Getting Paid/Millionaire Mindset

Last Update: May 29, 2010

Welcome Back Fellow Wealthy Affiliate Buddies!

Today's post is unique.  As stated in a prior post, my superaffiliate site is under construction..., but for now, I'd like to share some empowering information that will shed light on your Internet marketing.

It took me a while to figure out that there are many, many ways to work this business. Much of it starts with trying different things to figure out which skills you'll naturally gravitate towards.

Repeating, Here Are Some Common Skills Which Get You Started For Pay

* article writing - becoming a prolific writer and marketing that skill

* blogging -- becoming a Wordpress master, for example, and marketing that skill

* basic Internet marketing integrated - learning how to create an interactive website that does many things...1) offer audiences in sub-niches clear messages (ad copy), 2) data capture...3) presenting the website owner's contact information, 4) article marketing (included in the website)...and 5) autoresponder mastery (for building, managing and marketing to that responsive list).

* website construction - mastering skills so that the site is index (...easily found by all of the major search engines), optimized (for best consumer search results), and interactive

*recruiting/traffic mastery -- these are skills that are sometimes lost in translation... especially when you get further into back end business (automation and advanced marketing), but if you can't close business, your virtual real-estate (or website) might as well be sitting in the desert. Sure, it looks great and no one can find it.

This is not an exhaustive list by any means, but you get the general marketing idea.

Wherever your mind can create, the possiblities can be endless.

The Millioniare Mind Gone Awry

Now, let's shift skill development over to personal empowerment. It's a leap by topic but hang with me.  Humbly stated, successful business starts with ownership of a proper mindset. Those entrepreneurs who truly help their fellow human beings radically incorporate new changes can often make the most money.  And.., there are exceptions to every rule.

Let's talk about 2 extremes in the world of wealth. If you're sincerely going to create real wealth you can manage and grow, you must first understand 2 mindsets.

Entrepreneurs Who Are Naturally Abundant Are Silent Powerhouses

Ever notice -- the ones who excel are too busy to lose even one simple moment in debate? Yes.., they're problem-solving, growing, researching, and working all the time. They are passionate about what they do -- giving back and helping others acheive whatever it is they set out to do within an area of expertise. So, let's talk about the silent powerhouses compared to the shortcutters. 

What The Powerhouses Do

Powerhouses look larger than life, but in reality, they are just longer term students applying their know-how. 

* These people are big on earning their money by tapping into/harnessing powerful resources. And.., they share everything they know! They pull in mastered principles, tools and techniques. These people know that business must follow a natural order. Flow with public need, meet demand as it evolves, build trust, offer ongoing support, and guess what you get?  You got it.  People pay when you've demonstrated your expertise. 


I'm saying this with care.

We do meet shortcutters in life.

* These folks are learning about how money flows into and out of any system.  You've heard about people who "win the lotto"...but then they lose it because they've gone into debt? It happens.  Lottos are scheduled to pay out increments over a period of decades.

These folks are still obtaining (if at all) wisdom needed to manage money assets. That's how a wealthy person can recreate their wealth. I'll cite -- you've most likely met some of the big gurus online who are selling "things you didn't know that you didn't need" on the back end? Yup. They're everywhere. Be a silent powerhouse. Keep your head down. Do the work. 

At WA, you stand to gain some of the most valuable marketing information available anywhere. It's still being organized but Kyle & Carson care. Their work reflects that ethic so when you're learning here, yes..., you're trying to digest a big pizza.

Repeating  -- Please be patient with your learning. Do not give up membership even if you find that your campaign is not immediately profitable. In many cases during first year of IM, it is most unlikely you'll create a profit unless you're an incredibly fast learner, already have some financial support in place, and can work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. No one can do that.  Internet marketing takes time.

The skills you stand to gain here are big. I'll share another reason why.

IM Applied For Higher Pay

Think in terms of the local businesses that are not yet online..., or if they are, they most likely have a weak website presence. If you've been in Internet marketing (IM) for a while, you know that this industry involves a substantial learning curve. 

You Can Offer Your Services To Businesses!

You don't have to master everything. Just get the basics.

1) tap into some writing

2) be ok with research

3) figure out what goes on a website to make it interactive

4) figure out how to create a data capture form -- you do this by picking up a $20/month autoresponder (A-Weber or GetResponse)....but you own the list until the business owner pays every dollar promised. If they run in other directions, you own the website and it's under your name (by domain).

5) figure out how to generate traffic..., convert those prospects into leads whichthen repeatedly buy from that business you're promoting

6) see where I'm going? 

For $5,000, you can construct a website with articles and data capture and autoresponder connectivity within a sub-niche (window painters...doctors.., dentists...avoid attorneys)...! Go for it!

Start local.

For $150 - $250/month, you can charge these small businesses an autoresponder fee to build and manage their lists, but the content must be written so that people will respond to these e-mails.

I'll stop there. In future posts, I will talk about what a multi-millionaire mindset includes and does not include so please stay tuned. The idea is to help you clear beliefs but then replace those beliefs with empowered ones!

Supporting Your Success Using Proven Internet Marketing Means,











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maureenhannan Premium
This is truly excellent. Thank you for taking the time to analyze and share your observations. ~ Maureen