Emulating Top Level Marketers

Last Update: August 19, 2010

Welcome Fellow WA Buddies!

Today's post talks about emulating only the top level marketers.  I bring this resource to you after investing $30K to know what I know.  This is said with care to tell you that you are extremely important to this industry (Internet marketing).

1) Thanks to Kyle & Carson.

They're working like dogs to bring you guys what you need most.

They do care about your success

 2) Thanks to Matt.  He's the reason for this post.

Shared Forum Posts

From time-to-time, I share questions and replies offered to WA buddies because they are the very reason why we are all here.

Hey there. It's 4:32 AM and whenever I can't sleep, then it's time to tackle writing a free report or help a buddy.  In this post, I share with Matt (and you folks) these valuable tips I've learned by hiring some amazing marketers --

You'll have to check out PayPal. There is code inside of the PayPal merchant account that you cut/paste into say...a free blogger.com blog account to show a pay button on something you want to showcase as your own.  You'll want to put up a landing page with relevant content product leading inquiring minds to that pay button, so don't just toss up a pay button on the front end of your blog.

With regards to everything you're doing Matt, you're right on track. Matt finds ways to creatively emulate his favorite marketers.  In his case, the biggest thing is to keep the work going. Matt has a way of writing what needs to be said so that's a valuable talent in this industry.

* Whenever you find an Internet marketer you hugely like, keep them.

Find Top Internet Marketers Who Are Specialized in their IM area:

* for product creation -- Kevin Riley is amazing

* I've mentioned Ed Dale before. He has a free 30-Day Challenge that is amazing.  So far, very few marketers give away massive content the way Ed does.  Ed's Immediate Challenge (the $97 monthly membership is not yet yielding what it promises) so rotate the freebie work with WA.  WA is working to stay on a cutting edge.

* for e-mail autoresponder content -- Eric's Tips shows you how to set up your biz using this communication avenue. After spending 4 years tracking a wide variety of marketers, this guy markets to 60,000 on his list and he's got the IM down pat. Wanted to let you know that Eric shows you how to protect your merchant accounts (in the event Google shuts you down for who-knows-what).

* for landing pages, ad copy, free reports -- Terry Duff at On-Stage Marketing. Be careful to keep your credit card on ice if you watch him. He's very smooth. While he targets network marketers who "just want to work from home", this guy has been a long-standing student of Dan Kennedy (another formidable IM'er).

* Mike Dillard -- another network marketer who shows these folks how to pull in affiliate marketing

* Affiliate marketing -- Kyle & Carson excel in ppc.   I will say -- these guys have their marketing down pat on the front end. Here at WA, they're looking for better ways to always bring us what we need most.

* Superaffiliate marketing -- haven't found a source in this arena other than WA's because they use a no-bull approach. Research leaves me feeling  undecided about this subject because it can be challenging to find active marketers who really want to excel.

To date, I've been watching Armand Morin. Check him out. You'll like the way he writes e-books (half pages...much like Kyle & Carson). He's one of the best IM'ers out there and he's now educating IM'ers to know that you can't just put up a landing page with "buy me written all over it".  You've got to invest in your crowds by building relationships first, offering quality content, and more before you make that withdrawl.

* Ad copy -- Dan Kennedy, Yanik Silvers.

Only track the major, major IM'ers. Still not sure what to think about Alex Mendossian although he's been around a long time.

* Google Adwords -- The definitive author on this subject to date is still Perry Marshall.

* Keyword research, market analysis, and targeted campaign management -- Glen Livingston, Ph.D.   This guy is amazing but be prepared to pay top dollar for most of what he offers.   He does deliver.

* Pull in Harv Eker -- millionaire mindset intensive but stay away from his over-priced offline seminars.  He gets you into his seats for free to sell you a bunch of stuff located in the back of the convention center.  What you mainly want to look for from Harv is reprogramming outmoded thoughts connected to "being poor", building an IM campaign, and maybe outsourcing to expand your business. He accomplshes this task in his MMI (Millionaire Mindset Intensive).

As I've repeatedly discussed before in prior posts, it's important to reiterate what pays in this industry --

* simple front end marketing -- setting up a blog that generates income, complete with UTube videos, data capture (securing names and e-mails to build a responsive list), articles people can click on and read, linking landing pages and other campaign elements to relevant content to form a "spiderweb" of marketing activity --

*designing a solid, interactive website that's properly indexed at Google and maintenanced on the back end

* setting up blogs that generate $$

* filming and editing videos

* configuring accounts for profit (like web hosting accounts and the autoresponder)

* writing e-mails for the autoresponder sold in bulk, depending on sub-niche

* submitting successful ezine content and other article directory submissions

* keyword research and proper domain naming for best SEO outcomes

* writing ad copy (this profession pays huge sums for high quality work -- that's why I mentioned Terry Duff --

I've worked with Terry directly these past 4 years...but quietly check out his blog...terryduff.com.   ***** Don't submit your information unless you want to get a call from him.  He's one of the best telemarketers out there, and he mainly works with network marketers who want to move in IM (Internet marketing) directions

* be cautious about joint ventures -- many of them can head south if there's nothing written in stone

* be cautious about hiring anyone to do a job like constructing a website for you

* when you're first starting out, it's best to tackle a website yourself

* In many of my blog posts, I talk about Internet marketing (IM) as it comes from a comprehensive business perspective -- pulling in franchising methods by talking about offline and online business management.  Franchising is one of the most-overlooked business models online, but it's the best sources of information involving team development supporting massive business (upscaled marketing)...

*  In an active effort to look out for IM'ers best interests, I sometimes pull in legal IM, ethical IM, U.S. gross domestic product increases or decreases (because this impacts consumer purchasing), global consumption, team development and management, and business decisions impacting a bottom line...

*  Politics aren't mentioned unless presidential elections alter legal policy impacting IM'ers directly.  In that case, sometimes I'll talk about FTC regulations hitting affiliates hard, for one, you have to tell all folks who see your affiliate links that you get a partial commission if they click on those links and you have to disclose privacy policies on websites.

If you get stuck on any IM topic, please let me know.   I'm  working through WA hosting to see how it integrates into the WA Blog & Funnel system so stay tuned for those updates!  I am most happy to research and offer ideas/solutions to your most pressing problems.

Please feel free to submit your questions/comments/suggestions here or through the WA forum (where you can personally e-mail me).   In the coming months, I'll break down Internet marketing further to position you in:

* an e-book

* your own pdf file

* writing a sales pulling video

* pulling in UTube

* using social networks to expand your marketing reach

* identifying individuals for solid team building and successful growth

* pull in telemarketing in fun ways -- not to cold call but to build and support your team's progress!

* and more.

Toasting Your Success Online,

 bkb2012 (Barbara)




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jatdebeaune Premium
Barbara, Thank you for all the in depth work and research. Your help is amazingly generous. The 8 points in IM that you are intending for the coming months are very important. I'm working on a quite different "specialized" e-book now. Huge undertaking. Might just want to take you up on your offer of help down the line.
NEA03 Premium
You are so awesome, thanks for this and keep em coming!
dehaynes Premium
Thanks for sharing such detailed and insightful information!