CONTEST, Name That Guru!

Last Update: June 24, 2010

Hey There Fellow WA Buddies!

Before I start this post, let's cover a few things:

1) Just wanted to welcome "NEW BUDDIES"! 

It's always thrilling to meet new people.  If there's anything  I might say to you, it would be that same, repetitious theme -- please.., don't give up.  A lot of people are here for you, and you're very needed online! There's plenty of room in the fishing pond.

2)  I'm doing something I rarely ever do while working --snickering -- I'm listening to Craig Ferguson Late, Late Night...searching for ways to bring you humor mixed in with "what  can sometimes can be dull or lackluster.  Blame it on Craig, his humor got me thinking "off the wall". Now.., when I'm writing content for audiences, the primary rule is NOT to get distracted.  I mean.., this is about giving YOU what you need NOW, not tomorrow!

And.., in all matters, sometimes you have to drop the ball a little bit just to have some fun !!

3) SO...I was thinking..., ya know what would be fun?  Have a CONTEST to name that guru. 

Here Are The Details

When I first entered Internet marketing 4 years ago, I thought to myself, "SELF -- Why in the world do we have gurus?  After all, if we're living in the NOW AGE (Information Age), aren't we supposed to follow ourselves?  Yes and no.  The yes part has more to do with self-actualizing yourself as a person to bring people the best of what they demand... then incorporating the fun parts of your personality into all of your campaigns.  The no part means "finding an identity you can be comfortable working with or in".  At WA, they have a rule that once you form your profile name, you can't change it...,  BUT that doesn't mean that we can't find aliases we can use elsewhere, right? 

In Time, You Want To Find Your Own Marketing Persona

The goal in all of your Internet marketing is that you want to use many different aliases (to protect your overall campaign portfolio), but in some campaigns, it's actually beneficial to find some kind of marketing persona.

So...Craig's wild humor prodded me to use my buddy system for problem-solving.  I thought...since I've never been great at naming myself (hint: look at my signature at WA -- you'll see it's fairly dull, I thought I would come to you!

After all, more heads are always better than one.

Wouldn't it be fun if you tossed out a few crazy ideas for some crazy Internet marketing persona?  I would ask for this help because Internet marketing isn't about being a guru, per se.  It is about consistently doing 2 basic things: 

1) sharing everything you know with others

2) helping them evolve as you evolve too

That's pretty much it.  So..., maybe a guru name would suggest friendliness and helpfulness.

if you're willing, I'm open.  What I'll do in exchange for you is -- any buddy who sends in an idea, I'll hop over to your profile, take a look at your photo (if you have one or not), and then I'll offer you some ideas (for your persona).  Like that idea?

I'll give you an example of someone who's been named very well.

His name is Travis and he's one of our WA superaffiliates, but..., he is also nicknamed, "The Bum Marketer".

If you're great with humor or if your mind conjurs up something really out of the ordinary when you see my photo, I'd love to know what you're thinking.  Oh -- just one more request -- offer up your ideas but keep them humorous and clean.  We don't want to be stepping on any toes!

In tomorrow's post, I'll cover the differences between masking, cloaking and tracking because one gracious WA buddy requested this content.

Toasting Your Success Using Proven Internet Marketing Means,







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ana_nimoss Premium
I am sure that I can definitely use your help? May I PM you sometime? I have been reading your blogs. Thanks much for sharing.