E-Commerce Update, Aug. 2011

Last Update: August 26, 2011


Hello everyone.  It's been sometime since I've written a last post.  For that I will ask for your patience.  You could say that I stepped back to reassess overall Internet marketing goals.  This happens periodically, as we see how  Internet marketing applies online and offline. 

If you are new to WA, you might have noticed how overwhelming the content is.  Take it all in good stride, and know that you're working on some amazingly powerful, applicable skills.

I would like to offer you a few updates in business impacting our growth and future potential inside of Internet marketing realms.  What you learn has much to do with your overall success.

1)  There is polarization on the gameboard taking place.   Google is hit hard by the recession.

Polarization online and even offline suggests that people are tired of old banter appearing in whatever form it appears, and they want real alternatives impacting business success.  WA pulls in their newest additions in an effort to bring you what you need most.

Much of the old Internet marketing has undergone massive change within a few short period of time -- 3 years.   These changes can be seen as Google acquires other companies in hopes of maintaining their seemingly "monopolistic" business.

As a new Internet marketer, you will have options.  Here inside of WA, they are working to remove old barriers relying mainly on Google pay-per-click advertising.

2)  The most positive thinkers are feeling more confident and solid in what they do.  They are surrounding themselves with others who believe in peaceful, rightful, and tranquil business. By that, I suggest that cooperation will be a core requirement as more people work together to hit their common goals.

The Internet marketing powerhouses in the present making will appear to show others how positive examples of power can work, as that power is then applied to more updated e-commerce (or Internet marketing).  They will be guiding a New Vanguard of business people.

The most negative thinkers are maintaining a dying status quo -- had at all costs.  I cite places such as investment banking.  Even though they tap into current Internet marketing to advertise their services, these folks don't appear as if they care what really happens.

How does this information impact us as Internet marketers?   I will suggest at Wealthy Affiliate, as long as you're working in groups, you'll problem solve your way into real solutions.  You'll want to offer your services to businesses wanting to deliver their services/products at a real value.

One of the most prevailing areas for IM work suggests that small businesses will need your help moving them online.  I am isolating solutions to meet that need, and I will keep you posted soon enough.

If you are open to Q's and A's revealing "why people do what they do"...in business and at home, the information I've prepped directly impacts your success online because it shows you how to better trust yourself relying on your own intution and the ability to workable draw solutions to you.  Please stay tuned.  In a nutshell, if you work in the PRESENT MOMENT, you will move forward.  This is a KEY HINT.

A)  See if you can isolate a concrete number of daily sales you'll need to close consistently so that you can create pay at/from home. 

B)  You will need to find a business plan that you can sustain.  It is usually one that will NOT require more than you and another person doing the work for your complete Internet marketing action template.

C) Your marketing plan will have to meet a large need to be scalable (meaning that it can go national if you want it to do so), and it will have to involve high quality solutions others will definitely want.

Keep working through slivers of information to create that mountain of granite called your success! Again...true wealth is earned in baby steps..., incrementally acquired.  It is not had at the expense of everyone, as old business suggests.

I'll be in touch soon,





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