Ad Copy Targeting MLM'ers

Last Update: September 23, 2010

Hello WA Buddies!

When I came online and wanted to know how to help network marketers, I knew one thing.  They were all struggling.

Here's some ad copy you can reword for your own website use.  Keep in mind...because network marketers are naturally loyal to their companies, they don't really understand entirely how Internet marketing works until they've had some time to learn and implement all campaign steps.

The goal in sharing these tidbits is to show you how you can use humor in your ad copy to grab and hold attention long enough to obtain their information in exchange for your free report.

If you are only marketing affiliate products, you can still use these ideas to speak to Internet marketers.  You're mainly pulling in their online woes to help them identify with you.  

Notice the call to action that's placed at the beginning of the ad copy asking your reader's to join your Facebook group? 

I bold the ad copy so you see it in it's entirety and these are my words so you'll want to reword the 10 top headlines using your own ideas.


ATTN:  Struggling Network Marketers!  

You'll get a kick out of this...

Sometimes it's a good thing to take a step back and laugh for a moment.  I think we can
all relate to ---

"You Know You're A Network Marketer WHEN..."
Oh... and don't forget to share this with your Facebook Friends and let us know what your thoughts are!

10.   Your garage is packed full of vitamins and pills stored the past 15 years, and you haven't seen or touched them since...

9.  You've mistakenly told 5 people that you could quit your day job within the
next 30 days...

8.  No one wants to talk to you at the party, let alone come within 15 feet of you.

7.  You've asked 50 people in the last 30 days to join your "secret project"...

Attending company events costs you 90% of your vacation time you
acquired from your day job...

5.  Spousal explanations about your credit card business needs aren't
flying anymore...

4.  You stopped counting the times you've said, "I'm not involved in a one of those pyramid schemes again"..and "NO.., It's not MLM"...

3.  The bumpers stickers on your car are layered side-by-side displaying many MLM's you've belonged to over the years...

2.  You now believe that the person who's standing onstage *but magically has 7 cars and a multi-million dollar home" only sponsored 3 people.

Um...and drum roll please, saving the oldie but goodie for last...,

1.  Your last speeding ticket involved giving the police officer your Driver's License + your Car Registration Form + your MLM Biz Opp Brochure.

Feel free to offer your humorous ideas.  I think ad copy is best  when it's very funny.

In tomorrow's post, I'll play with "You Know You're An Affiliate When"...

Toasting Your Success Online!






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Labman_1 Premium
Thanks again Barbara. Enjoyed your SuperAffiliate posting. Sent you some Gold for the chuckle.
jatdebeaune Premium
HAha Barbara, this reminds of that skit on Letterman, or is it Leno, where they make a list: You know blank blank blank... when, then they name 10 ridiculous things. On your list, I particularly identified with # 8, the party thing... talking about IM is the best way to lose them. I talk about anything and everything but, and then I'm mysteriously popular again. Very funny approach to take.