Commentary On Internet Marketing Fears Extinguished, More Mindset Mastery Applied

Last Update: August 11, 2010

Hello WA Buddies,

Here is a 2nd post for today.  With permission, I have asked a new WA buddy to help us feel and understand her thoughts from her newbie perspective.  What she posted today is extraordinary because she open up more than most people would.

The intent of this post is to show M.M.  and other newbies that she is thinking the right thoughts more than she might anticipate.  By seeing how she's thinking, you can check your own thoughts to see where you might be holding yourself back from achieving your own success. 

We begin by sifting through old thoughts by heading toward more empowered ones, in an effort to help M.M. and others feeling the same way move forward quickly.

Before we can fully step into M.M.'s mind, there are a few other details I have to cover

* It is with respect and care that we do this, not intending to create for her the things she would create for herself. 

* If there are any slights or misintentions, I'll apologize in advance.

* You can check out M.M.'s post appearing in the forum under "Blog of the Day"..., "Woes of Newbie-ism".

Goal For This Post:

1)  Tackle self-doubt  
2)  Show old thoughts that hold us back
3)  Counteract old programming (obtained from prior generations) by using applied mindset mastery martial arts masters use daily
4)  Show you 4 Phases of Internet Marketing mindset development
5)  Celebrate M.M.'s powerful self through her thinking
6)  Show you your powerful self.

What People Think Can Get In The Way

I'll explain further.  We find out what you're thinking by looking at how you think.  We first identify sponsoring thoughts. 

(NOTE:  This work is copyrighted and trademarked, but the wealthiest people on the planet use very proactive thinking and they use conscious reprogramming.  I call it changing old thoughts in favor of finding more supportive ones.)

Sponsoring Thoughts Are Learned In Childhood 

These thoughts are absorbed by us from those who raised us.  While parents, grandparents, and other family members offer their best, they are not always aware of their underlying thoughts impacting us in very big ways. Even conscious thinking can be way off base.

By realizing that we are here to think new thoughts (instead of old ones), we can forgive and know that these people raised us to the best of their ability. 

We are now free to move forward in very empowered ways.

Old Thoughts Rule The Show If We Let Them 

These thoughts often surface unchecked in the form of subconscious thoughts.  When left unchecked, they can and do prevent people from moving forward.  They can be harmful to self and others.

Identify Sleepy Thinking

To identify sleepy (or unaware) thoughts, you can identify how and what you think by writing your thoughts down on paper.

Is it worth the effort?  You bet.  You no longer have to be a slave to ideas someone else gave you.., and you no longer have to wonder why, "I just can't make it".

Once these old thoughts are identified, failure no longer carries weight with you.  How do I know?  I am certified in a special kind of therapy, but I had to heal a lot of very old thoughts first in order to be able to share these findings with you.  It took me 23 years...working with the martial arts masters.

As you find out what these outmoded thoughts are, your old self will repeatedly test you.  I call it the ole knee-jerk reaction.  People tend to feel comfortable with what they've long known, but it does not mean that they are living more meaningful lives.

In M.M's post, she shows us her powerful self most graciously.  Many people are not willing to open up like this, but for those who are, I applaud your efforts.  You are more masterful than you realize!

What comes forth now is showing you how to clarify your thoughts by connecting to and finding what is called "your most powerful self".  In this way, you will see your true self connected to your success.  Does it fit into Internet marketing?  You'd better believer it so let's move onward.

Fear Identified and Crucified

We all feel self doubt every-so-often.  

As a powerful Internet marketer, your job is see the fear for what it is --  fear and nothing more.

By staying centered, positive and focused in your Internet learning, you won't be tossed expensively on the guru sea of faulty promises.

You WILL readily see that fear is a powerful illusion and you'll start to catch yourself in thinking "false thoughts" that have no true bearing in reality.

Fear persists when you're sitting in a gap.  I call it the void of no knowledge.

That's not a problem.

The problem is sitting in the gap too long where you just "feel the void".  Then.., you're gripped by fear not knowing what to do.

If you don't identify your fear, you can't isolate it or problem-solve it with logical Internet marketing solutions. 

Once you identify it, take a big deep breath and move foward with some action, no matter how small it may seem.  At this point, many illusions (over time) will begin to dissolve. It is at this point that you will move forward.


I highly recommend that to get into the mastered content at WA, head to the superaffiliate learning.

Now.., let's find your powerful self as you're picking up the high-powered WA (superaffliliate) learning in addition to using the WA 8-week plan.  Rotate your efforts with patience.

The understanding and sight of your most powerful self (we'll call a higher self) is connected to your success.

