How Do I Build A Great Marketing Network?

Last Update: October 21, 2010

Hello WA Buddies!

In the course of bringing you sterling service, it's not enough to mention basics. It's better to let you in behind the scenes to help you emulate and become the best possible marketers online!

Before I get started, welcome new buddies! I'm not always finding every one of you so I will apologize in advance.  If you post your comments on my blog or write me a private email, I'll be able to reply more easily.  

Every person is important and every person is special (as crazy as this reads).

Please bookmark everything you find most interesting inside of WA to save you major time spent searching.

Now...let's get into the heart of matters.  To build your powerful marketing network, the answers are very simple:

  • It starts with persistent work
  • It means writing posts and plenty of them along lines your heart will communicate
  • Consider starting out with blogging because it doesn't require technical skills or a intensive reading
  • Pull in the WA Blog & Funnel
  • Pull in Facebook by starting your own profile
  • If you don't have a profile, just start
  • Go over to Linked-In and form a profile there
  • Go to Twitter and get a FREE account
  • You can consider Plaxo too so get a profile there.

Now pull in regular posts. If you post once a week, be steady with that effort.  If you only post once a month, the more you do this, the faster your results will be.  You are building an early web work.  Think spider web. The baby steps you take now build over time into incoming traffic!  It will not happen overnight.

If you do not know how to get content for your early web's what you can do.

Emulate Top Marketers

Look for very cool people online.  Start first inside of WA where you are protected. That way, you won't have every non-WA guru hitting you up with their offers

One of the reasons why WA is here is because you are protecting your wallet and your time. You truly don't need to face 50 other external offers sparkling like twinkling lights to daze and confuse you.

When you first start out online, it's very easy to be distracted. What you're looking for are systematic, step-by-step aids showing you how things work.

At WA, it's here for you so you won't spend countless thousands looking for just the right tool. 


  • protect your business interests when you're online working
Watch out for --
  • needless spending we call "cash donations"
  • avoid some of the latest and greatest product launches -- they  are not always the best thing for you right now
  • once you have a campaign up and running actively, you'll know more about what you need and don't need
  • become your own Internet advocate so that you will only tap into proven services and marketers who make good on their offers to support you whenever you buy something from them.

Here's what I do to protect my online biz:

1) When we're new, we are like crows and we think the latest thing will be a magic key...

when...there's no substitute for application!

Your dedicated spirit, IM studies, and application = know-how to bring you real success!

knowledge + right-minded action applied = wealth

In future posts, I talk more about what right-minded action means so please stay tuned for more help.  I've paid the absolute best marketers online to bring you this content.

(NOTE: You'd think the major gurus would teach this stuff, but they make big $$ selling the next best thing. Some may. Many many not. The best ones always do so please beware and be wise.)

2) To check whether or not an Internet marketing resource is even worth it's weight in gold ...(as they say), you're avoiding a persistent reality that some offer is more likely worth its weight in straw...

Networking Is Far More Valuable Than Anything Out There!

  • When you are building up the content on your early blogs, you're after content that will grab people's attention
  • You are then going into the social networks to publish quick posts leading people to your blogs
  • At first -- it seems futile
  • Over time -- it begins to work!
  • You will get traffic
  • Use common sense to guide you
  • I could spell it out all day long but it's really better for you if you just dive in..and use your passion to move you forward
  • Give it several months

You will begin to see results. It's starts out with a trickle of traffic. Then you get a few followers who will email you personally for help. Then as you build more content on your blogs, you will attract even more people.

Internet marketing is contagious when it targets a hungry crowd.

When you have content people are salivating to read, you will have to post..., and test your content to get to the meaty stuff.  I admit -- even inside of WA, I protect my most sensitive content.

Then keep Twitter...Facebook...Linked-In...and Plaxo going.

Add friends.

Just connect.

As you expand your network inside of WA and in the social networks, you will begin to attract people to you.  It won't be the other way around.


Your internal WA Blog is no different.  What you're after are interesting content articles (you can find inside of WA already).  Reword..and shorten depending on what you're striving to do.  You might only promote Strip That Fat.

If so, then you're going outside of WA to free sites to gather up more content supplementing and enhancing Strip That Fat.

First...stay inside of WA..., but if you can't find everything you need...then go outside of WA to research your options.

Follow Other Blogs

When you look at top marketers outside of WA, you want to find blogs that are rich and extremely helpful not only for you but for others you think (and passionately feel) will be looking to you for help.

Now, let's move into resources you can tap into to expand your content.

Use This Approach

  • Avoid websites that only trap you in exchange for your wallet
  • Look at sites or blogs that will give you the biggest content at a smaller price
  • If you hit a site that sparkles with riches, that's not the kind of content readers will want...if you're even promoting Strip That Fat.

