FTP For WordPress Express

Last Update: August 23, 2010

Hey There WA Buddies!

Well just when you think you're rolling along, someone else at WA enters the Internet marketing (IM) "gene pool" and does it better!

Even if you're new and you don't know what this content means, still save the content !

You will hit this need when you're making updated, regular changes to your WA blogs and websites.

Congrats to this author...   mhamilt   ...he adds pictures and red arrows + valuable resources which are simplified to use.  I like that. 

Just click on the link below and rate the resource from 1 - 5 stars.

FTP Files To Your Web Host for WordPress Express Blogging

Add him as your buddy.

When You Find A Valuable Resource Full of Pictures and Red Arrows 

  • Document the resource in both text file (notepad) and Word. 
  • Add date of entry
  • In the event you need to reference this resource for other IM people who are scratching their heads, you can offer the author's link directly or hyperlink it in your article content...,
  • In some Internet marketing circles, the big guys tell you not to send traffic to another IM'ers site...but ya know...you might as well help people in educational realms...,
  • Avoid plagarism by citing the author's name
  • Even if you paraphrase, I know about IM'ers who've lost their businesses because they cited the author ! Be careful about this reality.  You won't create it if you don't attract it to you, but still take appropriate precautions.

BONUS TIP)  You're building major content in IM that others will want to know abou and most likely pay you for!  In time, you can author your content along unique lines and create your own products!  Is that cool or what?  Thanks Kyle & Carson!

FTP Files To Your Web Host for WordPress Express Blogging

Quick correction on a resource from a few posts back -- 

1) Change http://www.istock.com

2) ...to http://www.istockphotos.com ; (these are very high quality and legitimate royalty free photos, audios and videos)

This 2nd link is accurate. 

3) you pay the author of the work once and you're done

4) you can get an extended warranty to protect you up to $250K in the event someone wants to sue you onlineYou need this if you sell an e-book for profit.  If you do not sell an e-book for profit, then you can purchase a standard warranty for much less (but there's no converage against lawsuits).  

5) Monetize everything.  You can pick up the code for buy buttons to istockphotos.com..., istockvideos.com..., and istockaudios.com for FREE.

BONUS!  Get Paid For Everything

6) Inside of the istockphotos.com site, you'll see affiliate program. 

Enter in that program. 

Form a space called "widgets" using your administrative dashboard.  Then..., when people click on your "valuable resources" or "recommended links", you'll get paid.

Pick up the code for each type of istock button (audio, video, photos)..., then cut/paste that code over on your WordPress Direct (.org blog) or on your WordPress Express under widgets. 

Sharing more in due time.  

Toasting Your WA Blog & Funnel Success,

bkb2012 (Barbara) ...The Non-Guru Guru





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