Discipline = Success, 3 Principles

Last Update: October 30, 2010

Welcome WA Buddies!

Welcome new friends and seasoned players.  In prior posts, I talked about pulling back the curtain further by revealing Internet Marketing techniques caring masters use.

Discipline = Success, 3 Chief Principles

I will cover:

1) discipline

2) reflecting back to you your real self

3) balancing giving & receiving

I speak to you from my heart so you will feel a core truth. There's a belief in your mind that IF, "I do everything just right in Internet marketing, I'll be successful".  The ultimate truth is -- people will be drawn to you and your energy.  As I visit on personal levels, FEEL what I'm saying. Try not to let your brain get in the way.

If you know how powerful daily discipline equates to your success, then nothing can hold you back.

When you choose to market something that sets you on fire, you will never feel as if you're working.  Case in point, I'm here.  Family is enjoying a movie..Saturday evening.

Point #1: Daily Discipline

I'm here with you because I want to be here...sincerely helping.  Yes -- balance your enjoyment in life with what you want to accomplish in your business, but don't lose sight of the work that must be tackled. 

If you're not paying someone to do the work for you (and that's ok), you'll have to do the work yourself.  So discipline is everything.  Make it a habit to speak to others daily and you will attract people to you.  It is inevitable.

Point #2:  Your Real Self

Your Real Self Is Already Abundant.  Visualize -- I'm standing right in front of you.  Now...close your eyes (after reading this message)...and pretend that the computer screen is a mirror. turned around to show you your real self...independently of whatever you've believed about yourself before.

In your heart, see if you can visualize this new self.  It is beautiful and powerful.  It has all of the solutions now! Don't think about "Well, I don't look this way or that".  That is not important. What has to be seen is this greater self because it ties into the 3rd principle I'm about to share.

Point #3: Balancing & Receiving in Balance

Here's the fun part.  We experience debt in life because we are here to master giving and receiving in balance.  That may be a big over-simplified way of describing debt...but think about it.

Most of you are masters of giving. 

What you may be challenged with learning is receiving!  

If you disagree, then the opposite statement applies...learn to give in balance with what you accept from others.

Money = Energy 

To shift your mindset from lack to significant abundance, I want you to visualize daily that you have your own personal ATM.  Now...see your name written on that ATM.  When you want money, see yourself walking up to that ATM to punch in a withdrawl.  Don't let your mind get in the way.  Let your heart do the talking.

In a future post (most likely the next few), I will outline how to create your own product!  It is not hard.  To be ready for this exercise, you will have to set up a business account at PayPal. 

Do this right away, but give it a few days to clear.  Whenever you use PayPal, you only pay a fee when someone sends you $$. 

You pay nothing when you send $$.  To hit the PAY button on your ATM, you must have PayPal set up and your real account information will always be safe.

If you don't have a checking account, you can receive checks from people in the mail...as long as you market yourself with care.  It may take only as long as your mind tells you it will happen, but it can happen.

I'll stop there.  Please stay tuned and don't forget to post your comments!

Toasting Your Success!



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mr.billee Premium
hi barb bless u-4-your positive mind spirit,were u-a educator in your former life! i am looking into evolution of sale2 do u-know anything about it?,I trust your valued opinion,as a beginner have much 2-learn fellow member-bill
Fallulah Premium
Barbara Hi :) I'm very familiar with these principles but I've never heard the personally named ATM machine idea before and I love it - not least because I didn't feel any barriers when my mind automatically translated the words into internal picture / feelings. Very interesting [lol]! I also look forward to your follow up posts re creating our own product - an idea that's been flitting in and out of my consciousness for a few days and I already have a business paypal acc set up! Nice post, perked me up this morning - thanks!