Look out for faulty sites that promise in their content:

  • A " too good to be true" blog or site which doesn't make logical sense or add a real message that will help people in your market.
  • You don't want to promote messages that take out all of the work for people...where they swallow a pill and burn fat while sleeping (without any exercise involved)
  • Pick sensible content they can relate "eating sensibly" for STF promos...
  • And look for limitations in some of the ad copy that's out there
  • Avoid content that, wealth, and riches in 24 hours.
  • You want your content to be better show what's involved on the back end (delivery of product).
  • Stay away from sites or blogs that promote content pushing the public into immediate offers they can't resist. That way -- you'll offset your refund rates too.

When You Want Alternative Ad Copy (Ideas) for Your Blogs --

Consider, the free stuff.  You're only spending time to get it. 

Pull in --

* Reviews

* Ask people in your buddy networks who they like most

Angles of Marketing Promotion 

This is help for fine tuning your content on your blogs and or websites or affiliate promotions (not requiring marketing stuff you build from scratch)...

* The "scam word"  -- is only another marketing angle affiliates use to get you to buy through their if they are top, top marketers, you will see fewer offers coming from these guys...but your own content should reflect clean and clear messaging...

* Reviews..are another marketing angle, and so are product recommendations.

You can pull in other major marketers names into the titles of your blogs to divert traffic and convert it that people will go to your blogs, websites and into affiliate link promos.

Embed Affiliate Links Are Good And Not So Great

  • What happens is that conversions drop when people have to go through a lot of different steps to get to your offers.
  • What is great about this is that you weed out surfers before they waste your time

Your Content Can Move Affiliate Products

Whenever you go outside of WA, the best marketers move the most promising tools, tips, and helpful tricks which bring people into their content. If this does not make sense, email me and we'll break down your Q's further.

In any of your content, notice HOW other marketers visit with their audiences. When you are building blog and website content, you are pulling in your network of contacts to help you develop your messages.

E-Mail Content

* Sometimes, top marketers make mistakes on product recommendations, but they will immediate remove their email offers...telling you "this wasn't a good idea for these following reasons"...

* Glen Livingston, Ph.D. is another solid marketer online (just watch him...don't buy at high levels) is very good at writing ad copy...or he outsources strong copywriters -- pay attention to HOW he builds content into his messages.

Follow Masters

* Eric's Tips -- I've talked about Eric before..., but he's an absolute master in email marketing -- if you opt-into his free newsletter online...just Google Eric's Tips...but know that everything he has embedded in his content is also affiliate stuff..and he's good at creating urgency so you'll buy.  MAIN POINT BEHIND ERIC HOLMHUND - YOU SEE THE EMAIL SYSTEM AT WORK SO YOU CAN PULL IDEAS INTO YOUR CAMPAIGNS - THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT TO DOCUMENT...

Then pull in your social networks and WA networks + forum networks to test your messages.

When you are testing, you will also be building your networks.  It's sort of a 2 birds with 1 stone reality. As you are doing 1 thing (writing and testing content), you are also building your networks.

To find content that works, promote products that will last.  You don't want high refund rates. 

Reverse engineer back end content to write the front end offer in your blog posts. It's easier than writing from a blank paper without knowing what you're moving on the back end.

Bullet point list problems people will have before they buy the product/service you are reverse engineering (working backwards - forwards).

You want to talk about the problems and pains they face in your front end article writing (blog posting).

Spot Products That Make Sense To You

Pull in your buddy network. See if you can isolate some problem one of them has.  Now go over to clickbank.


-  Pick 1 that will be solid -- will be there in 6 months or a year or in 2 years! 

If it's weak and full of hot air, it won't stand 2 or even 4 months. 

* Make sure that anything you write about or even promote in your networks will be sound!

There should be low refund rates on any products you personally test and move.

Top Marketers Hopefully Do 3 Things:

1) They write solid ad messages (ad copy)

2) They set the ad message up so it moves the consumer to the product

3) They close the deal

Your blog posts do these 3 things. So do your websites.  If you using, you can't toss a lot of affiliate links out there or Google closes your account...

Instead...use a landing page to bufffer your ad messages.

Put your ad messages on a blog...and send traffic to your landing page as it ties into your blog.

* By pulling in the WA blog & funnel, all of that connectivity is done for you!

* Verify that anything you move appears at  clickbank and has a history.

* If you go to a major guru for affiliate marketing, most of these ad message problems are solved for you. That's why you want to pick the best marketers you personally can endorse.

* If you are not sure what to promote and you're looking at a site that has great messages on it..., but you really don't know if it has solid delivery on the back end... pull up,

Alexa --

1) Alexa shows you the website value (to spot people who say they're making millions when they haven't turned a steady profit OR.., you will see people who are up-and-coming and who are great but they are not yet in steady profit so you're keeping those 2 facts in mind.)

You don't want any blog posts or ad messages on your main sites promoting people like this.

Weight your factual information carefully.  If you're writing ad messages, you can pull in a few headlines (titles of articles) and use statistics. 9 doctors recommend brand X over Y. See if you can spot solid ad copy in the marketing niche you're considering. 

If you are not sure how to identify your smallest market, pick up a magazine at your local store to confirm.  Pull ad copy out of magazines and trade journals.