We define what success includes and cannot include thought-wise.  We do that by first looking at the thoughts that are repeatedly holding you back. 

People who think in directions AWAY FROM what we are ultimately wanting (success, happy living and long life) will be negative.  They are moving away from positive outcomes. 

When you meet people who are very positive and are acting out of what's called "right-minded thinking and action", they are MOVING TOWARDS SUCCESS.

+++ attracts +++

---- attracts ----

---- holds no power over +++  (unless you let it)

+++ is unstoppable.

Stay away from any ----- thinking.

You don't need it.  In fact, it holds less power over your thoughts, actions, and creations the more you put this type of work into play.

Best of all -- you attract really neat people!!!

Universal Law States

In nature, no other person has the power to miscreate in your reality  -- unless you allow it. 

If your intentions are to succeed, no one can hold you back.

On any given day, most IM'ers are fortunate if they are able to satisfy these following marketing tasks:

1) write a few blog posts or articles
2) generate content for a current or 2ndary campaign -- website work/article submission/keyword research and analysis/configure accounts/write posts in forums/read the superaffiliate files (pdf's), put into play the important research before a site goes live/work with a few motivated others
3) connect to people who are willing to interact along +++ lines
4) build the list

That's pretty much it.  It's not lofty, but these are the activities that lead to real pay.

Again -- boot the negative thinkers out the door.  They're going nowhere fast. Stick with the +++ thinkers.  They will uplift you and teach you what they have already mastered. 

If you work with a --- thinker, ask for proof that this person is a millionaire.  I highly doubt it.  Most negative thinkers are in debt. Let's move on.

In Internet marketing, you have 4 Phases of Successful Internet Marketing:

Phase 1)  Figure out what works (and what doesn't)
Phase 2)  Find a way to grab peoples' attention and find ways to hold it
Phase 3)  Sustain interest over several month's time by showing people that you are the "go to" person for regardless of what sub-niche you're working
Phase 4)  Connect, help, and build your reputation which  leads to pay.

Learning is in your best interest when you are new.  Ongoing instruction is even more important when you are successful. 

Anyone who is active about his/her growth never really feels that "they have arrived", no matter how successful they have been. 

The wealthiest people on this Earth are highly considerate of others, and they keep on working.  HINT:  Read Marcus's 2009 Trip to Vegas.  If you've already read it, read it again.  Find out who Kyle & Carson are.  You'll be very surprized.  It's good news.


Reputation is your greatest asset in business.  You can't live without it.

Review of post early on -- What does Phase 1 mean ?  Phase 2 ?  Phase 3?  Phase 4 ?  Go back to this section if you're still not clear on what these phases include.  It's in the first portion of this post.

(Answers:  1 - Fear and Doubt, 2 - Not Sure What To Do Next, 3- Working But Still Uncertain, 4 - Doing What's Necessary and Moving Into Profit)

To move through Phases 3 and 4 readily, we know that fear cannot linger.  The more you concentrate and focus on doing what must be done, the faster your new success will appear !!!


If you were to sit beside me, you would see me directly building and communicating with people residing on my list.  I'm not just building it.  I'm interested in building a responsive list of clients who will purchase repeated products/services from me.  I focus on generating profits made readily, reliably, with integrity within a time frame that's manageable.

When you're new, your time line will change.  It may not be as soon as you'd expect, but you can do it as readily as you put your mind to the daily tasks.

Even if you work a few hours a day, that is ok.  

If you work 4 hours a day and find that it is too much for your situation, that's ok.  You set your pace and grow over time.

What the top contributors at WA do -- if you could see them daily, they are always connecting to people.  It's the lifeblood of your success.  

Phase 4 people when observed are highly focused.

Phase 4 people obtain success by feeling and applying the motivation to succeed throughout all phases of Internet marketing -- 1, 2, and 3.  They take 1 step-at-a- time, but they keep on matter what.


So when do we feel fear?  Phase 1 ...again..reviewing so this is embedded in your mind.  It's usually at the beginning when we're sitting in front of a blank screen having no profiles or affiliate links, viewable pages online (called landing pages), or even one blog.

That's ok.  WA gives you a blog to start with.  So start there and keep it going.

Phases 1, 2, and 3...require persistence, but phase 4 requires diligence and connectivity to people

In phase 4, fear appears anytime we're breaking new ground.

As evolving Internet marketers, no matter what phase you're in (especially when you feel that you're breaking new ground), you will feel the fear.  Keep working and it will settle.

If you ever feel as if no one else in the world knows or understands what you're feeling/thinking and doing.  That's ok.  They don't have to.  What matters is how you feel.

