Article Marketing Club, Day 25 LIVE Update!

Last Update: October 16, 2010

Hello New and Seasoned Buddies!

Hello to those who have joined this week!

I'd like to report that the Article Marketing Club is richly guided.

Many of you have been awaiting daily posts covering the exciting details on this clever club.

  • Please be assured that we had plenty of work to publish ahead of you so we would be better equipped to help you...

Good News

  • Word so far reveals that WA will be keeping its Article and PPC Clubs...,
  • It's hugely thrilling to work with superaffiliates because there's no bunk. You get to sore with Eagles instead of sinking with turkeys...,
  • You get detailed 1 on 1 help ensuring your success.

For People Who Are Very New (Or Are Still Uncertain)

  • Don't let your brain get in the way of something that's awaiting you...because it is truly wonderful!
  • Keep working
  • Remember..the Law of Attraction says, "What you think you create"
  • If you are thinking negative thoughts, immediate distract your mind and refocus
  • Pull in action -- it kills fear
  • Know that people at WA helping you cannot mislead you in directions you don't want -- why would they do that?  It defies all  reasoning!
LIVE Blog Update

Each day WA servers are down or are lagging, I tell myself..."They're working on new blog additions for us.

Reality -- Oh my God.  They are working...working like dogs. 

  • Marcus is working..., 6:00 AM sharp today.
  • Kyle & Carson most likely worked late last night
  • Terry over at Onstage Marketing is helping us guys and gals.  He's not even a member of Wealthy Affiliate and he's hammering out major ad copy for you! Man. How many humans do something like that? OK...a handful. This guy gets paid major $$ to write killer ad copy.
  • Some of my sites are coming your way (provided I don't hit major technical glitches I haven't anticipated).
  • I created 1 site on Friday plus another one yesterday. These are unique products targeted to help you tap into the massive MLM audience at Internet marketing levels, set to work as master reseller rights for immediate 100% pay (no commissioned breakups or waiting)!  I'm not talking about chicken feed. 



What's Happening On  Your End Today?

Would you be willing to take 1 hour or 2 by reading through more studies...if even if it seems like you're spinning your wheels?  I assure you -- this is not the case.

  • Be very persistent
  • Do something fun and get back on the horse if you hit a wall

Email me or email someone...but please don't sit in the dark alone. Successful players are here for you and must help or they won't stay in business.

LIVE Blog Pages Magically Appearing

I saw 2 new pages on my blog this morning, and while I'm an active advocate of "just hunkering down to do the work"...these guys are working on my behalf and yours... and I thought I'd have to work perform a major miracle to pay for outsourcing!  I was wrong.  Our brains really like to make things up that aren't there, don't they?

To share Article Marketing Club Updates, I have been prepping 16 major lists of keyword phrases.  I am researching those results to bring you solid reports.

Hang in there! 

Stopping here for now.  Once my blog is carrying more, you can work your free blogs in the meantime.  Experiment with content.  Play with the social marketing.  Everything you do now preps you for pay per click later on. 

Major Hugz To Kyle, Carson, Marcus...and Terry too.  WA members have access to top pros in the industry -- they're not sitting in the nosebleed section, I kid you not. 

Toasting Your Success Online,








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Labman_1 Premium
Every Day is a new experience. I'm glad you folks are working hard for the little people.:-) I just get more and more excited every day I'm here. I'm sure its gonna pop for me any day now.