Google Loves WordPress Pages VS. A Bunch of Posts, Part 2

Last Update: December 29, 2010

Welcome WA Buddies!

1) Welcome New Guys and Gals

Congratulations!  You have joined one of the most formative sites on the Internet today.   YES --  It's WA!  It is a New Economy website and it's kicking rump over some of our top schools (Harvard, Stanford, MIT) at executive levels.  I'll tell you why.  Kyle & Carson are teaching E-Commerce at it's best.  Many of the present universities are facing government pressure to revamp their programs (particularly at the graduate business management school level) because these programs are vastly outdated!

So here's comes the Internet.  It's leveling the playing field for your average Joe or Jane.  You don't have to spend $320,000 to get into Harvard.  What you must be willing to do is to learn, be patient, take as long as it's required to build some very solid e-marketing skills businesses will want and pay for.

Internet marketing is very real and I'll clue you further into why this is so.

1) There are many businesses already functioning successfully online.

2) There are many businesses who do not know how to move online.

3) You could very well be the one to learn what's needed to get these businesses up and running online.

4) Current business trends for the next 10 years (2010 - 2020) involve helping local area businesses get themselves online.  HINT ...hint ! 

To do something like this, you must know how to build a basic blog with starter content, know how to install the A-Weber code on the blog or website (to capture emails), and know how to basically build that small business's client list.

5)  If you were an executive in a firm already harnessing the power of the Internet (and many companies are), you would see firsthand how they  generate leads at the Internet marketing level they use attraction-based marketing ..., AND you'd also see how building an e-mail contact list gives you infinite opportunities to market back end products and services to that list for profit.

Corporations DO NOT teach this information because if they did, you wouldn't need them for a job!  I share this information from an executive viewpoint called the managerial MBA.

WA teaches you these 2 things.  DO NOT give up when you hit brick walls.  Learn what's involved in building a list (e-mail marketing) and setting up a website Google loves.  The best way to do this is to work through the WA WordPress Express system !!!   

Now...let's get into Part 2 of why Google Loves WordPress Pages VS. A Bunch of Posts!

Google Loves WordPress Pages VS. A Bunch of Posts, Part 2

I had one WA member ask me ..."So if we optimize our content (relative to the words someone enters into Google search), and if we add more pages relative to the organized number of posts we form, then Google will give us a higher indexing (and site rating)?


Here's why.

I'll explain it in very, very basic terms without creating major confusion because there are several Internet marketing related questions involved here. The main point to this post is to show you why your content should be clearly organized.  How well you do this determines just how people and Google view and use your sites.  

Think about a hair salon.  What goes onto that site?

You'd see things about the name of the business and it's location.

You'd see the whereabouts of the business. You'd see the principle owner and related operators within that business, and you'd see information about the products and services that business contains.

It's the same with your Internet marketing business.

If you're marketing Wealthy Affiliate education, your content should touch upon the basics you already see at this site...but it should NOT reveal finer points.  

If you're marketing health/wellness, you might talk about the method of fitness showcased on that site.  I'll cite the martial arts because that's one of my areas of expertise. So I would build a site that talked about Taekwondo and what it was.  I'd put basic content like privacy policy, contact us, legal, disclaimers, related products/services in place. Then I'd add posts over time boosting the benefits of martial arts use.  I would place 1 post on 1 page for easy reading.

Articles I'd write would talk about:

1) what's involved in basic training

2) the varied aspects of martial arts only black belts know

3) how someone becomes a black belt

4) how a student incorporates daily training into a tournament schedule...and so on.

5) then I'd add related products and services (affiliate products or direct mail)

See how it works?

So's true...when you put one relevant (and very meaningful, rich and helpful post) on it's own page, you are basically expanding your website.

All content pages relate to each other but there is no duplicate content from page to page. So when you think in terms of being a website viewer (...such as when you are looking at someone else's website), IF you have to comb through a smattering of posts to get to the relevant content, that's going to frustrate people.

BUT..., if you place 1 rich post of content on its own page, it's going to be easier for people to find out what's on that site.

I use Kohl' as another prime example.

There are 3 types of websites: 1) authoritative sites...2) miniature sites...and 3) blended sites that will carry a blog marrying to the site itself.

When you add ...say 1 post per month to your site and you put that post on it's own page, you have begun to build an authoritative site (one that's always growing). That means, the more pages and posts you add, the more Google will look at and measure it's value increasingly...just because it's growing and attracting a steady audience.

You can build a mini site that is also valuable, but the content there will be organized a bit in local niche marketing. An authoritative site is major....a mini site will showcase a small business. WA
is an authoritative site. In the mini site, the content is very brief on each page but it's generally designed to give surfers a general heads up on topics like nail salons, hair salons, and spas near you.

WA WordPress Express is a blended website. It looks and acts like a website but it's actually a blog. When the WordPress blog marries to the content seen on the Mad Marketing site (with lessons included), Google likes that kind of combo too.

I've bolded content on this post to make it readable.

Please let me know if this post makes sense or doesn't make sense and I'll qualify details further.

This is about helping you get what you need most when you need it now!

Toasting Your Success Online,


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sherbet penny Premium
I think this is one of the best posts I have read, very interesting and informative and the reason I love WA. Thank you.
Amarison Premium
Thank you for this excellent information..
Labman_1 Premium
Thank you Barbara.