Phase 4 marketers know -- "Others don't have to know, understand or approve of what I'm creating".  Said with care, these marketers inherently know "I'm onto something powerful, and there is a real need out there for what I do".  So hold that thought when you are new..., and keep it going daily.  Write it down on paper.  Put it on your bathroom mirror.

Phase 1 thinkers can pick up on this mindset to propel themselves forward into Phase 2. 

To get to Phase 3, you must act consistently at whatever level of work you decide for yourself.

Goal -- Get through Phase 1 -- form your profile and connect to buddies regularly while never stopping.  As often as you eat, you're also doing this.

Goal -- Get through Phase 2--  consistently tap into traffic that's already here at WA, provided you're willing to follow all WA rules.  As often as you eat, you're also doing this.

Goal -- Get through Phase 3 --  test content.  You're only interested in grabbing attention and holding interest but you're doing that as you've conducted earliest market research (see Marcus's superaffiliate program).  As often as you eat, you're also doing this.

Goal -- Get into Phase 4--  ask people to do click on a link or go somewhere to view something.  That's all.'re repeating this process until you hit a 1 - 10% market average called a payout, whether that's a new person you're adding to your list (A-Weber) or whether you're repeatedly moving products/services to people on that list (10% conversions or higher). 

Over time, you'll increase closings on products/services as people know that they can trust you.  In this phase, we're increasing closings to as much as 40% - 50% in some markets but we don't usually advertise this fact.  That's true because if you pick a market that has great potential and no buyers, well you see what you get.  As often as we eat, we're continually doing this.

Phase 1, 2, and 3 Thinkers Have Chosen A Powerful Industry

They just don't know it.

Because of the #'s of people who quit, they can't see it.

That's ok.  Just look to the ones who are truly living life through Internet marketing.

And know..., that soon..., you will join a successful marketing crowd.   This is a major "sponsoring thought" that you must hold, daily.  Attract to you all other players who are focused in Phase 4. 

So with positive intention applied to daily actions taken, you get --

Phase 4 thinkers who will be and/or consistently are moving products for profit known beyond most doubtful thoughts because these people know that what they had to offer was absolutely needed by others.  That's also important to you.

Remember..., in prior posts I stated that fear is --

"False Evidence Appearing Real"?

It feels like a thick wall, but once you have more Internet marketing under your belt and you really see what's before you -- 21st Century Marketing applied -- marketers in major firms are not using this marketing!!!!  So will you be powerfully valuable when you learn the core Internet marketing basics?  Yes you will.  Keep the WA work going no matter how long it takes.


Thanks goes to M.M.  

I'm sharing M.M.'s post with you because I am asking you to shift your vantage point a bit.  I'm not asking you to change your beliefs.  I am asking you to challenge old thoughts in favor of more empowered ones..., and I am asking you to know that your success is not in doubt.

You don't have to be tall, thin, white, or even an Oxford graduate to succeed.  

You only have to attract people to you, find ways to sincerely serve them, and all will be as it should be...profitable.  Those who will not pay you can go elsewhere.

Study Phases 1 - 4 by mindset.  Know what the sponsoring thoughts are (the fears identified on paper).

See if you can write down the reasons these fears persist.  To dissipate the fear, you must release the old thought no longer serving you.  Then.., you must replace that old thought with the logic and help you get at WA.  It is real.

Replace worry with action...."right-minded action".

Remember that worry is a substitute for action.

When you are working and action and you are doing this with enthusiasm, so fear cannot possibly take its place.

As you focus on right actions (guided by WA activities you naturally do here to grab attention and hold it), by working on your blog post, connecting to buddies, and more, you are building your reputation for pay.

Action frees up your mind to know that you will get what you need precisely when you need it.  That part is important.  So take the learning in stride and tell yourself, "All will be well as long as I am taking action daily".  Also tell yourself, "There is no need to fear success because I will have HUGE energy appearing in the place of what was formerly fear".  

Toasting Your Success Using Proven IM Means,



Here's what she says word-for-word in excerpt form.  I would ask that you check out her post again to find out what she's saying completely. That way, when you're in phase 4, you'll remember what phase 1, 2, and 3 were like and you'll reach out to someone who could benefit from your help.

1)  Newbie-ism is the pits sometimes:

* feeling sad and discouraged
* feeling tired of reading for so long
* then the doubt creeps into your mind
* Is this really worth it?  

To make matters worse, if you are as broke as I am, frustration sets in.


Ok.  Hold the fort.  M.M. and other folks who are new.  Stop these thoughts in their tracks by watching something humorous on the television or go outdoors for a walk.

The Law of Attraction attracts to you more of what you're thinking and believing --

"What you think and feel you reproduce".

