How $$ Appears Online, Working Your WA Blog & Funnel

Last Update: September 01, 2010

Welcome Back WA Buddies,

How $$ Appears Online, Working Your WA Blog & Funnel

First -- Howdy to new WA Buddies!  

I do read and respond to your comments so if I miss anyone, comments are incoming from different places here at WA

For people new to WA, you've probably wondered what the blog & funnel system are.  It's a turnkey system designed to prevent you from pulling your hair out.

I recommend you consider using this system because many of my blog posts (but not all) are dedicated to setting up and using this system.  

It took me 3 years just to figure out the first parts of setting up a blog and funnel.  Now it's here for you in 10 minutes.

Test Your Links On The WA Blog

You've probably done this, but you can ask a buddy to do the testing on their end.  They will be able to tell you what they see (the most important part).

1)  Ask them to test your A-Weber so that they can see your stuff works.

They should click on the link in their email in-box to show you that the subscribe button to your newsletter works.

2)  If you can't find a buddy, let me know and I'll take a look.


What you want to do is write articles for your blog that pick out slices of compelling content related to the 3 reports appearing on your blog:

Who Loves Money
Inside the List
Niche Q

  • Be careful NOT to cut/paste content directly from these 3 reports
  • You want to dangle a few carrots so they will come back for more help...
  • We are positioning you (believe it or not)...
  • Yes...Wealthy Affiliate appears all over your blog and funnel but that's because your system is connected to AUTHORITY SITES.
  • WA has been around long enough to earn a high quality score, high page rank, and build both their organic (natural) traffic + their pay-per-click traffic
  • Your blog & funnel benefit from Kyle& Carson's work!
  • Having links leading to authority sites is what gives you a decent listing with Google.


It will feel as if you're getting nowhere..but the reverse is true. 

What you are doing is setting up an infrastructure leading to automation!

That part is needed so that you don't implode when you start see people coming your way.

Trust me.  They will come.


EXAMPLE:  Take a look at PotPieGirl's WA Blog (inside of WA).  She has 20,000 or so in traffic.  This can't happen if you have no system in place.


1)  Find intriguing content  inside of WA without spilling all of the beans

2)  See if your articles will compell people to get more information from you

3)  Your blog posts and articles showcasing your WA Blog & Funnel

gives you high quality backlinks leading people to your blog and website.

That's what you want articles to do.

4)  Please be patient

5)  I've been at this for going on 5 years...and you guys are getting major results in a few weeks!

6) Don't give up...

7)  You're on a profound path because once you see how Internet marketing can work, you can potentially set up major campaigns for businesses charging major $$.., and you can manage your own multiple campaign...

8)  We can't promise the moon...

The gurus already did that.

9)  We're here to show you that IM is real..., but it won't be learned for nothing.

10)  Business ownership is HARD WORK but beats working for someone else.

11)  We're basically automating at this point so if you also form blog posts inside of WA, you will attract people....

It is inevitable!

Some new marketers don't realize that the most powerful job on the planet is Internet marketing.  

It's still fairly new, and many businesses offline are working dead websites that do nothing.  They don't capture data (leads) or build lists, but they do cost professionals $$ in pay-per-click.

The smartest professionals learn these skills and then they apply them to their practices.  When they do this, they beat the pants off their competitors.


WA switched it's servers to decrease load time.  They're still adding more.  New folks coming in the door are getting fairly high rankings inside of WA by complaining. 

So there are people here who have only formed 5 or 6 blog posts and they've hit a rank of #13.  Let's get real.  In life, anything that comes too easily to some means they haven't hit many brick walls and I often witness them quitting.

I had 4,000 in traffic before WA switched to it's new platform and had to start over.  Oh well.  Chalk it up to business.  You get setbacks from time-to-time, but that's not enough to stop any work.  That's because I know that people are more important than these brick walls.

You'll hit brick walls.

So if you are hitting that "Man...I can't stand this anymore feeling..., I just want to give up emotion" me and I'll share other coping strategies with you.



  • get traffic...
  • notice ...people are now coming to you...
  • it's a critical mass thing
  • they ask you Q's but often not until you offer help...
  • they'll follow your recommendations (like click on links...go here..and go there)...

You have to put yourself out there first...otherwise, it's a "Why should I even buy from you Jack..I don't know you from Adam or Jane"?

Think like a pro.

  • As people start to know you and they see that you won't steer them wrong, that's when you'll be able to present an offer where some will buy...
  • Don't get discouraged at this point....because people will still want to watch you to see more of what you do...
  • As you build your list and communicate to that list, you can offer 3 emails of helpful content by pulling content inside and outside of WA to form your articles
  • On the 4th email, include your offer through an affiliate link but don't be shy  
  • Your affiliate link assesses need long before it's really offered

Someone gets tired of logging into websites on the net, just to navigate the Internet.

You know they're struggling with that need because you've been there. 

So you wait for them to get fed up with this problem.

One day..., Joe comes to you and say, "Man..., I can't stand these log-in's and passwords"!

That's when you present your link.

It's connected to software like password manager or something else that simplifies the log-in process.

You might get a small commission but you've just made your first $$.

From that point forth, you're doing the same thing over and over again until you build your earnings by using different methods.

IM is a numbers game..., use the 3 - in - 1 email rule, then present offers over and over again until you hit the earnings you need.

It will come.

Toasting Your Success Online,



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famousplumber Premium
Yes! Thank you for this specific, nuts and bolts info. It is very helpful
Louise M. Premium
Thanks for this very good post Barbara!! :)