children to shift these emotions away -- in directions of others.

That's not working.

What you have to do is pull these emotions into your heart to convert them and be free of them once and for all.

There's more.  OK -- so I hear you saying, Yeah but Barbara..., I had this relationship and that relationship go sour. Well...I can also admit there are times where people have hurt you when you were being true..., but that's not a good reason to falter... in business...or even in life.  Right?

OK.  What you have to get clear about is that you don't have to feel the pain anymore!

First Stop The Pain:

* stop hurting other people

* stop blaming/hurting yourself

* stop judging yourself

* spend more time sitting in your heart.

I DO.  That's why I'm here with you now.


Heart - Centered Living Is Amazing !

If you're saying..., "Yeah but I'm justified".  So and so did this.  So and so did that.  Well...maybe...or maybe not.  Every person at every level of life has his/her own experiences and ways of dealing with things even if we don't like the ways they might respond, and he/she has his/her own way of doing the best they can at any given moment in time given what they know.


Come on.  Shake your head YES.

For every struggle, there are 2 sides to each story.

And..., we're all learning.  There is no real blame. 


Live In Your Heart And Everything Will Shift

* Here's the magical part.

Your path in life is simple. Visualize that you're at the end of your life..., and maybe you made $1 million dollars. That's great !  Maybe you made $50,000 and that's where you wanted to stop. That's OK.  The big point is that you pass along to your children or family members your legacy...,  mixed...or whole.

When you're standing in Heaven (or whatever you envision as a happy place), no one is going to check the fullness of your pocketbook...but the results of your heart's work will live on.

AND..., perhaps...,

You will carry your consciousness with you.  So if you can relate the amount of $$ you made with the amount of help you gave others, then maybe that's a good thing.  Right?  Sure.  It works, but I will encourage you to figure out what you really carry with you at the end of your life because only you can say what that will ultimately be.  


You've been someone struggling all your life and you can't figure out why, "it's happening to me".

Perhaps it's possible that you had the power to choose all of the players appearing in your life...and that at very high levels of life we can't always readily see..., every player taught you something about yourself.

Sure...many of these players picked negative ways to teach you something.  And.., there were some wondrous people who gave you the love you needed when you needed it most.  Both groups are honored.  If you've been the one to offer the love when others stabbed you in the back, pat yourself on that spot and say..."Now it's going to be OK because everything will now begin working in my favor.  I'll keep my eyes wide open to see how things synchronize...and when it's time for me to rest, I'll rest.  When it's time for me to trust myself and take action, I'll take action.  When it's time for me to succeed, it will happen one person at a time.  I am working on my own timeline and no one else's and that's OK."


Living In Your Heart Means You'll Become Whole

Here's how you'll stop moving in circles.  If you assume that all relationships are right relationships, now start responding to those people even when they trip you up.  Start by offering the love before waiting for it to come to you...and see what happens.

Then start to become someone others will want to know, learn from, and interact with...when at times life suggests anything but healed.  You can help yourself by thinking in these directions.  They are hugely comforting.

* The world is safe

* Not everyone is out to get you

* You can attract people who really know their stuff

* You can succeed

* They will love you and support you unconditionally.

HINT:  Kyle & Carson...& Marcus...Thank You !


Unify Yourself

Assume that you are fragmented at levels you can't see, and this is having a big affect on your life.  It's affecting your ability to stay out of the way of some very unloveable people. You're probably finding out that you're living "in the thick of things".  You are not alone and it's not your imagination.  Some of you are going through some very tough stuff right now...designed to set you free from the heavy weight.  Hang in there.

Some of you have stopped interacting with others altogether.  Many some point or time...shut down and shut out others when they've been hurt.  It's normal.  

NOW Turn Yourself Around

* You have full power to change anything you don't like about yourself

* If it's your nose....get your nose altered.

* If it's your personality, you can open yourself in ways you've never imaged.

* You have unlimited ability to help unlimited others.

What this means is this --

1)  You really have to stop thinking in negative ways

It's affecting how you work with others, either in terms of how you learn and incorporate more into your life (so that you can succeed)...or how you inspire others.

Negative thought repells amazing people. 

2)  Positive thought attracts amazing people.

3)  Both types of thought affect how you behave and act in the world.


To Succeed, Be Willing To Work With Large Numbers

So that you may move in greater directions of working with others, you must be willing to open yourself to anything coming back your way....not so hot or hot.  Pull in your heart center to alter the "not so hot stuff".