Reverse your thinking! Take action.  Pull on levers and knobs.  Find out what works.  More information and solutions will come your way as you do this.

Back to M. M.

* You want to continue
* Nothing good comes cheap or without time and effort.


Uh oh.  We have an old thought that's not supporting her contention that she will be successful.  Her thought is partially true.  You can't weave gold from straw.  The rest is old thinking going back in time.

* Nothing good comes cheap or without time and effort.


Everything comes to me willingly.  It can come to me at a reasonable price.  It is not necessary for me to pay out thousands and thousands (and even tens of thousands of dollars) to create this success.

I can pull in sweat equity to address the work that needs to be done.  Because there are no magic bullets (gurus will sell), my thoughts guide my reality and my actions embed this new, contented reality.

Fear is a paper-thin bubble feeling very big, but you can burst it with your index finger.  If you believe that you can create your reality for the better, then you cannot fear what you create, no matter how often your "monkey mind" steps in to create "what came befor.


Here's another powerful thought.

"The unknown is not ugly". We're trained from babyhood to think that this is real and it's not.

"The unknown is actually a beautiful unknown". Think in your mind...well I have this apartment right now or I'm living in this house right now, but I can live much better.  That's the beautiful unknown you're not yet seeing!


M.M. says --

*  I'm a good thing so I know.  

She is correct.  At some level she cannot yet name, she has just pulled forth her most powerful self.  Now M.M. needs to focus on this part, even if she may not entirely know or name it.  This is the creative side of you that will help you solve some of the marketing.

Now we pull in the logical mind.  This part of you can solve intricate problems and it can do it readily, even if you're thinking otherwise.

It's important that you alter your thinking in stronger, more powerful directions.  Why? Who wants to follow a mouse?  In reality, you are already a giant.  How do I know?  You're more like me than different.


* Right now I can't believe that I have been here for two months already.

* It seems like I just started yesterday.

*  There is still so much to learn and so many people to learn from.

* I must admit I am a student at heart.

*  I like learning new things.

*  But learning is only half the battle,


IS LEARNING A REAL BATTLE?  Now...M.M. brings up a good point.  She's realistic and she doesn't want to take unnecessary risks not benefitting her highest good.  So here's what M. M. (and other newbies can do).  

Learning is only a battle if you think it is.  Alter that thought by telling yourself, "What I need to learn will come to me readily and easily..., and I will no longer need to struggle".  


I can learn the essential basics because that's all I really need to launch my business.  

I can take the needed time to identify what's most important.  (Kyle & Carson tell you like it is.  They don't add fluff.)


* Putting to use what you have learned is the other and tougher half.


Be honest with yourself..., no matter what you've been told by others.  Is putting to use what you've learned and will now implement going to be tough?  If you think it is, this is what you will experience.  

Alter the thought and hold onto it daily.

" Putting to use what I now learn can be readily applied to my campaign without excessive or even minimal error".  That's how Phase 4 thinkers think. We'll have M. M. feeling more powerful than ever, if she likes these ideas.


For example -- I took French classes in college.

Do I speak french on a regular basis?

The sad answer is no.

As powerful marketers, we have to let go of self-judgment because we don't really need it.

So...we learn not to second guess ourselves.  This is also important.  Do what you can today, and do it to the best of your ability.  Then move forward.


*  Sometimes to annoy my boyfriend (I speak French) but that doesn't count.   I want to use my french speaking skills and gain more. I want to travel to Martinque, Quebec and eventually Paris.

You'll like this part.  M.M. just identified a powerful motivation for succeeding !!  it's going to Paris while speaking French.  Man.  Is that great or what?  Absolutely.

So M.M. has to know that if she fears success, will it be tougher than fearing success?


If you think living with money is tough, try living without it!


* Wanting to do all this traveling helps keep me motivated to review my cd and book every so often.

She's got it.  Right here. This is her primary sponsoring thought -- the thought that holds her dream.  Now all she has to do is act on it.


* Pushing forward I find is the hardest thing to do.

Is it?  Well...sure..when you're new because you're sitting in a gap.

Solution:  Don't sit in the gap but ask buddies for help! Bug them to death. Get everything answered as quickly as you possibly can. Sleep on it.  The solutions will come to you and you will capably integrate what you need most when you need it.


* There is always the question of failing.


You have the illusion of failure working here.  It sure seems real..., but the real question is --

"If I don't do anything, this will become my reality".

"If I do something ...even if it's wrong..., I cannot fail".

"As long as I continue to take right-minded action, the failure will dissipate by becoming a powerfully new reality".


* But the real scary question is, if and when you fail will you try again?