Website Calculator Shows A Site's Value

When you are asking your network to see what you have posted, your messages should "show them the way"...much as those messages will show consumers a way to get your product.

Verify sites that you emulate for your own messages carry solid consumer value.  Check out...

2) The website value calculator to enter the name of the site you're researching 

Look at traffic -- you'll see it listed online.

3) Think like a private investigator so you will pick solid ad messages supporting solid products.

4) Whenever you're thinking about purchasing an affiliate product...go straight to the superaffiliate to see their direct verify what's being moved (correctly by other affiliates).

Sometimes this can be hard to do so that's .why we stick with top marketers..., but there are also great, great affiliates who are new and who are moving superaffiliate content. They should be rewarded for their honest efforts! 

Weight What You Read Online

If you like someone outside of WA, and you know they are helping people well, then you can probably trust them for content ideas.

You can build your network by showing them market options. I know this advice rubs against a conventional marketing grain. Many top mentors suggest that  you only build a closed marketing system (where people cannot go beyond your business). I leave that choice up to you.

When people know that you are there to help, they will follow many of your recommendations.

When you are building your network inside and outside of WA, pull in forums to grow that network.  Test your ad messages inside of every network you've built.

Using Products Before You Move Them

Here's where this post may be confusing. We're blending writing effective ad messages with product movement and low refund rates.

We're working to offer high quality to as many people as we can, once they know they can trust you. We're using the network to confirm who they like and don't like ahead-of-time.

If there's a product you've moved in your network only part of the time, you want to find out why it didn't move most of the time. Use your networks to confirm...

BEFORE you put your ad messages on your blogs and major websites.

If you find that you've bought something and you think it is absolutely awful, reverse your own charges. Get your $$ back and don't be shy about it!

Don't promote anything you wouldn't use for yourself. That makes good sense and will take you far.

To protect consumers, you have to protect yourself first.  So content isn't really about filling up white space.  It's about finding what will work and serve the public well. We know that much and I know you do too!

But..if you are testing a few products before you make recommendations, go back into your networks to ask buddies what they think. Ask them to check your content (ad messages) to see if it makes sense.

Do not write ad messages that promote continuity programs getting people no where. That's why I talk about not using sites that promote overnight success at health, wealth, and love levels.

In continuity programs what they do is this:

* get your credit card

* promise the moon

* upsale you

* keep you paying

* you get a lot of stuff on your hard-drive doing you no good.

Make sure no one is using your credit card account repeatedly without your permission.  I sincerely hope I'm spelling out customer service for you thoroughly.

You want to always make sure your content can be backed by solid offers. That's the bottom line.

If you get stuck in a continuity program but don't know it, it will involve some amount you might miss on your credit card statement.

  • Always check your credit card statements monthly to make sure all charges are in line with what you're expecting.
  • If you are using WA promos to carry content matching the education, you can affiliate market

A-Weber, domain name registration, web hosting, your Internet marketing education.

You want to tell the public the same things I'm doing here...more succinctly. I'm working on that part as I publish here first and refine on my external blogs. You want to do the same. Write in notepad. Get your thoughts in place...test...confirm...and rewrite.

Protecting Consumers Builds Your Following

If you opt-into a program you didn't know would lead to "extra, undisclosed charges" --

*  Look for small amounts that are surprises and call the phone # by the transaction appearing on your statement if something isn't right.  DO THIS WITHIN 60 DAYS OR LESS OR YOU'LL LOSE ANY REFUND RECOURSE.

* You are paving the way for consumers by doing this for yourself.

5) The main job at hand here is to help you become savvy in your ad messaging..., and be very discerning by only tapping into best information the public will support.

That way -- you wil take your business into steady profit.

6) Roll out "Van, Cleef, and Arpel" diamonds...instead of K-Mart fakes. carpet...sterling service.. and top quality marketing to become the best you can be!  That's what we want for you!

This was a tough post.  I had to entirely rewrite the darned thing so it would make some sense..., but if it doesn't, let me know and I'll go back to the drawing board on your behalf!

Toasting Your Success Online,


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mr.billee Premium
hello barb -u- r- such a positive power of example 2-all of us here ! feel that we r-blessed to have people such as yourself!!!!!-bill
jatdebeaune Premium
This blog was like sitting down and having a conversation with a very bright friend. I like the Van Cleef and Arpel analogy. I've stopped spending money on programs for a while. Feel that WA has everything I need to have a successful business right now, though I read material all the time to grow my knowledge and understanding of marketing. I'm learning from good marketing sales techniques. I have my own style and have resolved to go with it which makes what I say at least authentic. I hope people appreciate that at the very least I'm honest.
WRI Premium
Barbara, Your posts always make sense to those who think outside the box,, but this up date WOW you really pulled it all in and summed it up nicely 8)
WRI Premium
Thanks this fantastic post Barbara!
I could read it twenty times and still find diamonds in it !

Your WA buddy,