Balance Your CEO Mind With Your Employee Brain

Last Update: October 08, 2010

Oct. 8, 2010

From The Desk Of:  bkb2012

Welcome WA Buddies!

New folks -- I'd like to take a moment to say welcome, in the event I missed you for any reason!  I try to respond to everyone, but ometimes I miss new comments appearing on prior blogs.  Well wishes always remain. 

To ease any pressures you might be feeling about your success, we'll just point to your CEO mind at work.  This part of you would have you work 24/7, 10 days a week...,but no human can do that.  The CEO mind pushes hard...and you have to find ways to balance that need with your learning side (or your employee brain.  The 2 can be at odds with each other.  With time, you will learn how to balance the two halves.

Your CEO mind wants Rome built right now! will take some time.

Learn to take your progress in better stride. 

Your success is much like working in baby steps daily.  Think like the turtle instead of the hare who burns out early in the race.  The hare never did win the race, but the employee side of you can actually be a moderating side that's wise.  The CEO mind knows that you have to set up a proper foundation so that you will better equip yourself BEFORE demand appears.

Your employee side will sometimes way..."I can't do any more today". So go with that.  Try not to miss your goals that will lead to real targets (pay).

Internet Marketing Is Very Real

Think automation.  Think structure.  Your blog connects to your A-Weber (autoresponder) and your funnel (if you're working the WA Blog & Funnel), connects to both.  Keep that in mind.  Ask buddies to test your connections -- VERY IMPORTANT so you do get paid.

There are many who do not yet see that Internet marketing is real. We're working to rectify this challenge. It's tough to know this when you have one blog with only a few posts formed and you don't yet have a flashlight to show you the path.  Just keep working.  A course of action and a path will appear...and know -- many of us realize precisely how you feel because we have been there.

  • Keep forming posts on your WA blog or even on your own Free blog or blog just to play with content..,
  • You can link the 2 blogs together...,
  • You can tap into the traffic that's here at WA by using the forums as long as you follow WA rules
  • Show Kyle & Carson (and others) that you can be trusted, and they will open other doors for you...,
  • Use your profile daily...
  • Harness the traffic by responding to people!  These last 2 parts are VERY important because these resources show you what people want +++ or ---.

As a CEO of your enterprise, you will eventually see that even a negative response from anyone just tells you that you missed the need. That's ok.  Keep your work going.  Eventually, you'll see what people want and that's when you'll really be powerful.  You're very much like Thomas Edison (the inventor of the light bulb).  Your first efforts online seem like an insurmountable puzzle.

  • Your profile and your blog at WA start the flow of traffic coming to you

Balance Your CEO Mind With Your Employee Self

Let's talk more about how your employee brain thinks:

*  work for someone else

* give our work away

*  value others before valuing self (now you want to reverse this thinking but balance it with what others need)...,

Don't forget to look to higher goals.  Always look up and work with others who are ahead of you. 

Set your sites very high in Internet marketing.  You are capable of so much but it's tough to see this in the beginning.

For More Seasoned WA Members

There's no reason why you can't pull in the Superaffiliate work... and I'll tell you why.  In the martial arts, we commonly teach all students and black belts the Japanese Principle, Kaizen.  Kaizen means continuous improvement.  

Instructors are students who've been at it longer than beginners.  It's the same in Internet marketing.  If you associate  with Kaizen at all and pull it into your marketing, you can even pull it into aspects of your daily life (like in your diet, exercise, walking, hobbies, self-improvement, and more.  You should also pull it into your studies and into the betterment of your campaigns.  

Always test content and strive for more.

Balance energetic output with what you're putting into your business. Then...look at the specific #'s you need to bring in pay.  Balance output with targets with pay.  When you do this, your Internet marketing will become clearer.

You don't have to be perfect when you're online.  You only have to be passionate.

To activate the master that's already inside of you, you are a full-time project!  I say this in a very positive way.

You are worth GOLD.  Whether you feel this directly or not, that's OK. That's why more of us are here.  We are here to uplift you, sincerely help, and show you profit is real.  So make the prospected public PAY dearly for your time.  

If it takes time for your mind to shift into "I only work for pay now"...that is also OK.

Commissions Grow Over Time

Think small pay when you're starting out.  If you haven't hit success, stay focused on this reality.  It will come.  You can't miss.  Just don't quit.  If you quit, you'll only disappoint yourself.

Always do your best on any given day and prove to yourself that your success WILL be a reality.  If you fall down, reach out.  We all trip at times and question ourselves because success is actually a moving target.  But tell yourself that your success is NOT in question and say to yourself, "I can do this..., I am entirely adequate for this work".  If a few others sometimes tell you that you cannot --- THEY ARE WRONG!  TELL THEM..."IF I AGREE WITH YOU, WE'D BOTH BE WRONG"!  They are not learning what you're learning!

Think in terms of your first commission.  

Now think in repeat terms.  The actions you took (or are taking now) to get your first commission will require repetition over and over again to produce yet more revenue for your business.

You have 5 years by federal standards to make the transition into profit, but if you do it sooner...more power to you!

Kaizen motivates you daily AND WA sets up systems and direct help to ease the learning process!  They pave the way supporting your success.

Please be careful about spending $$ on "promises sounding great" outside of WA. 

Most of the time, you only need these things:

1) your fingers for typing
2) your passion to spur you onward
3) the go-getter +++ attitude that gets you there

You cannot afford any negativity at all...not for even a day.  If you are stuck, find people who will answer your Q's.  Be relentless in your gathering of information designed to move you into profit.

If you feel any fear...tell yourself, "I now go beyond my fears and limitations and I now go beyond the fears and limitations of others".  Do this every morning.  

For anyone who takes this advice, feel free to offer me a post. Tell me how you feel on the inside as soon as you express this intention to yourself. The masters do it all the time.

I'll stop there...but before I go, there is one last point I'll make.  There are folks who are using the WA Blog & Funnel System... and they require help setting up their blogs further (along optimized content and keyword lines).

I have asked Marcus to confirm for me the availability of the 30-Day Article Club because WA is testing this content still.  It is going well so Kyle & Carson may wish to surprize you!  I'd rather not step on their plans so if you're having a tough time, check out the WA Blog & Funnel Forum and see what others buddies (inside the club are doing).  They may not yet have their blogs ready for public viewing so be patient.  We're working daily.

You can e-mail me privately. 

Please note:  if it takes time to get to you, I'm juggling a lot.  You can go to Kyle & Carson..., and you can use the forums. 

Again...pull in buddies. They will save your life! 

If I get the general "go-ahead" to share some of the 30-Day Article Club results, I will keep you posted.  Please know that you are NOT be ruled out of these clubs at any level.  Some of us walked through the doorway first to be of help later on.  The goal of these 2 clubs is profound so stay tuned for more content!

Toasting Your Success Online,


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