CUTTING EDGE Facebook Ads, Web 3.0

Last Update: October 12, 2010

Welcome Fellow WA Buddies... Guys & Gals!

I'll let you in on a little secret of mine I've been quietly holding onto the past year.

For those of you who have been watching my blog posts, I actually connect you indirectly to a powerful marketing group.  I share resources this group implements, tests, proves, and either keeps or not.  Stay at WA!  It is powerful and more is coming your way.  The posts I form will supplement and enhance your learning here.

Whenever I share a resource, it is to empower you.  I ask that you keep your spending to a minimum because some of the peope we're tapping into will try to sell you their stuff.  You don't need those "expensive" things you can get at WA, but you can benefit from the FREE content I'll direct you to.  

The other goal is to put more marketing help under your belt so you will be powerful.  The only way you will attract people to you is when you become valuable to them.  That means, they will be looking to you for powerful tools, techniques, systems, and leadership.

Today's Post -- Tells You More About Paid Facebook

Today's topic is Facebook and how it might alter the face of advertising online as we presently know and use it.  Please know that I support WA first.  Secondly, click the link below.  Watch the first 3 videos...maybe covering 1 per week.  The 4th is on it's way.

Because you have Kyle, Carson, and Marcus ...the major gems that they are sitting in your back pocket, these 4 videos are presented by a top MLM who masters Internet marketing. That's what MLM'ers may not teach -- the classic IM they pull into their campaigns to attract a willing audience.

If you're promoting WA Blog & Funnel Systems and you're open to marketing WA edcuation, in the 2nd video you will hear Jonathan Budd VERIFY that marketers need to invest in their marketing education.  It's about 23 minutes into the video so... SCORE!  That's a major victory for us at WA already.  

Here's why.

Be very ready to tap into this FREE information.  As I bring additional resources your way, the intent is NOT  to move you out of WA.  On the contrary, STAY HERE...KEEP WORKING...GROWING...AND LEARNING...BUT TAP INTO THE POWERFUL KNOW-HOW OF THESE PEOPLE.

I have one marketer who is named Gino Niccoli.  He's a personal friend and mentor...and OK...if you want to get fancy about things by calling me a name dropper, he's a friend of Jay Leno. That's not the important part. What's important is that there are some amazingly powerful people working behind my scenes to bring you New Economy Marketing at it's best.

Above All -- Once You're Implementing Outside of WA

You should be seeing how networks work.  When they are understood, they are powerful as long as you use (leverage) them properly.

So my mentor Gino...and his partner in marketing, Mr. Terry Duff (my Internet Marketing mentor) along with Mr. Mike Anderson and Mr. Jeff Wiessman (former criminal attorney) turned Internet marketer have been working with me these past 4 intensive years -- for you.

We work on your behalf AND YOU NEVER KNEW IT.  They are essentially here with me but I'm the main one who opens the door to show you more.

Much of what we share is paid content.  While I don't give you the copyrighted materials, logos, or websites, you still get the benefit of application.

Anyway, Gino, Terry, Mike, Jeff...and a fistful of top affiliates assist me as the content flows from me to you.  I meet these guys online, inside the social networks, and on the phone.  Is that worth gold, or what?  You bet.  Don't throw anything away.  Print these posts and use them for your success!

If you keep your work going, don't let anything get in the way of your progress.   Grab your self worth, use your daily time management to build your early marketing campaigns.  Don't throw anything away or let it gather dust.  Absorb it..., keep an open mind, and even if you're not yet into advertising...,  you soon will be.

How Facebook Really Works -- Many Marketers Don't Know What Facebook Really Is

Meet Jonathan Budd

Here's his 2nd video.

If you want to backtrack and look at the 1st video, be my guest. 

The main point in sharing this resource is NOT to ask you to buy Jonathan Budd's stuff or any other guru stuff.  It's to leverage the know-how without forking over thousands to get it. That's what this other marketing team has taught me!  So I now bring it to you.

There is a 3rd video available. The 4th is on it's way.  If you get emails from Jonathan and you will, you can opt-out anytime. 

If there's only 1 thing you learn from me -- it's to  learn how to get as much cutting edge marketing help as you possibly can for the lowest price possible. That's only being smart in business.  Then.., you can save your $$ for what you really need ...paid advertising and growing your business.

This message is not about Google advertising for now.  All we're doing is looking...watching...hearing...seeing.

Facebook could potentially emerg as another advertising option, without killing yourself over Google's 200 qualifying parameters for website indexing and page ranking.   Yes -- still learn these things because they are still very important but look at a possible and very big alternative.

Because Google hit merchants hard (100,000 in number), we have some amazing marketers who have been shut down unnecessarily.  Sure, some might have deserved it but some did not.  Kyle & Carson have been 2 who have avoided this heat...but in the event Google still marks our industry as "undesirable",Facebook accepts your ad when you use a Fan Page (not an opt-in page).

I thought you should be the first to know!

In the video, you will learn:

Ad = = >  Asks people to hit the "LIKE" button = = > thereby bringing them right into your newsletter at the SAME time they hit the "LIKE button" = = > To Then View Your Fan Page Next!  This gives people time to see more about who you are and know what you represent.

If they like what you offer, they'll stick around.  This method may alter the way we work with our campaigns or it may not, but I'll leave the final choice up to you.  In all matters, pull in Kyle & Carson's expertise because they'll be able to give you a thumbs up or thumbs down. If any of this content later appears in WA learning, it's a thumbs up from the big guys!

Please feel free to post your comments and suggestions. I'm still busy working through the WA Blog & Funnel system on my end, so my other work has been slowed down a bit. 

I am working further into the 30-Day Article Content before I post results.  I really want to be sure I'm bringing you the best content available so please stay tuned. -- but above all, remain patient.

In tomorrow's post, I tell you how you can implement any WA element appearing in your campaign (whether it's a blog, the funnel system, or even a website you're testing) so please stay tuned.

Toasting Your Success Online!


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jatdebeaune Premium
Once again Barbara such great info! I can't wait to see the videos. I've been stymied about how to use Facebook in that I've been naturally resistant, probably due to ignorance. Promise to keep my mind open and absorb the information. Thank you for this. You certainly deserve gold.
WRI Premium
Very exciting news !!! I have been hearing the buzz about web 3.0. I am some what familiar with Mr Budd and his previous videos, but this is the kind of window I have been waiting for God Bless you for sharing this...