"Internet marketing is like being Thomas Edison.  I am inventing the lightbulb...but similiarly to Internet marketing, the light bulb has already been invented.  So.., I'm only igniting my mind with the right, most accurate Internet marketing content that will move me from Point A (no profit) to Point B (profit)".


The straightest distance between 2 points is a straight line.

Any content that does not make sense to me most likely does not follow a straight line.  Therefore, I only need to follow the 8-Week WA Plan.  I will have all of the available help I need.


*  Furthermore how many failures might success take?


What's the most accurate solution here?  I bet you know.  Right. Alter the old thought and replace it with the empowered one.

"I'll have some setbacks and that is natural.  That actually means that I am making progress even if that progress does not yet appear real.  In time, by working with the right people and accurate content, I will be successful.  It does not have to take me many many failures to reach success".


*  The the grand poo bah of them all WHAT IF I ACTUALLY SUCCEED?


Ok.  Here's it is.  The grand poo bah.  M.M.  -- that's funny.  You have a wonderful mind!

You've just located your most powerful self!



"SO WHAT IF I DO"?  THAT MEANS THAT THE MORE MONEY I MAKE FROM HONEST PLACES, THE MORE I HAVE TO GIVE (AS OTHERS ALSO WISH TO IMPROVE THEIR LIVES FOR THE BETTER).  Here's the real clinker.  We fear deep-down that we'll lose family and spouses.  Ok.  Well here's the headline news.  You're extremely valuable.  If anyone in your life can't take you as the success that you should be and are, they don't deserve you!


M.M. has just identified her sweet spot!  Way to go girl.  Keep going. We're sitting here in baited breath.


* We are so afraid of failure but deep down we expect it and anticipate its arrival. We never think that success is definite. We want it, we wish and hope and pray but we are always shocked when it actually arrives.


If we release the thoughts that are written before she makes this statement, success is actually definite.

For Phase 1 and 2 thinkers, they have not yet verified that through their deep belief that Internet marketing is real....or if it is, they have not verified that it pays very well.

This is a gradual process acquired in due time.  You basically get tired of working for free and then you figure out ..."Dang -- I can get paid!"  Chalk it up to human process.  Every time we transition  into something new, we experience this unreal emotion -- fear.

For Phase 4 Thinkers it is a reality.  See the difference?  Big jump in thinking is evident here.


* Depite all of those things I'm sticking around.  


She just hit named her success! This is her true self telling fear to take a backseat.


* I am an avid procrastinator and I take forever to get stuff done. I am slowly but surely kicking the habit.


We're going to put this dead duck to rest cause it's persisting. M.M.  Are you sure that you want to take forever to create your success?  Just putting it to mind so you see the illusion for what it is.

The New Thought -- I can experience success readily.

* I have had past troubles with procrastination, but I NOW realize that this is not in my highest good.   So I'll stop doing this.  It's ok to take breaks in my day.  It's ok to take baby steps.  Sometimes, it's better if I take a day off here and there, too.

I am capable of creating the reality I desire most.  Many people will want the services/products I already have to offer.  Many of them will be willing to pay for what I offer.  Many will open themselves to me so that I can truly serve them.  I will be able to find the most accurate solutions to their very needs, readily and willingly.  The best way this will happen is if I take action daily.


* Being on this site is encouraging to me.

* Everyone is so optimistic.

* I must confess those e-mails from Kyle and Carson are a big help. 


The folks who are working daily at WA are not just working for themselves.  They are working here for you too.  There is a balance between the two, however.  

The ultimate reality is --  we succeed when you succeed.


* Everytime I see one in my inbox I feel better.  
* I have taken the advice of a fellow member (a top WA gal) and started some GPT programs.  Go to M.M.'s post to ask her what GPT programs mean.

* It ain't much but slow and steady wins the race.

The last thought is very true in Internet marketing.  The turtle wins the race -- not the hare.


* Eventually I will do what do what I came here to do, BECOME A WEATHLY WOMAN.




*  I'm staying with process and looking towards the future.


SHE'S GOT IT.  Now her challenge will be to MAINTAIN THE POWERFUL MINDSET.


                      Thanks for listening friends,

                                                        M.M. Aug-4-10

You bet.  We're here!

Toasting Your Success Using Proven IM Means!


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jatdebeaune Premium
Excellent guide for being in control and self mastery. Thank you Barbara. So much fear and self doubt begins in childhood. Also, conformity begins in school, thus robbing people of their natural creative selves. Not talking about discipline. Well, that's the subject of another blog. Thank you for all your great input. Intrigued about martial arts. Is it karate?That must be where your clear headedness comes from. That's great control. Impressed.