Hello New Buddies!

Last Update: March 11, 2011

Hello...Hello New WA Buddies!

Well Wishes

Here's wishing you well this day and every other.  If there's anything any of us can do to be of help, do not hesitate for a moment to reach out. 

(NOTE:  Some of my blog content repeats a bit so you're not searching for posted content. It is in this way that your brain will store key information it can later use in your marketing campaigns.)

Reaching out regularly will be a huge key to your success.  

You've joined an amazing network of Internet marketers.  They come from all walks of life:  doctors, lawyers, affiliate marketers, network marketers, small businesses...you name it.  They're here working together.


Now That I'm Inside of WA...Now What?

The biggest question most new folks ask is who do I market..., what do I market..., and how?  Try not to worry about these details up front.  Just focus on the marketing basics as you work through the action plan by developing your blog...getting some content under your belt...building a starter following...and asking people what they want.  Based on peoples' responses, you will zero in on what you really like to do most often.

Here's a little secret.  When you wrap your mind around the little details..., you slow your progress. 

Pull in the WA Action Plan until it really makes solid sense:

* give yourself time

*  potentially become a very powerful marketer by believing in yourself

*  keep the work going

*  bug people in the forums and know that no question is too small

* as you give to this community, help will "magically" come back to you !  

(I cite the WA blog & funnel system.  There have been days where my blog content would hit or miss the mark, but Internet marketing is about attracting people based on your strengths.  As you keep working here, Kyle & Carson will continue their work on your behalf !  It may show up in your WA blog or appear in the form of a new tool like their emerging directory, Street Zines.)

Keep your thoughts going strong, day in and day out.   If you feel down, stop.  Take a break.  Pull in humor to change your thoughts immediately. 

Use exercise or do something else until you feel inspired.  It is at this time that you'll be your best.

Use the social networks to connect to people....but don't sell them.  Just connect...and build relationships.  Try not to set a time limit on "how people will be drawn to you".  Just focus on the feeling to magnetize similar minds to you.  It works! 

In time, people will come to you for guidance. That's when you can pull in the affiliate marketing because people will be ripe for help.

You will develop a following. 

Don't let your WA ranking bug you.  Just keep working on your WA profile. The work you do here eventually carries over to your own e-books, personal programs, and more!

WA works just like the real world online. 

Everything you do here carries over to any other Internet marketing website or corporation. 

The skills you learn are ones many people offline do not yet know.  That's why their eyes glaze over when you try to tell them what you're doing.  This is cutting-edge stuff. 

For those of you now appearing, you potentially represent a new breed marketer.  What people did online 5 years ago was vastly different.  Today, it means much more training, but that's a good thing.  It means you will become an expert in a few areas.  You will be able to "charge for pay".


How To Post Valuable Content

I'll cover something many publishers seem to miss:

* speak to others from your heart, and always speak in positive terms

* avoid criticism and in it's place, consider using constructive input such as, "You're doing X, Y, and Z very well...and this part needs additional work".   

(NOTE:  This is a mastered concept.   If you work on it daily even at your day job, a new shift will happen in your mind and with others.  It is in this way that you will draw hoards of people to you.)

If your WA profiles/blogs are moving slowly, that's OK.  It took me about 5 months before I figured out how the WA basics worked.  

Many blogs start out slow...but over time will develop.  If you look at some of my posts, some months carry content more than others.  That's because I'm rotating marketing tasks.

You can edit any post you don't like at any time.  As you zero in on what people want, your blog will serve as a major operating platform for your business.  It is in this way that people can leave their comments with you, and you can offer your ideas.

When you form posts just about anything, you will start to zero in on the topics that interest you most. This is what you're after...to get people to interact with you so you can help them zero in on real solutions.

(FINAL NOTE:  This blog tests mindset mastery and Internet marketing together.  It is the blend of these components that prepare you for lasting success.  Don't be afraid to strike out in bold ways.  It is in this manner that you will develop your own unique online presence.)

Toasting Your Success ...Absolutely,


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