How Do I Start My Campaign, Part 2?

Last Update: June 11, 2010

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How Do I Start My Campaign, Part 2 ?

Visiting with a WA buddy this morning. He asked, "My problem is not how to start but how to stay motivated". The information in this post expands, "How I Got Started Online" (another post) so it may have some repetitious content. 

When you know what you're doing to get an end-result (paid), the marketing becomes fun. Here's what I mean.

Focus On Getting Results

What motivates marketers is NOT the process, but the end result -- getting paid. Yes -- there are other motivators, but this has to be the primary one to stay afloat. Start by identifying what is absolutely needed.  If you start with a product and then find the market, it will end in dismal failure. Start with finding a hungry market.

Here's What I Did During Year 1

I found the hungry market. It has to be big, but it has to be one you can compete in to get paid well. It can't compete with large firms, and it must be big enough to establish ongoing pay (supporting your most preferred lifestyle like $100K/year).

Then..., I started researching the mindset to see what people bought, when they bought things, and concretely looked at how much they paid to get what they needed (listing precisely what they bought by name, title, product, price).

INSERTION: I kept my learning going.  It's ongoing.  You have to become the very best at whatever it is you do.  It may be diet counseling, it may be fitness coaching, it may be financial advising, it may be stock market advising, it may even be "cleaning your home effectively using the least amount of energy and time". The more specific you can pin down your skills, the better you'll do. These skills must be in demand.

Align your "whatever you really do best" to your market.  Make a list of EVERYTHING you've done, big to small. Often, the small things you've done will translate into something that really pays!!


(Not blowing my horn...just giving you an example)..., I have been a martial arts instructor for 23 years. I create masterful business owners and advanced black belts..., but more concretely,  I am pretty good at helping people learn what's needed to move them into business profit. I teach at beginner, intermediate, advanced, certified, and superadvanced levels (business owner in profit. These skills translate into a full line of educational needs + products + tools + techniques + e-books + whitepapers + newsletter + seminars + online teleconferences + DVD's.  I set up price points 2 specific markets bear.

I'm transitioning all of those skills online so this is a business evolving. I've just shared my basic business plan with you which does change with time and need.

3 Audiences Attracted (By General Niche)

* struggling network marketers who've taken a heavy hit to their pocketbooks by their companies

* those who want to earn more $$... -- the niche is being tested to zero in on an underserved market (that part is very important to your overall success)

* affiliate marketers at levels they demand most

Determine Overall Direction In A Campaign

* I test all content but ask people lots of questions to zero in on specific needs.

* I focus on quality content and high-powered business information people can really use (how to step-by-step stuff) solving real business needs

* I am testing all of my content here with you!  That's how big you are.

Split The Campaign Into Profitable Segments

* This part takes more time. It's knowing which sub-niche will buy what based on their needs, not mine. It has to be this way because the wealthiest people are servants of the public.

* This phase of Internet marketing becomes a long term thing once the initial marketing group is served (network marketers moving business online)

What Was Done To Get the Ball Rolling

* Focus on connecting to others. I talk about this all the time, to the point where buddies are tired of reading about it.

* Identify who's searching for what.

* People will follow purchasing patterns.  You're looking at who fits into which distinct segments you're marketing. I know this part is foggy. Hang with me a bit longer.

1) I have network marketers who want to earn $$ from specific places

2) I have affiliates who have vast opportunity sitting in their hands, but they don't have enough know-how yet and they're not sure where to begin.

To Set Up The Campaing

* You must have something to send people to.

* Start with a blog.  It's easy.

* Find content you want to promote that will be in big demand. The content must be of high quality because there's a lot of garbage on the net. The content must fit into a stream of thought and need. So, it should first start out free but then it should lead to paid items.

* The content must speak to people using their mindset, their words, and their products

* Your group must be able to afford what you're offering

* Develop a following by offering the FREE content first. It must be valuable to work

* Nurture people

* Be there

* Start offering suggestions to help them solve their pains, frustrations, and needs

Capture Contact Information

* You need your autoresponder before you can do this, but you have to be ready for it.

* Add your autoresponder (A-Weber or GetResponse) only after you've played with content on your blog for about 6 months minimum.

* Keep publishings going but ask people for a committment like "please offer your comments or suggestions so that I can serve you better".  Ask them to "sumit their contact information in total confidence so that they can get more information from you".

* Form your own newsletter. This is done in the autoresponder to build a following. Keep testing content. Ask people to "beta-test" your content. That works. Ask them to tell you specifically what has to be improved and ask them to tell you what they're wanting (by content).

* The code you create in your autoresponder is the code that is cutted/pasted into your WordPress blog or your Blogger blog. That code is the web form (3 empty lines) people fill out to leave you their contact information (name, phone.., could be e-mail or complete addresss). This builds your list.

*  Their names appear in your autoresponder listed under one of your named campaigns.


* Again..., it takes some time to know what people are looking for.  Head over to to see what people buy in a particular niche. Note -- the books, the DVD's, the list of Dummies Series  (this helps you spot profitable niches).

* Offer a free report, a free video, a free whitepaper or guidebook, offer ways to do something better, offer a 10-day bootcamp series into something they want.

* These offers come from your autoresponder.

Build Your Website

I will stop here because there's a lot to digest. Tomorrow, I'll talk about what has to go on a website to be interactive, informative, and more. 

So...again...find the hungry sub-niche that will pay, set up a blog with rich content, get people's contact information but do this by giving them something they'll really want for FREE. Then, talk to them through your ongoing newsletter.

Your brain is digesting, processing and piecing so be patient. The market research process takes the most time. From there, you're talking to people directly.

Toasting Your Success Using Proven Marketing Means,










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