Hostgator Coding Errors Affecting FTP!

Last Update: September 11, 2010

Hello WA Buddies!

Welcome new ones!  I'd like to offer a helpful hint to new folks before moving into this post.  This post talks to folks who have chosen to accelerate their learning by pulling in the WA Blog & Funnel System... but before I do that, allow me to address a few new member concerns. 

When you're new, there's a tendency to want Rome built in one night.   Even our fiercest marketing warriors realize this need can never be met by worrying and stressing. So your only course of action is to keep reading...digesting...sleeping on content..processing..connecting to others...sharing...and piecing together this marketing puzzle.  Pull in your 8-week plan.

If you've ever heard the saying, "The hare never won the race" this is true.  In time, you will learn what is meant by this saying.

Also -- you will make more progress by slowing down....concentrating, and focusing.  Then take consistent action.  Be very persistent.  Pretend that you are talking to me when you write your most basic articles and post..., especially if you don't have a list of contacts. 

You are like an infant when you are new and you must learn how to hold your head up..., then wobble...then stand..., crawl...walk..., and later run.  When you do this, you will hit your stride.  It won't happen right away.  Just be patient because Internet marketing is a process.

Once you master your first campaign, you will be able to walk faster!

Work the Funnel System and Use It For Other Campaigns

Now...for those of you who have been here a while...,  you've most likely figured out that the WA Blog & Funnel System setup had it's earlier challenges.  We hit troubles with log-in's and FTP sessions.  Stay tuned for more below because what I have to tell you will have you rocking out of your chair!

When you're setting up this system, you're harnessing the power of our superaffiliates -- all without experiencing their horrible growing pains.  You get the benefit of years and years of $$ invested, hired coaches, systems bought and extended, and more.  These people have forged the way for not give up on the blog & funnel just because it might (at first) look like there's not much on the front end. 

I'll give you a basic hint. 

Click on every active link and image.  The WordPress Express is connected to authority sites to help improve your ranking in time as you post more content, but you will have to do the work.

Next point ...,

Kyle & Carson set the system up for you to minimize SEO woes.  You will be the one who will find willing and hungry audiences, do the relating, tackle daily connecting, and then working with others.  But..., you have WA to show you how.

If you cannot give others what they want, you will not be successful. That's the law of the land.  Successful business people know this.  

Balance what you need with what others need, too...and know..success will come.  If you give up -- you won't see results.  If you keep going, you can't miss!

Next point...,

You will make sales.

Next point...,

New folks -- you can absolutely use this system right away.  You don't have to tough it out like more of us did these past several years...scratching our heads to realize what must first happen just to start a campaign.



Hostgator Coding Errors Affecting FTP!  404 Error Code...

In a wild frenzy, I worked until mid-night pouring through codes over at Hostgator and man...I was somewhat miffed.  It's time for an intense workout at the gym today.   It got to me but then I said...,"relax...things happen".

I found a series of errors tucked inside of some coding. I realized that these errors were giving me that blasted 404 error code (can't find the server).  Carson was correct.  Our web hosts present their own problems..., and Kyle is correct..., WA is upgrading their servers so it's been a challenging on both sides of the equation.

Inside of coded structure, there are symbols like --





These were missing!  That's it!

These missing symbols made it impossible for my Hostgator account to connect to WA...even when their servers were up.

When you go into your WordPress Express -- there is a way to validate coding.  Read on even if what I'm saying right here doesn't make sense.

Point the tool at your main domain connected to your WA WordPress Express blog.

The validating tool is --

Validation Markup Service

It shows errors on (your

Human eyes don't like to read this stuff but hang tight.

Here's what comes next.  There are options you check.  I picked XHML 1.0 Strict because I figured there are 2 types of languages we access -- HTML and XHTML.

The validator checks your domain and it looks at these problem areas for you.


Errors found while checking this document as XHTML 1.0 Strict!
Result:     9 Errors, 6 warning(s)

I don't know how it happened or if these symbols were missing following repeat FTP sessions.  What I do know is that I can go into my XHMTL files to add the missing symbols.

Anyone can do this.  If not -- contact your web host directly to ask someone to do it for you.

Hang in there.  When you hit these snags, write article content for your blogs in the meantime.  I must have written 70 extensive blog articles I can now split another 100 ways...pretty much since this error code first appeared!

If anything I post does not sink in, go into the forums for direct aid.  Our guys and gals are really active about helping..but they can only help so many people at one time.  They have to setup and manage their own campaigns in addition to tackling questions.  So...keep reaching out.  If 1 buddy doesn't answer, keep bugging buddies until someone can.

Please offer your most basic Q's, no matter how simple they may seem to you.  Offer tough ones if you like.  I'll research it for you and offer my solutions or I'll bug Kyle & Carson for you.  This is about working together to hit the target at massively successful levels.

P.S. -- What you folks don't know is that there are major marketing powerhouses outside of WA watching.  I'm going to tell you that these people are heading up major MLM companies.  They are watching silently.  They know that if our newest folks keep working...something interesting will take place.  Are you intrigued?  Even if you only affiliate market products/services online, you will be the New Vanguard and you want to work diligently.  Google is moving in "real time search directions" so you want to be trained throughly to meet this challenge head on.

Toasting Your Success!



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Renni Premium
I host most of my sites at WA but have a client who wanted to stay with Ipage. There are numerous coding errors on the site and I have no idea how to fix them. The last time I tried to tweak some simple html in the Editor, I completely goofed up the site and, luckily, got some help PDQ from Alpina - thank God for him! Your post makes me think maybe I should call Ipage directly. I think I'll do that before I try anything else. Thanks for the excellent advise overall.
Old Mizer Premium
Wow.... 19 errors. Now I just need to figure out how to fix them. LOL
famousplumber Premium

Another bookmark for me. I, too,have a Hostgator account,so this is great info. Thanks!