Bullet-Proofing Your Emotions

To get to this place, you have to sit in your heart center most of the time.  To pull this work into successful business, sometimes you have to make tough decisions at times others think otherwise.  So you're doing what's good for everyone concerned, but you're not placating personalities.  You're doing what's good for someone's highest self.

You want to be strong before you're promoting your products/services because people will test your leadership.

You've been given many of the tools you already need to get there.  If you start tapping into internal resources of your greater self (that wise and loving part), you will begin to attract external support which helps you manifest a highest reality.

You have to get your mind out of the way sometimes.  Whenever you pull your mind into your work, it is to discern what's going to be harmful for yourself/ order to get to the pure content really helping others.

AND..., you have to be willing to admit that you can no longer cut yourself off from your own emotions.

When you do this too often, you can't relate to other people.

To move into the heart center, put yourself in the other person's shoes..even when they're falling apart before your very eyes.


Bringing Out the Mastered Self

Here's how you create reality -- for better or for worse...whether you want to admit it or not.

Whatever you see in others, you will draw out of them.

If you're saying, "Well...I didn't have a positive example when growing up".

Well..., you really did but you have to think about who inspired you.  They were teachers in elementary school...and beyond. 

Then...emulate what they showed you.

They were most likely very loving, patient, kind, and non-judgmental.

Your masterful self is here.  Even if you've lived on the streets while growing up (like I did)..., spend more time with people who are loving, kind, patient, and non-judgmental.

Eventually, you will incorporate the things these people show you that you want for yourself.



Now here's the part that confuses people.  They see a powerhouse and think that that guy/gal did it instantly.

Well...not really.

They did it in stages.

1)  Your success will never come from an external source. 

You will have to build yourself up in ways that make sense to you.

* you can have mentors...but...

* your unique ability to love others is what will move you into amazing results

* so that you motivate for their higher good

* thereby receiving your unexpected gains.

2) You have the full ability to take unconscious thoughts (which are usually doubtful) and turn them into positive thoughts

Your ability to do this is what determines your ultimate mastery of self and greatest success.  I call this the true self.  It operates independently of anything we've ever been told by parents, organizations, religions, name it.

Your true power comes from within.

Your ability to listen to your "silent, stronger self" appears when you learn to put your ego in the back seat of your metaphoric car so that you can get clear about what you have to do to create your next successful step forward.  Whether it's big and happy employeeship/CEO-ship/self-employeeship..., your success is tied to enthusiasm, passion, and love for others. 


Let Your Passion Guide You

Here's where many of us become impatient.  We think that if we're pushing on doors and we're trying different things that we're not moving forward.

Not so.

Sometimes, you have to find out what you don't like to get to the stuff you really like.

But there's a more effective way.

If you hold the belief that life need not be difficult..., and that you can be abundant in all ways by working in a safe world where you're naturally supported by yourself and others, you will attract that new reality into your life.

Now you have to "Pull yourself together".

It's sort of funny.  Pulling yourself together means unifying the fragmented parts of yourself that frayed away from you when you were facing real trouble.

Now you can forgive those moments and move past them.



Here's the neat part.

In order to be ready to unify these parts of yourself that have been working against you, you must FIRST admit that most of what's happened in your life has been the direct result of you believing specific thoughts.  These thoughts impacted how you acted and behaved...but it can be recognized without judgment, guilt, or regret.

THEN..., if you recognize that you can turn your thoughts around on a dime, you can do this faster than you thought possible.  This post shows you how.  You don't have to spend years in counseling either.

If you recognize that humanity is capable of evolving, Internet marketing is one true realm where we can be readily successful.  I cite setting up multiple websites designed to help large numbers of people.

In order to help massive numbers, it means being willing to listen to the input of others.  Whether it's negative or positive, it doesn't matter...


What will determine how impactful you are with others will depend on how well you actually love and accept yourself.  This may sound a bit mushy.

You struggle as long as you do not unconditionally accept yourself.

If you make yourself wrong at any time in your learning, what will happen is that you will continue to repeat yourself (in lesson) until you learn a better way.

The fastest way to attract major success into your life is to learn how to master emotion.  It is best done by taking all lower, lesser evolved emotions often felt in the gut or known by the subconscious mind (Id) and pushing those emotions into and out of the heart center.

You can be a brain surgeon and not know what I'm saying.

You can be sevant ...elevated in some areas of your life but struggle with other areas we call weaknesses.

As a human wanting to be so successful in life that it defies all imagination, it only means one thing.

