Getting Paid $47/Month For You Coaching Others

Last Update: January 10, 2011

Welcome WA Buddies!

May this beautiful day find you happy, healthy, and a year wiser!

I'm going to give you supportive information that will help you set your campaigns ablaze.

When you are new to Internet marketing, there is a very common tendency to believe that you have little knowledge to yet offer others.  I will tell you that this belief is only a thought that points to illusion.  A thought is just that...and it can be changed !  If you absolutely know that your time is valuable, and you consistently tell yourself that no one can live/work for free, then your time must be a commodity others will want, need, and pay for.  You are worth compensation.

Online, you don't have to know it all in order to be of help to others who are new to Internet marketing.

If you have 1 year of study under your belt, that's all you need.

If you have 6 months of study under your belt but you're somewhat technically proficient and can learn/implement things fast, then you will be ready to help others get what they need. 

Some people (in rare cases) can provide the public with tech support in 4 month's time, but they most likely need to have a skillset already in place -- one they can already monetize (charge for).  Rest assured..., keep working and know that the next 10 year's of online work will require you !!!

You will acquire valuable skills as long as you keep your learning going, work through the buddy network, and ask the proven superaffiliates at WA what they know/do.  Follow their directions because they have paid the ultimate price to acquire their knowledge and expand their businesses. 

To obtain $47 month in coaching fees, you must take the time to identify for yourself a solid action plan you canpersonally implement, test, and even refine.  Follow this plan closely, develop profits for yourself, access the WA Buddy network for help, and verify that the action plan is solid before you start teaching it.

Here's What Pays

At the risk of repeating myself at times, I will emphasize that you must find the skills people will willingly pay for.  Identify what those skills are.  Ask a ton of questions from others.  Compare notes.  Ask others what they do or don't do.  Ask people how others specialize in Internet marketing.  To answer these Q's, here's what I did:

  • I work with a  handful of top Internet marketers to learn what's required.  Then I go public for pay.
  • I advertise myself by word-of-mouth and by work done.
  • Be persistent.
  • People sparkle about your Internet marketing when they realize that they have struggled in their businesses by not having an Internet presence.  See if you can find your own way of saying this much.

If you can do these things, you can charge a minimum of $47/month coaching others on the phone (to teach them these skills you have learned). 

You can use free e-mail to build your list and also build your coaching program. 

You are after mastery at a basic setup level to get most starter campaigns going online. 

Learn This Skill:

1)  data capture

Learn This Skill:

How to work A-Weber/GetResponse autoresponders.

  • Know how to find, cut, and paste the simple coded needed to put data capture on a blog, website, or squeeze page (a simple page that carries a photo of the site owner, write some ad copy ...say...500 words...sharing simple details leading page viewers to get...a free report.. or some valuable download., but know how to place name and email at the bottom of that page to store data in the autoresponder).  A-Weber and Get Response can help you learn this simple, valuable skill !
  • You can also check out WA tutorials on these subjects to learn what has to happen.

2) Autresponder Set-Up/Connectivity with Website

  • Know how to connect an autoresponder to a basic campaign
  • WA's WordPress Express shows you all of these things in an organized fashion. What you have to then do is go through the WA network to ask buddies how they get the smallest of jobs done because every skill you learn fits together online!  Be very persistent.  Don't give up.  Ask, ask, ask until you figure out  even 1 skill because it all adds up.  This one skill alone is easily worth $150 for setup + loading 15 e-mails (you write) into the autoresponder for the small business.
  • If you maintain e-mail content in an e-mail campaign, you can charge a small business anywhere from $397 a month up to $500/month (for offering a customer retention program).

3)  Learn what goes on a website to make it work well...not just work.

  • This skill is very valuable to small business owners, but if you're going to charge anyone $1,500 for a squeezepage + data capture + a free report + 2 back end products connected to PayPal, you must also learn how to get the site indexed with Google, top ranking.
  • Make sure any site you build is interactive.  It must carry archives people can click on (when they want to read articles prior to product purchase).
  • AGAIN...go back to the WA WordPress Express system.  It teaches you HOW to do these things! 
  • Know how to configure a web hosting account.  I bug my web hosts for every small question until they answer my Q's.  Bug them to death to learn this valuable skill because small business owners will not have the patience to do this themselves.

4) Learn what goes into a free report to make the message compelling so that people will want to read more content, submit their contact information in exchange for that report, and know how to put a product into the campaign (it could be affiliate links leading to products), it could involve creating a product for a small business so it can move it's own information.  You can do both.

5)  When you learn these basic things, you will know more and can coach someone through campaign setup...but only do this once you've made profits yourself.  You can use e-mails, phone support (telecalls), and instant live messaging to teach others.  Your affiliate links leading to business tools, teaching methods, web hosting, autoresponder leasing, and action plans for pay will boost your that you can charge that $47/month minimum + earn commissions on the affiliate links you provide.

In Internet marketing, you are after 4 legs on a table to help your business stand.  You business is the table top.  Your campaigns represent the 4 legs.

Please remember...., as long as you work with others for free, no one will value your time.   Admittedly, in order to be of value to others... do have to spend the time to build relationships, and as long as you keep learning, growing, doing and profiting...,  there will be a future time where you can enter coaching.  You will know when that time has arrived, if this is something you like to do.  

If you already know how to earn steady profits online, you can easily advertise that you'll charge beginners $47 a month for your coaching, but be certain to tell people..."Here's what you get when you implement my coaching program for your marketing campaign":

A) web hosting through me

B) autoresponder leasing through me

C) website design/delivery for X dollars

D) misc. details

E) 30 minutes, Free Business Assessment 

F) Periodic bonuses only I offer!

G)  Motivate others to go through only your affiliate links to get your support

Just spell out your offer as completely as you can.

Be sure to cover the costs you pay inside of WA to answer the Q's that other persons or small businesses will have.  Then layer the benefits of your offer (in the form of charged services) accordingly.

Be willing to offer massive value to others sometime before  you ask them for pay.  See if you can negotiate an outcome ahead-of-time, based on what you absolutely know works.  If you offer, "10 hard-hitting articles at a bulk rate of $50.00 (or whatever level you set and negotiatie), tell them you charge $5.00 per article once you've delivered the first 10.  $5.00 is the going article rate for keyword researched phrases embedded into article content.  If your articles are cheaper, they provide the keyword phrases.

(NOTE:  Proper keyword research requires some expertise, software, and time to zero in on the right results.)

If anyone refuses to pay you, test the market to see what it will bear.  Renegotiate an outcome you can life by, highlighting the fact that retail prices online will most frequently be higher than what you are offering (or the market is most likely delivering junk at a lower price). This way, you will instill value in your services so that people will be willing to pay a bit more.  If you feel you're worth more than $47, month, compare notes with other WA Buddies, test the market, alter your price up or down depending on what you know you can deliver.

Drop service with people if any pesron absolutely will not go through your affiliate links (even after you've provided loyal service). After all, you're the one providing support on anything you move.  Make a point of telling others that there's no distinct disadvantage in paying "a stranger they personally don't know.... over say... paying me". That part is very true.

Please feel free to post your comments/and or questions about this post.  It's important that I clarify any misunderstandings my post might create.  Setting up a business plan need not be difficult, but it can require effort and time to do it well.

Toasting Your Success Online!





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jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks again Barbara for demonstrating for us how you optimize your own IM. You stir up the imagination and field of possibilities along with good advice.