Become integrated.  I call this unification of self.  At mastered martial arts levels, we become fully integrated as people because we work with thousands and thousands of people.  At the Internet marketing level, you have the chance to do this very thing...but you must realize how valuable you are to the world in order to make complete contributions.

Read on to find out how this is done ...without ego ruling the show...or without allowing other to dictate what you will ultimately become -- YOUR OWN your own time and way.


We All Learn At Our Own Pace

Here's what has to first happen to integrate yourself.

You must stop making yourself wrong.   So whenver that little voice inside of your head starts to fill your mind with CRUDDY information (we'll call negative), immediately turn it around into a positive statement.

Close your eyes and feel the power of a positive thought.

Then...test yourself again.

Close your eyes and feel the power of a negative thought.

Whatever you think, you immediately attract.  I cite the Laws of Attraction that state, "Whatever you think, you become".

You have full power to reverse anything you don't like about your life, and you have the power to do it immediately.

You do not have to explain yourself to anyone.

You don't have to rationalize anything away.

You don't even have to prove yourself to be valuable...because you are already valuable!





Check with Carson via direct WA e-mail to tell him about your linking troubles.  He may have another helpful solution.

W/regards to's how you can pull back the layers of the onion WITHOUT any suffering or reliving of moments not worth rementioning --

1) anytime you feel a doubt emerge either in your mind or in your lower gut, you've either received doubts coming from someone else...and/or there's a part of you exerting it's attention.

We have sub-parts called sub-personalities and they carry a consciousness all their own.  You can talk to these sub-parts by silently visualizing to the fearful self.  You'll ask this part of you to step forward towards Joan (the main personality who's now in charge of her ship).  One piece may appear.  Two pieces may appear.  Three may appear. Whatever their size, shape, or're silently telling them to step towards you for comfort and unconditional love.

Then visualize hugging these parts of yourself.

Here's what's happening.

Your core self is extremely powerful.  It is a master in it's own right but as you begin to look at or peel back layers of your onion, unhappy emotions will be replaced with happy ones.

No one person can make you happy.  Only you can choose to be happy yourself.  If you let go of any expectations of others, you are now freed to be happy -- no matter what others do or feel.  Try this part.  It is amazing!

Then convert the heavy stuff coming from others your way to good stuff coming from you.  Again...use your heart to do the work.  Then..., send love out.  Think of others who've hurt you and send love back to them.  By knowing that they may not change, what you've actually done is change your reality.  Your world will be much brighter and you will view life in a different way.  I promise.

Then...keep talking to the parts of yourself that need attention.  What you're actually focusing on is soulful integration (unification of self).  I became certified in this work, but you could say that it is/has been a natural extension of my martial arts mastery to help others who are ready for it.

What's interesting is that when you push any fears or doubts coming from your gut or head towards your heart center, you will begin to see amazing changes in your life.  You will become invisible to negative energies (and negative people).  New people will come into your life.  You'll get amazing support from the world, and more gifts will come your way. 

If this is already happening for some of you, you are extremely important to the evolution of others!  This is part of your highest purpose in being here, but you will see the Universe bend over backwards to move people, information, and events on your behalf.  Therefore, you cannot miscreate or ever fear what you create.  You will always create perfectly as it aligns with other peoples' highest good...and your highest good.

Whenever you feel resistance from others, it's actually the Universe's way of mirroring back to you those unresolved smaller parts asking for attention, validation, unconditional love, and full acceptance.

If you can step out of any power struggles (whenever they occur), get into the habit of doing this all the time.  Don't spend two seconds arguing with anyone!  If you feel fear coming from others, that's OK.  Recognize the emotion for what it is.  Ask a part of yourself that's afraid if it's ready to be accepted, loved (by your core self), and move forward.  Your core self tells these smaller, unresolved parts what it's going to do (like now be successful and attract people who support you in your life goals).  Push any lower (unresolved fears/doubts/negative emotions) into your heart center for purification.  It's a very easy exercise.

The more you do this, the faster you will accelerate towards your ultimate reality !  I call it mastery of self -- fully integrated.  What will then happen is that you will attract more abundant souls into your life (kind of what's happening here with you and me).

Any negative emotions that persist are emotions coming from sub-personalities wanting to be integrated with your core self.'s what's really interesting.  Your energy will change.  Your soul is dormant until you recognize that it's actually very, very powerful.  It remains dormant until you call it to you (through silent intention).  All you have to do is tell it, "Ok.  I know you can work with me now to accomplish anything I wish to do during this lifetime".  Then.., it will come to you.

As you sleep, you will either feel a little something ...or nothing first..., and later may feel your soul touch you or communicate with you in ways your mind can accept.

The more you talk to your unresolved sub-selves, the faster you will integrate these parts into your core so that you may journey into wholeness.  This is happening at a planetary level, if you can believe it.  Spirit is quickening.  Those of us awakening now are true masters...but you could say that we've been in very hard life training in order to step into the forefront.  Your physical energy will pick up in safe and loving ways as you get into the habit of taking any unresolved moment (with anyone) into your heart center.  Your soul will spend more time with you (the physical, human self)..., and you will live as your soul.  So it's a very different way to go about daily life.  Your highest purpose will be to shift the energy around you in grand, grand ways.  As long as you master heart-centered emotion, nothing less than loving can touch you.  You then have the power to transmute (change) any lower energy into a pure energy..., and you obtain the increased ability to alter life around you.  This is what Christ was trying to teach others..., long before religious holy men shut him down.  He was trying to tell us...(humanity)...that we will become as he is...but only when we are fully ready to offer unconditional love to others/self.  As you shift, then others will shift too.  What will also happen is that as you offer others unconditional love, you won't put yourself in situations where others cannot love you back (simply because they are either so asleep and/or can't receive the love you offer).  So what happens is that when you send love out, it comes back to you from many, many sources.  If we don't become so overly-attached to specific human outcomes, then the Universe has full freedom to send you the love in unlimited ways (or forms). 

People are ready for comprehensive healing now.  What the full unity of self does is integrate you in such a manner so that no other human has the power to miscreate in your world (ever again). They never had the power, but if we give others the right to intercede in inappropriate ways, then it might seem as if another has the power to strip us of our very existence. 

I hope this makes sense. 

Whenever you're wanting help from highest, most loving realms to obtain further business or even personal (abundant) clarity, just ask God or Spirit (or whomever you worship) to "Show me what I need to know now".  Always put the prayerful intention out there that , "I ask for the highest good of self and others"...and the Universe will deliver. 

You can ask for confirmation in...3's...because our brains always like solid proof that something we feel can be seen..., and if you want, you can ask Spirit to help you in your sleep whenever you tell your soul to take full and loving charge. 

Spirit will always hand you an apple when you ask for an apple.  You will never receive a snake when you look for that apple.  The snake (...or poor results) appear when we let our egotistical selves run the show, if that makes any sense.

Stay Balanced Through Workouts

To keep yourself centered, it's important to workout or go for walks regularly.

Whatever it is that you love to do is what you should do.

For example, I keep my workouts going daily (martial arts, weight lifting...running...rowing) . When I am making less progress in the IM (or even if it means asking for help from Kyle or Carson), I ask for help.  When I'm too tired to do more, then I close up my computer for a break.  I also work with my soulful self.   I call my soul to me and it comes.  I feel it nightly.  I ask it Q's in the form of "YES" and "NO" answers.  It can tell you physically yes or the form of a tingle...yes -- in your hands or head...or no -- felt in your feet.  Try it !  It's very powerful, and this type of work will bring forth immediate changes in your life.  You will be able to move through old beliefs no longer serving you. 

To identify the old beliefs holding you back, they are again....related to childhood upbringing...old work situations, organizations, and pretty much anywhere you've ever been by hanging around other people.

To test what I'm saying...listen to people in a group gathering sometime and note how negatively they are talking to one another.  You'll hear all sorts of limiting beliefs.  When you can identify them (without bringing them up), you know that you're healing in significant ways.

I care about you.  You are an amazing person!  If you have any more challenges, contact anyone of us to help you move forward.  Go to Marcus.  Contact Kyle or Carson.  Keep the work going because once you have landing pages, a more integrated and built-up website established, people will find you. That's when you'll be able to write your own blank checks. 

Feel free to post your comments.  I will rewrite and shorten this content at a later date.  I'm testing it here to see if there's an alternative need online.



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dawhite09 Premium
Kathy389 Premium
I have been reading and listening and working a lot lately with the Power of Intention and Positive Thinking. Although I agree with you and what I have learned - Old Habits Die Hard. Staying positive, letting go of what hurts, annoys or holds you back and living in the way you know is best for you can be very difficult. Thank you for your post, and enjoy the day. Kathy
jatdebeaune Premium
Nothing more to be said. Just beautiful. Thank you Barbara.
Labman_1 Premium
Whew, a long read but you touched me in so many ways. It's hard to put into words the impact you have just made. I guess I'll just say a heartfelt Thank-you. GFY